Friday, October 25, 2024

Keembe MP Princess Kasune tests positive for Covid-19, blames the surge in cases to poor leadership


Opposition Keembe UPND Member of Parliament Princess Kasuse has announced that she has tested positive for Covid-19.

Mrs Kasuse revealed that she found out about her positive status on Saturday morning.

“Just this morning l tested Positive for Covid-19. On the same day l was dancing for being a grandmother for the first time and bags packed ready to see my grandson, same day l went for Covid-19 Test at UTH, Thursday 23 July, 2020 although had no symptoms. This morning July 25 the Covid-19 test has come out Positive. I am officially under Quarantine,” she disclosed.

Mrs Kasuse has since blamed the Zambian government for exhibiting poor leadership over the Covid-19 pandemic.

“As the MP for Keembe Constituency, l was one of those raising the concern at Parliament and in our Health Committee on why our Parliament continued mixing. Leadership crisis in Zambia. We relaxed our rules too early in Zambia, my very point of order at Parliament,” she said.

“Now Covid-19 is moving rapidly and so many lives at stake. One feels for the health workers and teachers, not forgetting our children who have gone back to school, Lord protect them. Please Stay Home Mask up, avoid crowds even church or funerals stay home and let’s keep washing our hands. Covid-19 is Real!”

Princess Kasuse at undergoing Covid-19 swabbing at UTH


  1. Poor leadership caused all the surge in infections so Keembe MP is 100% right .Lungu , Dr Chilufya ,Kaizar Zulu and the cabinet made very poor decisions.

  2. Zambians need to salute Hon Kasume for openly admitting that she has tested Covid-19 Positive. We wish her quick recovery. This MP has been a shining example of good leadership. Some years ago Hon Kasume publicly announced that she was HIV Positive and she is still alive today. The Govt needs to listen to the advice from this courageous MP. Covid-19 is Real and Govt should stop politicizing this lethal disease. The containment of Covid-19 infections in Zambia should be Science led. We need a Covid-19 Task Force led by Public Health Experts as opposed to Politicians. The ECL Govt has weaponinised Covid 19 to hold Rallies and Campaigns for 2021 Elections. This strategy has led to the death of our MPs and Political leaders. Covid-19 knows no boundaries, colour, status, political…

  3. Before Parliament could resume all MPs were supposed to quarantined and tested for week, unlike a situation were some were just from holding rallies and escortees from working visits, they have put every MP in harms way , especially those MPs who were diligently following health guidelines. You fine Mama, next time you see a moabite MP run for your life, never entertain the thought of them coming near you, the way am running away from them these days when I see one, awe kuti fyakulwalika fi cadre fya chipani.

  4. The protective clothing of our health workers remain poor and if that’s what they are given as PPE, then the whole population is at risk of contacting the disease.

    I agree with her it’s because of poor leadership.

    PF must go!

  5. The PF have run this gig like Trump. Measures here, contradictory behavior there, pronouncements everywhere, contradictions in parallel. Playing politics everywhere, trying to take advantage of a public health hazard at every whimsical turn. Ala mukayapya ba mambala.

  6. why didn’t the opposition MPs refuse to resume parliament sitting? why didn’t they stay away or walk out of parliament? They all put sitting allowances before their lives.

  7. What about other countries with worse off covid 19 cases is it because of leadership? if that the case then our leaders have done a good job so far because our numbers are still low than other countries with better health care systems.

  8. So this silly harlot has been getting in close contact with people or men for all we know. She then catches the virus and then blames the government. Were we there when you were doing whatever you were doing behind closed doors with infected people? We told you to abide with the president’s directive on covid . If you choose to keep kissing different men then don’t be surprised when you catch the virus. F.oolish typical ignorant upnd woman

  9. So this silly harlot has been getting in close contact with people or men for all we know. She then catches the virus and then blames the government. Were we there when you were doing whatever you were doing behind closed doors with infected people? We told you to abide with the president’s directive on covid . If you choose to keep kissing different men then don’t be surprised when you catch the virus. F.oolish typical ignorant upnd woman. Kz

  10. Listen to yourself….didnt you not read properly…so you now want them to refuse going to Parliament when MOH says its safe to do so? You are the same people who will say its indiscipline….there are so many issues wrong with Lazy Lungu, I am surprised civil servants even turn up for work.

  11. And the UK based impostor says abide by the Presidential directive yet the silly boy is forgetting that they are more than 50 members in Parliament gathered in one room and busy sitting shoulder to shoulder at the Parliament bar with zero regard for social distancing.

