Wednesday, October 23, 2024

LCC demolishes structure, buries foundations on road reserves in Materio Ward 28


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has demolished one structure believed to be a car wash which was erected on a road reserve in Matero Ward 28.

And the Council has buried two illegal foundations that were dug on road reserves to construct bases in readiness of placing a container and a wall-fence.

LCC says the structure and foundations were inimical to the existing plans of the area and that they were on a road reserve area.

This follows numerous complaints that were made by Emmasdale residents about people trying to put up structures on areas which are meant to be road reserves.

Speaking during the exercise, LCC Town Clerk, Alex Mwansa said the local authority took action to demonstrate to Lusaka residents that the Council is responsive to people’s complaints.

“We received complaints from residents that there has been tempering of access roads and placing of containers in unsuitable places hence the operation,” he said.

Mr. Mwansa said LCC is alert and will stop all constructions that do not conform to the main plan of the city.

Mr Mwansa gave an example that recently, the Council stopped the illegal construction of 10 shops along Lilayi Road.

“As Council, we should just have to be alert as people are persistent in tendering applications for extensions and make sure that we are thorough prior to issuing a permit,” he said.

The Town Clerk stated that the LCC will not let anyone to disturb the plan for Emmasdale and the city at large.

During the same operation, one road which was blocked with stones by some developer was cleared to pave way for the smooth flow of traffic.

Lusaka City Council demolishing illegal structures in Matero
Lusaka City Council demolishing illegal structures in Matero
Lusaka City Council demolishing illegal structures in Matero


  1. Can Chongwe Council do the needful in Kwamwena Meanwood which is slowly degenerating into a Shanty Compound with illegally constructed shops in front of almost every house, some of which have been turned into beer drinking shabeens! We understand the Economy is tough but there has to be order! This is totally against the original Plan for the area which expressly forbids such unsightly structures and reduces the market value of properties in the area! It seems the area has been overrun by Shanty Compound mentalities! Please move in quickly before this rot takes root and open the designated area for trading purposes!

    • So that councilor won the talk just as usual from pf cadres, but lost the walk, on the ground its just nyongo nyongo work.

  2. I commend Kaziya for raising an alarm on this but it appears to me this is more of a situation where he may not have been given a cut from the proceeds. These councillors have allocated so many plots which are not being demolished. Just along the railway line crossing Malambo road, they created plots and got huge monies. In Chunga at what used to be a roundable along Chitanda road, Zambeef the land was allocated to Zambeef. In Lilanda, along Impala Road, next to the ZESCO transformer as u turn to Desai Primary, the house is almost being finished within 3 days. We hear even along the wall fence of Harry Mwaanga School, plots have been created and soon structures will come up. Where is Kaziya in all this? Why target only the one he never got the share from? These councillors are corrupt!

    • Well said. A lot of illegal land allocation in all wards of Matero. Reason is sleeping MP! Let’s change. Saviour Ndaba from UPND should be tried but my vote for Presidency goes to ECL 2021

  3. Don’t just stop there. Go to other remaining 4 wards where land is being indiscriminately sold by your councillors

  4. Under PF these measures are only taken when there’s a disagreement between players over funds, so in this case Kazhiya might have ordered LCC to demolish because he didn’t get his cut. Kazhiya is the most useless MP Matero has ever had. He was fired as Lands Minister because of incompetence

  5. These councillors and their Mayor think when we quiet in Matero, means we blind and dont see how they have been dealing with land. They don’t want to see empty spaces but we shall voice out in 2021. Our saviour should be Saviour Ndaba next year. We tired of this no sense happening and time to show them during ballot. Kaziya is a case of not having gotten his share. Let him follow up all these illegal allocations including ones on the hill near Lilanda Primary School and Kawama

  6. These councillors and their Mayor think when we quiet in Matero, means we blind and dont see how they have been dealing with land. They don’t want to see empty spaces but we shall voice out in 2021. Our saviour should be Saviour Ndaba next year. We tired of this no sense happening and time to show them during ballot. Kaziya is a case of not having gotten his share. Let him follow up all these illegal allocations including ones on the hill near Lilanda Primary School and Kawama or Kaziya will be in shock next year as well

  7. MPs, councillors and mayor for Lusaka. Your pay back hour is coming. 2021 is not far. The insatiable apeitite for money by these Matero councillors is just a sign of how rotten entire Lusaka is. If PF adopt anyone of these Matero leaders, just know you ve bought a ticket to losing Matero

  8. What is happening at LCC from time MPs were removed from Councils can be compared to what happens in a banana field when the owner leaves the monkeys with bananas unattended to. Matero deserves a new type of leadership who has not even been in politics or PF will kiss goodbye to this seat

  9. You just demolish structures?? Only demolishing? WHY NOT PROSECUTE THE CULPRITS SO THAT THE SCOURGE CAN BE BROUGHT TO AN END?!! If you prosecute a lot of information on the under hand methods of land allocation will come out and that is what you are scared of since it will expose you, PF for your failures!!

  10. Matero require a change of leadership – from MP to Councillors, including Mayor. Almost all wards have these land scandals. I saw that house along Impala Road built next to ZESCO transformer on Zesco land, go South of Eden Universities or Zingalume area, the rot is visible.

  11. Contradictions in PF will never end and it is now their new normal. For example just recently minister of health said 15 lawmakers tested positive to covid 19 while the clerk of national said only 4 tested positive. How do u contradict each other like this when these statements are supposed to be made based on clinical results!

  12. Excellent please get rid of these illegal structures which are hazardous to life. Most of these are being built by the cheap diasporans who send peanuts to their relatives here in Zambia to build on their behalf. The relatives get desperate and end up building cheap illegal structures just to satisfy the evil right diasporans

  13. Excellent please get rid of these illegal structures which are hazardous to life. Most of these are being built by the cheap diasporans who send peanuts to their relatives here in Zambia to build on their behalf. The relatives get desperate and end up building cheap illegal structures just to satisfy the evil tight diasporans. Kz

  14. Indeed I agree with Kaizer Zulu, this excise should be carried out in the entire city of Lusaka. All illegal structures need demolishing and owners made fined. This will set the tone for the next in coming government to get rid of all cheap badly planed structures. Unfortunately all KZ structures in Kafue Marina riverside will be demolished too. Next will be to scrape out corruption whose assets will revert to the state. Claw back all financial web network in The UK, USA and Europe. Thieves are cheap and dull they eventually get caught and die as thieves including president thieves.

  15. I agree with Kaizer Zulu on the demolition of all illegal structures in the city, This should be extended to all big cities where illegal allocation of plots prompted mushrooming of ugly structures without plans. Party cadres issuing plots without council authority by former MMD and PF has damaged our city streets littered with ugly buildings. Once demolished owners should be fined. KZ Kafue Riverside Marina pleasure resort is disfiguring the beauty of Kafue river, it needs to be demolished too. Next will be all assets corruptly acquired will be repossessed by the incoming government. Thieves are cheap and dull, they always get caught and all assets recouped and extend the search beyond borders of Zambia. The UK, USA and Europe are no longer hiding places for planderers. In Zambia will…

  16. This is what happens when you elect Grade 7s into Parliament and as councillors…..all play parks and every patch of grass is sold off. The dull MP as well doesn’t understand procedure or the law but in Zambia foolish cowboys like Bowman are seen as heros thats how the leadership yardstick has been reduced under the lazy leader.

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