Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It’s Bill 10 that seeks to dethrone Chitimukulu and not HH – Chief Mukuni


Senior Chief Mukuni has said it is with great reluctance that he has decided to make a statement regarding the claims by His Majesty Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people that UPND President Hakainde Hichilema harbours intentions to dethrone him.

Senior Chief Mukuni said the Chitimukulu appears to overwhelmingly depend on mere hearsay to find Mr Hichilema guilty by association, which by the law of natural justice is unjust and unacceptable and draws a dangerous precedent for future discourses. He said what endangers the Chitimukulu is Bill 10 which advocated to remove traditional chiefs from their thrones at the behest of the Republican President.Senior Chief Mukuni said to his knowledge Mr Hichilema vehemently opposed this Bill while the Republican President supports its enactment into law. He then asked who between the two is a danger to His Majesty’s rule in an unlikely event that the evil Bill is made into law? Furthermore, Senior Chief Mukuni said the apparent characterization of late Presidents Fredrick Chiluba and Michael Sata in His Majesty’s statement, as outsiders of the Bemba Kingdom is succinctly clear and categorical and brings to the fore the level of divisiveness the Chitimukulu’s debate brings to the unitary nature of the Zambian statehood.

Senior Chief Mukuni said he found it remarkable that His Majesty believes that the Tongas would want to fight the Bembas when the one who wields the political power is not Bemba but an Easterner, who is currently being challenged by the provisions of constitutional democracy that allows for elections by political parties every five years.

Below is the Full Press statement from Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people

I have agonizingly followed the debate by His Majesty Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people, in which he makes startling claims that UPND President Hakainde Hichilema harbours intentions of wanting to dethrone him. I wish to state from the outset that I am making my statement reluctantly and with a heavy heart for various reasons, one of which is on the basis of the mutual respect and solidarity that the institution of traditional leadership invests on itself in Zambia.

The solemn culture of royal etiquette by its nature normally prohibits public debate between Chief and Chief and naturally and more critically between Chief and subjects. But the circumstances in which the accusations are being made can longer be termed as ordinary. It therefore calls for any peace loving Zambian, royalty or ordinary citizen to correct the adverse climate that could degenerate into unnecessary misunderstandings, that have the potential to endanger national security, if left unchecked.

I therefore find the effort to drag Mr Hakainde Hichilema and Hon Milupi into the Bemba royal family in – fighting by His Majesty the Mwine Lubemba unfortunate, unfair, unnecessary,overbearing and without a solid, sound basis and legal or moral justification. The evidence available and very much in the public domain is that Mr Hichilema has never exulted in the dethroning of His Majesty, but, contrary has on various occasions commiserated with him with unwavering support.

The perception that is being lavishly portrayed on media that ‘the Chitimukulu responds to Mr Hichilema’, is grossly misleading, because a response can only be sought for and originated by an exhibition of specific and viable evidence which in this case is lacking. The Chitimukulu appears to overwhelmingly depend on mere hearsay to find Mr Hichilema guilty by association, which by the law of natural justice is unjust and unacceptable and draws a dangerous precedent for future discourses.

In as far as I am concerned, what endangers His Majesty’s throne is Bill 10 which he tragically appears to be a proponent of. The monstrous Bill 10 advocates to remove traditional Chiefs from their thrones at the behest of the Republican President. When I last checked, Mr Hichilema vehemently opposed this Bill while the Republican President supports its enactment into law. Who between the two is a danger to His Majesty’s rule in an unlikely event that the evil Bill is made into law? It’s definitely not Mr Hichilema.

Further, let me state that I find a lot of inconsistencies in the Mwine Lubemba’s statement. Among many is His Majesty’s assertions that ‘the Bemba had no problem voting for other tribes, like they did for Kenneth Kaunda, Frederick Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa, Rupiah Banda and Michael Sata’.

The apparent characterization of late Presidents Fredrick Chiluba and Michael Sata in His Majesty’s statement, as outsiders of the Bemba Kingdom is succinctly clear and categorical, but also brings to the fore the level of divisiveness the Chitimukulu’s debate brings to the unitary nature of the Zambian statehood, which by our constitution is blind to ethnicity and other artificial boundaries.

Would it therefore be far fetched to view the above argument as arising from the fact the Tongas overwhelmingly voted for President Chiluba in 1991 and 1996, that he therefore can’t make the Bemba qualification coupled with his Luapula origins? Was President Sata not Bemba enough because he originated from Mpika, and because he ordered his then Home Affairs Minister, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu to deploy a battalion of Police Commandos to prevent His Majesty from ascending to the throne?

