Saturday, July 27, 2024

Potential Zambia – Rwanda Conflict Needs Explanation-UPND


By Charles Kakoma

The recent allegations made against Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu in court by a Rwandese National Liberation Force ( NLF) rebel, Calixte Nsabimana, alias Sankara, are of a very serious nature, and have potential for far reaching consequences for Zambia’s peace and security and that of the entire Great Lakes and SADC Region.

There’s thus need to carry out a full investigation, so as to get to the bottom of this serious allegation. The Zambian people have the right to know whether indeed or not, Edgar Lungu did provide support to rebel leader Sankara as he alleged during his trial.

If indeed he did provide such support the Zambian people would also like to know why he took such a risk knowing very well the implications of such involvement to the security of the Zambian people. Rwandan President Paul Kagame is known for his belligerent and war mongering tendencies , would easily grab an opportunity such as this to draw Zambia into a conflict situation such as he has been doing in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC) for decades.

This must be avoided at all costs. We are aware about the tense statement from State House Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe which simply distanced President Lungu from the allegation. Zambians need more information on the matter. Was Sankara or any member of the rebel group ever in Zambia? If he or his representative did, what was he doing in our country?

The Patriotic Front and Kagame’s party signed a Peace and Security Pact a few years ago. What necessitated the Pact? Can the Patriotic Front disclose the contents of this Pact?

Since the allegations were made in court in Rwanda, is the Zambian government going to testify in court to challenge the information?

We therefore call upon President Edgar Lungu to come out clean on these allegations without any further delays. He owes the Zambian people an explanation, hence he must speak to the nation directly about what he knows about the these rebels . He must address the nation through the press on this specific issue. Issuing mild statements will not do. He must talk to us directly.

We also call upon the SADC to urgently carry out investigations through it’s Organ on Defence and Security on these allegations given their serious security implications.


  1. I sincerely hope these allegations that currently appear far fetched are NOT true.
    However, if true then Zambia should hand over President J0n@ to Rwanda for law to take its course. If he’s still living once he’s served his term, he should be flown back to Zed to answer a lot of allegations of Corruption, misuse of office, directing violence via his beloved P.F Cadres & other misdemeanours against the State.
    One charge he cannot escape is his T@2!la illegally fencing off State land & Dad was aware, thereby being an accessory to crime.
    When flying him to & fro Rwanda, please use the Challenger Jet,. but make sure he’s cuffed & sitting on the floor, no Champagne, just “chikoloki na loko buns”
    Lastly, PFMUSTGO!

  2. I sincerely hope these allegations that currently appear far fetched are NOT true.
    However, if true then Zambia should hand over President J0n@ to Rwanda for law to take its course. If he’s still living once he’s served his term, he should be flown back to Zed to answer a lot of allegations of Corruption, misuse of office, directing violence via his beloved P.F Cadres & other misdemeanours against the State.
    One charge he cannot escape is his T@2!la illegally fencing off State land & Dad was aware, thereby being an accessory to crime.
    When flying him to & fro Rwanda, please use the Challenger Jet,. but make sure he’s cuffed & sitting on the floor, no Champagne, just “chikoloki na loko buns”
    Lastly, PFMUSTGO!

  3. Ba under5…for sure. No party manifesto, No offering solutions, Speaking same things year in year out. You can’t govern on a ten point plan. We are seeing with our eyes the infrastructure development taking place country wide. Mongu is looking beautiful and up coming. Even those who gave hh 32000 votes and El 200 votes today they have electricity.

  4. Kakoma more like you need to be bent over, underwear pulled down and then whipped with a bamboo stick on your black behind until you learn to be mature. You come across as desperate

  5. Edgar Lungu is financing terrorist he must be arrested and handed over to ICC in Hague.

    He is pushing similar agenda in Zambia to have civil war so that he grips on power.

    PF must go!

  6. I hear he went to Rwanda probably to apologize or to explain himself to kagame, of which I see no need for a self respecting president. Just send an ambassador maybe. Let him stay there in Rwanda and answer for his erratic behavior. We won’t miss him one bit seeing he has caused mayhem in Zambia i.e. stealing, corruption, shooting and killing innocent people using his militia carders sometimes in police uniform, gassing, burning markets, rigging elections, debts, compromising institutions of governance for his selfish ends, marginalizing certain citizens, hate speech, etc.


  7. Kakoma you are are the ” Comical Ali “of UPND.

    They are so many important things that you should be raising to enforce accountability as an opposition party. Yet you always pick up lies and irrelevant subjects at a loss of your own reputations.

  8. The biggest question is ‘Why is it of all the African leaders only Lungu has been mentioned?’There is no smoke without fire. This man is actually more dangerous than he portrays, the sooner we see his back the better!!

  9. These are far fetched falsehoods. Zambia with its naivety and undercooked politicians still does not have people with malice to support despots. The nation has given refuge to Rwandese and other refugees for generations. Kigame should just continue enjoying his role as a western pseudo puppet. He can leave his mess in the Congo. Even if I don’t like the PF like my FDD, even they are not too shallow to deal with cross border conflicts. For the sake of conspiracy theorist Zambians let their be an investigation. Kikikiki

  10. Case 3 of our latest FIC report shows that we are living dangerously with some foreign Nationals sponsoring acts of terror in other countries. We definitely have a National Security Time bomb on our hands. What is sad is FIC forwarded these findings to the relevant Security wings for action. What remains to be seen is whether or not action has been taken to freeze bank accounts for the foreigners in question. Zambia should not allow itself to become a safe haven for terrorists or we’ll pay a heavy price! I want to believe Mr ECL is innocent until proven guilty. What has put his name on the sewer is his associations with individuals with international dubious reputation! We are judged by the type of friends we keep.

  11. Kakoma all over again!!! Playing silly buggers! Burning markets,gassing attacks, so called youth bush protests. In Trump fashion, blaming someone or others. Stop it! Listen to Kambwili .
    Concentrate on getting rid of the Sejani disease.

  12. The President of Rwanda has said that the territories who was arrested has never been to Zambia, The President of Rwanda said he enjoys the relationship with Zambia.. Ba under5 its now pants down. 10-0 this social media be careful.

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