Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Records the second highest number of COVID-19 cases since the outbreak


Zambia has today recorded 450 new COVID-19 cases, the second highest number since the outbreak with the call by government to have a change in approach to avert further spread of the virus.

The recorded cases are out of the 2,542 tests conducted in the last 24 hours and cumulatively brings the total number of cases to 5,002 with 3,185 recoveries while the death toll stands at 142, of which thirty nine (39) are Covid deaths, ninety eight (98) are Covid related while five (5) are yet to be classified.

Speaking when he gave the latest Covid-19 update, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for technical services Dr Kennedy Malama however disclosed that 380 Covid-19 patients among them, Members of Parliament have been discharged, while 27 patients are on oxygen support with 2 in critical condition.

He said the 450 cases include 296 detected through hospital screening,37 from contacts to known patients,100 from the routine testing, 11 are health care workers, 2 from community alerts ,1 from a truck driver from Mazabuka and 1 case was detected at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport.

Dr Malama said it is clear from the transmission distribution that the country has recorded two unprecedented spikes in the transmission of the virus with the positivity rate which was at around 3% in the early days of the outbreak now gone up to 30%.

“We need to do things differently if we are going to stop the further spread of the virus and avert further deaths in our country” Dr Malama said and called for collective responsibility from all stakeholders in order to stop the transmission.

He reiterated the need not to treat the pandemic as a hoax but heighten all measures such as masking up, social distancing and public hygiene in all places such as schools, public transport as well as markets which he regretted that public adherence to safety measures have reduced.

“Just masking up can significantly reduce the transmission. You can imagine if all of us in Zambia woke up tomorrow masked up, I can assure you that the rate of infection will be curtailed and the number of patients we are admitting will significantly reduce” Dr Malama observed.

Dr Malama however discouraged the use of Chloroquine for COVID-19 treatment saying Zambia currently is not using it to treat severe forms of the virus and discouraged against the use of the drug further warning that its use might have health complications.


  1. We can do this…we can best this. Let’s work together. Obey rules.

    God spread your favour over Zambia. Protect us, heal us. Amen in Christ we ask it.

  2. The second wave is upon the entire world especially here during cold weather. The numbers will go down as it gets warmer. I shudder to think how cold Europe will do during the winter. Take care all

  3. 98 associated deaths? This is Chilufya’s lies people are being brought in dead (BID) and he can not just add this to the figure of deaths. With the recklessness and stupidity of this PF govt these figures will just get worst.

  4. Look at the juvenile UK based impostor, he is talking about second wave and here is someone who claims to be on the ground in Zambia where people are being brought in dead.

  5. Tell that brainless Kaizer Zulu not the cheat himself.What second wave?..Dont misuse terms you here on TV.
    This is still the first wave.The so called “lockdown” in Lusaka was virtually non existent and disobeyed by everybody else.
    Don’t confuse yourself.

  6. And bars in Chingola are open for business as usual. Bliss bar at Racquets Club is open every evening with impunity and people are still drinking as usual. All the lodges are operating as bars and no one is doing anything about it. As a bar business owner myself, I feel no reason why I should follow the govt measures and starve my workers.

  7. Dr Malama said “We need to do things differently if we are going to stop the further spread of the virus and avert further deaths in our country”
    Ba Dr. Malama with immediaate effect close all night clubes and drinking places.
    Limit the movement of people from province to province.
    Impose a curfew from 20 00 hrs to 05 00 hrs.
    Introduce charges for people not wearing masks.
    You are getting what you getting because you are doing the same thing over and over and expect that the infections will miraculously go down.
    The country is headed for a disaster if you don’t change your strategy.

  8. Independent you are nice on outside if that is really you, but very ugly on inside. Plus you lack independent judgment because you are controlled by that tribal party. Stop using a beautiful woman’s pictures iwe

  9. Independent you are nice on outside if that is really you, but very ugly on inside. Plus you lack independent judgment because you are controlled by that tribal party. Stop using a beautiful woman’s pictures iwe kapuli

  10. Independent you are nice on outside if that is really you, but very ugly on inside. Plus you lack independent judgment because you are controlled by that tribal party. Stop using a beautiful woman’s pictures iwe kapuli you must be s.e.xually starved

  11. As for tarino I have heard you are a gay. Just go spread your buttcheeks for your whlte gay husband

  12. As for tarino I have heard you are a gay. Just go spread your buttcheeks for your whlte gay husband . You seem obsessed with me

  13. Independent – the UK based imposter is talking about second wave as that is what is repeatedly being highlighted on the news here in the UK which the goofball is watching just like he was talking about “furlong” three months ago…really laughable…the plonker has no data to talk about here about apart from the usual diatribe.

  14. Howz life there in East London KZ, stay away from the Gas Pump pub as I have heard one or two cases were reported there. Stay safe bro.

  15. Problem in Zambia is that people regurgitate words and terms ad hoc from foreign press and go on and on commenting for brownie points whilst being the least educated and informed.

  16. Second wave is a phenomenal affecting the entire world. Go and read the WHO updates. This virus does not segregate between Europe or Africa so why should you think certain terms or rather phenomena only apply to UK because you have watched them on the news that side? I can understand a whlte arrogant British speaking like this not you an asylum seeking leech who is not even considered equal to the Europeans there even though you hold their passports. How demeaning is that ?

  17. Second wave is a phenomenal affecting the entire world. Go and read the WHO updates. This virus does not segregate between Europe or Africa so why should you think certain terms or rather phenomena only apply to UK because you have watched them on the news that side? I can understand a whlte arrogant British speaking like this not you an asylum seeking leech who is not even considered equal to the Europeans there even though you hold their passports. How demeaning is that ? Inferiority complex at your age

  18. @batman sorry for using free words that apply to the whole world. I know you feel like you are defending your whlte masters by ensuring no one uses the word you heard on the TV there. How pathetic are you ? I understand why as a black race we are behind. A fellow black man chastising another for using words he feels are only meant to be used by his whlte masters. A modern day kunta kinte

  19. First it was the wave of cholera sweeping Zambia and now its Covid 19 killing people. This PF leadership has been incompetently leading Zambians to death.

  20. This UK based impostor is truly delusional…he is so detached, no principles, no ethos, no affiliation to anything just a fake churning out claptrap every genuine blogger has an MO …really sad…do something productive with your time kiddo!!


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