If indeed the two late Presidents are inconsequentially non Bemba, how does His Majesty then reconcile his usual claims that 21% of Zambians are Bembas if Luapula and Muchinga Provinces appear to be excluded as he seems to suggest.These questions and many more are not intended to embarrass His Majesty, but they underscore the reason why ethnic gerrymandering by traditional leadership can be a source of division and a danger to national security.

I also take keen interest on the unwarranted claims and sustained effort by a group of Bemba royal highnesses over the perennial false and politically charged claims that Bembas were attacked and their property vandalised in Namwala post 2016 elections, and that the Tongas remained mute over the matter. How could there have been a response over a matter that never took place, against the backdrop of a massive propaganda campaign sponsored by the state and a political party to falsify an impression that it happened?

The lightening speed with which ‘relief’ supplies and the erection of temporary shelter was carried out by the state and surrogate NGOs, testified to the highest desperation in which an institution was attempting to drive a false and malicious agenda against the Tonga people, for political gain and to bring them into disrepute but most tragically, to promote a possible atmosphere for genocide.

To that effect, I communicated to His Majesty Chitimukulu, of my personal offer to meet the costs of the Lubemba Chiefs to travel to Southern Province on a fact finding mission inorder to verify for themselves, that this was a heavily sponsored and politicized agenda by a political party. The offer to clear the air as expected was declined and graciously splashed across government controlled media and the ‘Mast Newspaper’.

Finally, I wish to state that I find it remarkable that His Majesty believes that the Tongas would want to fight the Bembas when the one who wields the political power is not Bemba but an Easterner, who is currently being challenged by the provisions of constitutional democracy that allows for elections by political parties every five years.

There’s absolutely nothing that the Tongas would want to wrestle from their Bemba brothers and sisters with whom they have long historical cooperation with, since pre independence times. His Royal Highness must not rewrite history and attempt to conceal the fraternal and cordial relationship between these two tribes who additionally, according to some credible statistics are involved in more inter marriages between them, than any other ethnic group in the country. Tongas and Bembas have unequivocal and solid historical symbiotic relationships which unfortunately is in danger of being distorted by power politics.

Let the Mwine Lubemba retreat into his respectable and majestic domain and unite the Zambian people than separate them, because the consequences of setting tribe and against tribe has telling ramifications that have caused wars in nations like Nigeria in the Biafran question, and the Rwandan genocide, which the latter country has incidentally made claims that appear to accuse our President’s involvement in its internal affairs. It’s incumbent upon all of us as traditional leaders to unite the country because our subjects belong to a spectrum of political affiliations.

God bless the Republic,

Senior Chief Mukuni of the Leya people of Kazungula, Livingstone and Zimba Districts and all the Bene Mukuni


  1. UPND ,

    Pay that corrupt chief no mind , instead of promoting harmoney and coherence he is prommotting divisive tribal politics of lungu.

    Look how he treated GBM for standing up to protect him against sata ?

    That chief is a serpent , has no morals or integrity.

  2. This is a demonstration of the difference between wisdom and the lack of it, between intellectual discourse and diatribe.

  3. Well spoken, Great Genuine Chief!
    The man who means well for the whole country. No boxes on stolen money to his name, impeccable credibility and a genuinely rich chief from his own resources.

  4. Well we now see the difference is analysing issues…. i am Bemba, and kindly ask the Chitimukulu not to display his ignorance in public. Little knowledge is very dangerious

  5. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Man is spitting some wise wisdom. 100% agreed with Mukuni on this one.

    To this day I really fail to understand the headspace of Chitimukulu Sosala as to what really compelled him to write the stuff he did. I have read his writings like 3 times already and I’m still at loss. There has to be something serious wrong here. This really has nothing to do with the petty, narrow mindedness of tribalism or party politics… Chitimukulu Sosala is simply out of line and out of his freaking mind.

    Dethroning a chief is some serious accusation that is the last thing a chief would want to utter publicly. Where I come from, it is virtually a declaration of w@r and w@r drums would be sounding calling every man and his d0g to arms!

  6. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Man is spitting some wise wisdom. 100% agreed with Mukuni on this one.

    To this day I really fail to understand the headspace of Chitimukulu Sosala as to what really compelled him to write the stuff he did. I have read his writings like 3 times already and I’m still at loss. There has to be something serious wrong here. This really has nothing to do with the petty, narrow mindedness of tribalism or party politics… Chitimukulu Sosala is simply out of line and out of his freaking mind, if you are honest with yourself.