  12. Tarino the problem with you is that you are too emotional and behave like you are on a life long menstrual cycle. There is social distancing in parliament and you can watch videos to see the mandatory distancing in effect. Protection against covid is largely down to personal responsibility. Is it government role to police people into washing their hands and keeping a distance? You expect us to follow each every 17million people 24/7 to ensure they are following simple rules ? Grow up. You sound pathetic you little boy

  13. Tarino the problem with you is that you are too emotional and behave like you are on a life long menstrual cycle. There is social distancing in parliament and you can watch videos to see the mandatory distancing in effect. Protection against covid is largely down to personal responsibility. Is it government role to police people into washing their hands and keeping a distance? You expect us to follow each every 17million people 24/7 to ensure they are following simple rules ? Grow up. You sound pathetic you little boy. Now go back in your cave and cry about imagined imposters

  14. Ba MP you contracted the virus because you as an individual did not follow the guidelines. You say you had packed your bags ready to go and see your grandchild. I am sure grandparents from the other side had also packed their bags so that you would meet and have one big party, Protection from COVID-19 starts with you as an individual. Zambia as a country cannot afford a lockdown. Even South Africa tried a complete lockdown. It failed because people were starving.

  15. Attention seeking U.K based N3zK@izarMushota, who has a rip-roaring Personality Disorder &
    also an L.T aligned bot, there to sow controversy & keep L.T’s debate ticking.
    Sick sick little boy.

  16. Attenti0n seeking U.K b@sed N3zK@izarMush0t@, who has a rip-roaring Pers0nality Dis0rder &
    also an L.T aligned b0t, there to sow controversy & keep L.T’s debate ticking.
    Sick sick little b0y.

  17. Because of this bill 10 nonsense, Zambian MP’s have contracted covid-19. Parliament which should have remained closed ended up becoming a covid-19 hotspot.
    2 MP’s eventually lost their lives in the name of Edgar Lungus bill 10,
    The were told to lockdown early on, stop international passenger flights PF etc. But this advice fell on deaf ears. They even went on to praise Chitalu Chilufya for doing a good job.
    The situation is very bad in Zambia. The daily infections rate is now are over 30% of the tests conducted. This is even worse than Europe at is peak.
    The PF’s poor actions and leadership will lead to the deaths of innocent Zambians

  18. The silly Impostor is here in UK watching on social media and typing about what is happening on the ground as if he is a MP…the UK based Impostor has not even read the full article….go on Mwabantu Facebook page and look for a photo of PF and UPND MPs socializing in Parliament Bar a few weeks ago. Stop trolling …this impostor takes no responsibility in what he posts here as he will simply disappear like “N3z the coon” then coming back as Presidential Aid’s impostor. People are being BID in hospitals and this UK based plank is there saying you are too emotional…in one post this moron will be posting about abiding Presidential Orders and applauding Bowman whipping the next post this same moron will saying its not govts role to force people to maintain social distancing.

  19. The photo of the nurse in short sleeved uniform says it all…she is not even wearing adequate PPE to protect her work clothing …I wonder how many of our health workers we have lost due to Chilufya’s greed and corruption.

  20. @ tarino again you have failed to grasp simple English and yet you are based in the UK. There is no country that can stop or ensure each human being is being regulated. That is just common sense. Rules and the law act as a deterrent. You talk about many people being BID, please tell me how many people have died there in uk and Europe as a whole in comparison to Zambia. Zambia is experiencing cold season which as expected means increass in cases. Over 40 thousand have died in your country there in uk even before the winter sets in. I would be very worried about your well being there come winter. Especially when we hear that minorities like you are disproportionately affected. Kz

  21. If Hon. Dora Siliya contracts Covid19, it is her silly mistake; but when UPND’s Hon. Princess Kasuse falls sick with the same disease, it is blamed on the useless PF government. So naive! I wonder if the opposition political party members can only be made sick by PF and not among or between themselves via contacts other than parliament premises.
    That aside. Recover quickly. Dont be too ill Mrs. Kasuse. Best wishes.

  22. You can rightfully blame the PF for a lot, however not stopping the flu isn’t one of them. Everyone needs to calm down. We’ve already seen what this virus does in the northern hemisphere – very little. Overall flu deaths are not higher than for other flus or other years. It is a huge non-event.

    Also, testing positive doesn’t mean you have or had Sars-Cov-2. The rt-PCR has a very high false positive rate, especially when the number of tests is far greater than the number of positive results. And then there is the Case Definition, which looks at symptoms and uses no test at all.

  23. You can rightfully blame the PF for a lot, however not stopping the flu isn’t one of them. Everyone needs to calm down. We’ve already seen what this virus does in the northern hemisphere – very little. Overall flu deaths are not higher than for other flus or other years. It is a huge non-event.

    Also, testing positive doesn’t mean you have or had Sars-Cov-2. The rt-PCR has a very high false positive rate, especially when the number of tests is far greater than the number of positive results. And then there is the Case Definition, which looks at symptoms and uses no test at all.

  24. So iwe Kasune, who do you blame for your HIV status? I can take you on. I know you from Livingstone


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