Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Nevers Mumba, TD Jakes feeds 10,000 Kalikiliki residents


The Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba and Bishop T. D Jakes of the Potter’s House International Ministries have kick started a food hampers donation program to the residents of Kalikiliki compound of Lusaka District.

In April of this year Dr. Mumba who is also President of the Victory Ministries Int’l kick started the Zambia Shall Be Saved Covid Prevention in Kalikiliki compound of Lusaka. Under this project 500 households were targeted where hygiene hypars were given in a bid to help fight and prevent the Covid 19 pandemic. These hampers included buckets, face masks, hygiene liquid soaps just to mention a few.

Yesterday, Dr. Mumba with the help of Bishop T. D Jakes of the Potter’s House International Ministries kicked off the Zambia Shall Be SAVED feeding program in Kalikiliki compound, which aims to feed over 10,000 residents for an initial period of three months.

Dr. Mumba, who is also former Republican Vice President was in the company of New Hope MMD Chairperson of Transport and Communication Mr. Chaka Zulu and other Senior MMD leaders and Victory Ministries International leaders who included Rev. Abel Thosi, the Vice President of Victory Ministries International.

Dr. Mumba who visited a number of selected Households, where he donated these food hampers said that the Covid 19 had Economically affected the Country.

“The Zambia shall be Saved Foundation in partnership with Bishop T.D Jakes have realized that the negative impact of the Covid 19 pandemic has affected the people of Zambia. Instead of the usual donations of hygiene hampers which we started in April, we have decided to go an extra mile by providing food hampers”, Dr. Mumba said.

Dr. Mumba said that they were targeting to feed over 10,000 residents for an initial period of 3 months by targeting 2000 households which essentially had an average of 5 people per household.

“During our initial Covid Prevention program, we managed to periodically provide hygiene to over 500 households in Kalikiliki compound. Under this Feeding Program, which is a sustainable program, we will be periodically giving out food hampers to at least 10,000 Kalikiliki residents for an initial period of 3 months”, Dr. Mumba said.

And a Mrs. Jane Jere, a beneficiary thanked Dr. Mumba for this gesture.

“Ba Mumba, on behalf of my family, I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this gesture. I am a widow who looks after a household of 10 dependents. Like a number of my neighbors, my ka small business has collapsed because of the Corona virus and it has been difficult to feed my family. So your food packages are an answered prayer to not only me but the people of Kalikiliki. May God continue blessing you so that he can continue to use you to help us”, Mrs. Jere said.


  1. Great job Nevers Mumba and TD. Zambians are really suffering and a little token of food will go a long way for some families. God bless both of y’all.

  2. MMD is doing something while the UPND which claims to be the government in waiting is just encouraging citizens to contract Covid-19 by claiming the disease does not exist. This is how votes are won by showing the people that you care for them.

  3. Shu shu shu what rock have you been living in. Upnd is already going around distributing food. Don’t forget PF gets jealous when HH tries to donate like this and he will be blocked from donating imagine how heartless PF can be, stopping someone from helping citizens. Not too long ago a pf carder stopped opposition from donating Covid19 items at the market

  4. Shu shu shu what rock have you been living in. Upnd is already going around distributing food. Don’t forget PF gets jealous when HH tries to donate like this and he will be blocked from donating imagine how heartless PF can be, stopping someone from helping citizens. Not too long ago a pf carder stopped opposition from donating Covid19 items at the market

  5. Yes and let the Cameras roll….and invite the media… the bible about what it says about giving….when a right hand is giving the left hand should not even be aware that right hand is giving….unless its for giving for some hidden motives…..Politics as usual now mixed with church….even more dangerous

  6. Hamper??? Hamper?
    Have seen this annoying PF word in Zambian vocabulary so many times. Hamper?? What the fvck do you mean.
    be simple, just donations or gifts.
    “State of the art hampers”.

  7. So bandit Nevers Mumba wants to copy Chakwera and appoint his family in all his cabinet positions…wanyela kwateni

  8. And thats how they buy votes….with food and the same poor people will be complaining tomorrow when they vote for bandits who bribed them with food…..Nevers Mumba stole alot of money at the Zambian Embassy in Canada including furniture makaka hypocrite wakantu we

  9. Be serious, stop exaggerating the numbers apo ninshi? Some people that got your “hampers” yesterday were less than 50. That means your three month-period within which you have planned to reach out to about 10,000 residents will not be ample. Let’s say you will be giving 50 every day or less and multiply that by 90 days=4, 500. Can you be realistic. We understand that what you trying to do can be a good thing if only you do it with utmost Faith BUT if you are giving as Christians why announce?

    To the Author: Did you count the number of the beneficiaries and confirm as of yesterday? Journalism is about reporting facts.

    Dr. Nevers Mumba, you claim to be a pastor, Haven’t you read the Holy Bible about giving sure!!! READ: Matthew 6:1-4
    “Beware of practicing your righteousness…

  10. @ Shu Shu Shu , YOU ARE A FOOL! Its unfortunate that people like you know how to use the internet..Luckly this forum does not receive many views otherwise there is no difference between you and Monday Chanda GOEBELS ……

  11. I don’t belive in providing food for adults which creats a dependency culture , what happens to those people after 3 months and you are not providing food ?

    there must be alternatives that will provide sustenance for a life time for some of them and their families.

    Cheap photo opps…….

  12. It seems campaigning has started in mmd. Anyway I support anything that helps less fortunate people. It puts hh to shame with his tuma cheap ibu soap he donated with cameras following him. Wa castle hh

    • Its not ibu. its EBU. With this correction there are also a lot of things that are already wrong with you, free advice, get a life

  13. @anti this chap thanks for the correction ba spelling police. Come and get a cookie for your work you quack haha

  14. Ati…my ka small business…..please!

    A few households are chosen for this very public charitable act, I suppose they are MMD! Why the media attention to a good work, …….because it’s publicity. When people do good work for others it should be private. We are not in a state of emergency for food distribution to be carried out, as good as the act is. Dr Mumba is a sad little man really. Such grubby desperation from a man of God.

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