    Dethroning a chief is some serious accusation that is the last thing a chief would want to utter publicly. Where I come from, it is virtually a declaration of w@r and w@r drums would be sounding calling every man and his d0g to arms!

  7. Ichikwanka bachimwena ku mampalanya, Mwine Lubemba has spoken based on facts and utterances of senior UPND members. HRH Mukuni hasn’t addressed the statements by Charles Milupi and Lukuku. I expect him to be sincere and not to issue statement based on his fears of losing the Bemba vote. I would propose a round table discussion and not statement and counter statement. We know who Hichilema is. HRH Mukuni’s statement isn’t different from that of a father trying to defend his wayward son

  8. Kano’ngaebo! Hypocrisy of the UPND is so repulsive. We’re watching!! LESA nimalyotola!! Ubuchenjeshi bwankhoko, pungwa tasakamana!! 2021 tukamimona bamwana malayambi!!!

    • Who told you we are from the same loins? If not for the British we would not have been here today talking about this non sense issues,tapali nefyo tukamona mu 2021, we will be buying meali meal, fuel , electricity at the same price from same shops, unless you telling me that you will be getting manna from heaven Ba pf cadre?

  9. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Spoken in one short article, concise and articulate. The diatribe is taking pages and pages and it is clear Ch!timukulu is embarrassing not only himself but his subjects too… even worse, he’s really embarrassing those who tasked him to f!ght their own political battles.

    Really I thought S0s@la was clever… the only thing that I have is giving him the benefit of doubt that these articles are probably being written by GBM or Sunday Chanda. That is the only excuse that could save the Big Stick, Ch!timukulu from global embarrassment.

  10. A wise man once said nothing….. that’s a tip for mukuni.
    Sometimes its best to close mouth on things that don’t concern you

  11. I am worried about Chitimukulu’s mental health. If you read what Book of Wisdom of Chief Mukulu wrote and Lamentations of Chitimukulu, then you conclude the later need put mwikolo.

  12. Ba Mukuni nimwebo mwatampale ukulandalanda nomba mwaufwa abamano balanda elyo mwasakamana .
    Tekanyeni pantu nomba ni
    tiye tiye naifwe twalaashako ukumikopela

  13. 2021 God has already rejected the PF, the writings is on the wall.
    Not even rigging will help them, it’s best for them to start making plans for life outside of politics and possibly inside of jail.

  14. Chief Mukuni is right by gazzeting chiefs through Bill 10 simplifies the cries of Chitimukulu but turning the assenal to Bally won’t help him either.

    Chitimukulu is a threat to our national security.

    PF must go

  15. Very wise counsel from His Royal Highness and thank you for rising to the occasion to diffuse the tension Kanabesa was and is beginning to create. Kanabesa must understand that his subjects have intermarried with all the other tribes in the country and that propagating tribal bigotry does not work towards building a United Zambia! Chiefs are supposed to be agents for peace and unity. This is the exact role of Chiefs, to unite and not to divide, to speak truth to political power when injustice glares it’s ugly head anywhere.
    Sadly, Kanabesa has not exhibited good Royal Etiquette by engaging in political squabbles with his subjects who have diverse political inclinations. Let’s hope he takes serious introspection and restore dignity to his reputation which is at stake at the moment!

  16. Ati His Majesty Paramount “Chieve” Chitimukulu! Ba sakala ba Kaboke imwe! That man is a tribal village headman.

  17. Chief’ee Mukuni is the worst of all chiefs in Zambia.
    He loves this sorts of talk as he hides his sodomite son behind.
    My advise to Mune Lubemba is not to respond to Mukuni.
    He is looking for a fight.
    Mukuni is a disgrace.
    One wonders why is meddling in this altercation. I wonder who it concerns him.

  18. Read the last article by chitimukulu. There is a reason why only I was allowed to comment. Real recognise real

  19. Well, no one has time to read the drivel from the Chitimukulu, he’s a real let down.
    It’s all vanity, the people of Zambia have already made up their minds. You guys are ruling on borrowed time.
    If you had wisdom you would use the remaining time to make corrections on all the wrongs you have done.
    You abused the opportunity God gave you and nothing you do can save you and your party.
    This is not a partisan comment, let him who has ears listen.

  20. I am reading part 4 right now. Its a good novel….kikiki. Who ever is handling HRH should take his internet bundles from him. He might be KZ the Blogger….hahaha

  21. Why you Bembas dont you jst demote your Chief Sosala of yours to jst a mere headman, cos to be honest with you i think the Title of Paramount is too big for this Bootlicker-wanna-be-chief. I have never heard or seen a stupid chief as Chitimukulu!

