Thursday, February 13, 2025

Minister of Local Government warns Council Officials allocating land illegally


Minister of Local Government Charles Banda has warned of stern action against Council Officials engaging in illegal land allocation.

Dr Banda has regretted the exchange of words between Matero Member of Parliament Lloyd Kaziya and Matero Ward 28 Councillor Anne Chinyanta over illegal last allocation.

He said the Ministry will not hesitate to discipline all erring officers that will be found wanting.

Dr Banda said the Ministry of Lands and his Ministry will investigate reports of illegal land allocation in Matero Constituency.

He said his Ministry has taken the Matero matter seriously and all erring officers will be brought to book if the investigations reveal any illegalities in the issuance of the land.

Dr Banda said illegal land allocation is posing as a challenge in improving service provision to the people.

He has advised all Council Workers to preserve their integrity and avoid engaging in such illegal activities which are detrimental to the economy.

In a video that has gone viral on social media, Matero Member of Parliament, Lloyd Kazhiya is seen accusing the area Councillor of Matero Ward 28, Councilor Anne Chinyanta of selling land illegally designated to be the road reserve.


  1. One of the reasons why PF must be voted out of power. They are so abscessed with corruption that they forget why they are in power.

  2. Kabiye’ uko iwe’Ch@lesi.
    P.F has legalised mediocrity, lawlessness in Zambia, even 0mega J0n@ Banyamulenge Mukula does not say anything or discipline erring party officials, coz he’s turned Zambia into Mobutuism Zaire.
    I’m sure iwe’ chi Ch@lesi, the ladies illegally selling land are your side chicks, hence the impunity.
    Lastly, P.F.MUZILONGA!

  3. K@b!ye’ uko iwe’Ch@lesi.
    P.F has legalised medi0crity, l@wlessness in Zambia, even 0mega J0n@ Banyamulenge Mukula does not say anything or discipline erring party officials, coz he’s turned Zambia into his own drunken version of Mobutuism Zaire.
    I’m sure iwe’ chi Ch@lesi, the ladies illegally selling land are your relatives or side chicks, hence the impunity.
    Lastly, P.F.MUZILONGA!

  4. Kaziya was right, but he was attacked by that PF vicious woman, a “very styupid councillor” . Don’t fight, make love.
    PF Minister supporting PF MP. PF Mayor supporting PF Councillor. Let’s see where Lusambo and KBF stands.
    PF is like kennel.

  5. kikikikiki the drama in the Moabites (mob bites) camp is beyond comprehesion, when i watched the video instead of cry for zambia i just laughed. especially the part where councillor was accusing the MP that he was not on the ground and how many funerals he had been to in the community, i never knew that attending funerals is also a measurment on how hardworking one is in their community.

  6. Illegal land allocation is something I take very seriously since squatters tried to take over my land illegally. There is need for respect when it comes to land ownership. I was called names for claiming land I rightfully owned

  7. If council officials are engaging in illigal allocation of land they need to be fired and arrested. That is gross misconduct and immidiate action should be taken otherwise this can be seen as lip services to your cohorts who are the main beneficiaries to thesse illigal acts. The level of tolerance to misconduct in Zambia is beyond a joke.

  8. on a positive note I would like to thank lusaka times for fixing their website after I threatened to open my own. They know that I have a huge following and that people only blog here cause I am here. Kz

  9. So, as far as Chalesi Banda is concerned, the Counselor is the problem and seems to side with the MP who thinks he can just get Police officers and grab land from ordinary citizens? The minister should learn to be level headed when dealing with issues. Kudos to Miles Sampa who has given the MP mature guidance. I am beginning to think Miles Sampa can make a better Local GRZ minister than Mr Tuchawa!

  10. So, as far as Chalesi Banda is concerned, the Counselor is the problem and seems to side with the MP who thinks he can just get Police officers and grab land from ordinary citizens? The minister should learn to be level headed when dealing with issues. Kudos to Miles Sampa who has given the MP mature guidance. I am beginning to think Miles Sampa can make a better Local GRZ minister than Mr Tuchawa!!!!

  11. Shame! How can a person who authorized the illegal transfer of lechwes warn his subordinates against graft? It’s follow the leader

  12. That was a disgraceful video showing the councillor shouting at an MP! Who’s seen and heard such undisciplined conduct. I hope she is on the job queue by now.

    It’s a real problem in Zambia, that people are so lawless as to steal other peoples properties. These matters must be dealt with firmly by the law but it takes so long…to get authorities to act. The human rights commission should be fostering this issue. It’s the right of every human to have their property protected by the law. This crime is not being resolved in Zambia because of these local govt bandits. It’s really bad.

  13. Women, where are you when your own is being harassed by men in positions of power? She has already been judged as guilty before her side of the story is heard. It would seem her only crime was to stand up to a man and speak truth to power. Stand up for your rights dear women and don’t allow men in power to intimidate you because you are a woman! In that viral video, the counselor was trying very hard to reason with an unreasonable MP who thinks he is a law into himself! Council has procedures! If as MP you think a piece of land was wrongly issued, you need to approach the council in writing as Miles Sampa the Mayor guided, not taking the law into your own hands by getting police to hound out anybody from land that was duly awarded. Seems the MP is an interested party in that piece of…

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