  22. I am neither from the two tribes, but very wise and nation building words from Chief Mukuni. Chitimukulu should learn from Chief Mpezen whose language is always love and agriculture development for his people. The problem with this Chitimukulu is that he wants to appear wise

  23. This Chitimukulu is an educated ignorant person. He says bembas wield about 21% of the Zambian population and at the same time he says Chiluba and Sata are not bembas. Now
    take Luapula tribes, Bisa areas, Mambwe areas, lungu areas, Namwanga areas, Nyika and Lambya areas and others, how many will remain of the “real bemba” population? You have
    heard it you non Bembas from the horse’s mouth. In short this is chitimukulu for Kasama and may be chinsali

  24. That Sosala is mentally unstable. He even forgets that bembas like there brothers in Congo cant feed them selves. If Zambia was cut into two today then the burden of feeding Bembas would fall upon the Namwanga’s, Mambwes and their cousins the easterners.

  25. Fellow Zambians, as much I value debate, it must be done with dignity and respect. Some of the utterances here are really un-Zambian. We must respect our traditional leaders when commenting on their submissions. I have read all the articles and it is important that we don’t fuel any tribal inclinations if present in any of the articles. Our Politics are really becoming dire and destructive and not nation building. We have not seen this kind in our political history. All loving and caring Zambians must ask a simple question: Why are politics deteriorating at this rate? Let’s provide counsel in a dignified way. Even when a parent is wrong, it is not right to throw insults at them.

  26. There is much wisdom in what the bene Mukuni has elaborated. Surely how can as a big Title “Mwine lubemba ” , keep on producing volumes and volumes of written words on one of the soil of this Land? Wisdom comes from God and knowledge is something attained from Sch.
    Bamwine Lubemba muletupatanya fwebaupa nokupwa kubatonga. You sound to be a danger to all Bembas and infumu shimbi are too quiet without advising our Chief. Zambia is bigger than one tribe and every chief must know that he/she has over 73 tribes in his chiefdom. Let us not be divided by politians who are the pot of today.

  27. I had much respect for Mwinelubemba until these last series of narcissistic and self pitying writings he has posted recently. The Paramount Chief Chitimukulu must take a leaf from Her Royal Britannic Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Keep your political opinions to yourself. Now we know that Kanyanta Sosala is not fit to be king. He would have done better as PF secretary general.

  28. A tribal chief will always be tribal, look at his sentiments he is not even ashamed he thinks he is the leader of all the royal highnesses

  29. I listened to the radio interview and nowhere in the interview did Chitimukulu talk about not voting for a Tonga. Chitimukulu was merely lamenting voter turn out in his province compared to Southern province. Is chief Mukuni the spokesperson of all chiefs in Southern province and UPND? The last time I checked his chiefdom covered Kazungula, Livingstone and Zimba. The harassment of PF members following the 2016 presidential elections is said to have taken place in Namwala, an area under Chief Nalubamba. Chief Nalubamba was the more competent chief to have issued the statement and not chief Mukuni who is 363 kilometres away. I often wonder if Tongas would have “overwhelmingly” voted for Chiluba if Baldwin Nkumbula’s name was on the ballot paper. Tongas voted for Chiluba because there was…

  30. Ever since seer 1 came into the scene, our leaders have kind of lost it in decision making. They just yap anyhow without consideration. That false prophet has really cursed them and they need prayers to be delivered.

  31. We, the Zambian people have read the opinions of the two chiefs and have elucidated where there is wisdom and myths of imaginations.
    As they say, “you can find inspiration from others (quoted), but to live up to that standard is solely your responsibility”.

  32. What a useless chief who twists truth. He is mocking the Bembas that what Mukuni and his subjects did to them in Namwala did not happen. Sure this is how you can mock the Bembas -you Mukuni? I have lost even a pinch of respect I had for you. You are such a useless and tribal Chief. Why cant you say the truth for once? UPND senior members have been insulting Chitimukulu but you are denying this fact. You are a very nauseating cadre chief..Mukuni behave yourself.

  33. What do we gain from insults we do to our fellow zambians? Definitely, nothing. Can we be sober minded just for a moment like children of Jehovah and stop behaving like outsiders? We are one zambia and we need to control ourselves in what ever we say.

  34. Percy Chanda of UPND Ltd urges you to stay out of the business Chief Mukuni!!!. I don’t agree, why should you risk your stake in the company?

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