Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Edgar Lungu commissions the Flyover Bridge on the Kafue road


President Edgar Lungu has today commissioned the Flyover Bridge on the Kafue road, the first to be completed among the four to be constructed in Lusaka under the Lusaka decongestion project.

The Lusaka decongestion project involves 91.4 kilometers of road rehabilitation, widening and construction of which 29.3 kilometers is dedicated to bus lanes.

The commissioned Flyover Bridge is part of the four flyover bridges to be constructed, others being Munali roundabout, Longacres roundabout and Arcades junction.

Speaking during the Commissioning ceremony, President Lungu said the completion of the works on the bridge is commendable and commended Officers from Ministries of Local Government, Infrastructure and the Consultant for the job well done.

He thanked the Government of India for the continued support to Zambia’s development agenda and commended AFCON Construction for the execution of the project.

President Lungu said the Lusaka decongestion project is one of the many Projects the PF Government is undertaking the ease the movement of people and goods in Lusaka.

He said the Commissioned Bridge will enhance efficiency, reduce traffic congestion and save time for the traveling public which will positively impact the economy.

President Lungu is happy that all safety measures have been taken into consideration in the construction of the road project.

He said his government will continue to invest in infrastructure as it is a catalyst to economic development.

President Lungu further directed AFCON contractor and the Ministry of Local Government to expedite the works on the project to enable Zambians benefit.

Meanwhile, some Zambians have taken to social media condemning the President over the failure by people who went to witness the Commissioning of the project to observe COVID-19 public Health guidelines.

They said it is irresponsible for the President to openly break the COVID-19 rules as this will contribute to the hike in COVID-19 cases.


  1. Our President, you have continued to do what many others neglected to do. We grateful and blessed to have you

  2. Elo Lyanya nomba, Twalachula my email is working well , thanks to the leadership of his excellence the President of Zambia Dr, Professor , king of all kings , the Humble one , for his leadership and his wisdom

  3. Chenda and the rest, thank you so much for your vouches of support. I joined politics to serve my community and make it a better place. If one person benefits from this then to me I am happy. We hope our brothers in upnd can work with us on certain projects as they have a lot to contribute. Not everything needs to be politicised. It is one Zambia one nation for a reason. I love you all, even diasporans. Wink wink

  4. fire truck, airways money, 48 houses, toll gates, and expensive roads got, could have changed this country. at at least will be bridges there is water .

  5. No chance for opposition in 2021!
    The voters have been bewitched by Construction projects and opposition must acknowledge that! The opposition is busy praying for a sympathy vote because of the biting Economy but guess what? It won’t happen. Zambians are immune to suffering! The appetite for PF Chitenges is increasing every day!

  6. Its amazing that when we were young, Indians used to come work in Zambia as primary and secondary school teaches…. now they are giving us debt to enslave us. Yet F.ools on this site think its development.

  7. Why should every Zambian have to go to Lusaka to see development? Is Zambia lusaka? My home town Ndola needs a fly over from Ottawa to the dual carriageway. The road between the hospital to skyway has been a mess for decades but we never hear of solutions from lusaka. The politicians only care about Lusaka.

  8. Kaizer Zulu you are not in politics, you are in corruption! If I were you, I would hide the day after the election 2021 – you will be high on the list to go to Central Prison! I will personally put you on that list, don’t forget that.

  9. Thats the PF for you. They disregard the same covid-19 laws they want other Zambians to obey.
    The chief lawbreaker is Edgar Lungu himself.
    For the PF, its about political survival and staying in power at all costs with or without covid 19.
    Because of bill 10 , two MP’s lost their lives and parliament workers were exposed to the virus.

  10. and when its all done every race would have enslaved a black man while he claps along as development

  11. A very clueless and useless individual who should never have stepped into the presidency. These token ceremonial ventures to commission “development” projects belie a deeply troubled economy set to contract by 5%, debt to GDP of circa 67%, immoral corruption by Lungu and his cronies, and a never before known vice in this country: Social media moral corruption.
    Lungu and PF must me voted out like yesterday. This month, as part of elections strategy we “repenting PFs” began a ZMK 10 mln effort to decampaign a rotten PF and Lungu in Lusaka and Copperbelt. Join us to save our destroyed country.

  12. Miles mulenga there is nothing stopping you doing that now. You appear to speak as if you have evidence. If you do please report it. You are committing a crime if you are sitting on evidence of a crime. Why are you failing to report me. Ndiwe imbwa yofunta iwe

  13. Miles mulenga there is nothing stopping you doing that now. You appear to speak as if you have evidence. If you do please report it. You are committing a crime if you are sitting on evidence of a crime. Why are you failing to report me. Ndiwe imbwa yofunta iwe. Rubbish boy. Be a man and face me in court. Kz

  14. Miles mulenga there is nothing stopping you doing that now. You appear to speak as if you have evidence. If you do please report it. You are committing a crime if you are sitting on evidence of a crime. Why are you failing to report me. Ndiwe eembwa yofunta iwe. Rubbish boy. Be a man and face me in court. Kz x

  15. Miles mulenga there is nothing stopping you doing that now. You appear to speak as if you have evidence. If you do please report it. You are committing a crime if you are sitting on evidence of a crime. Why are you failing to report me. Ndiwe eembwa yofunta iwe. Rubbish boy. Be a man and face me in court. Kz x

    Ps Lusaka times sort this website. You are pissing me off

  16. Lazy Lungu has no shame indeed…the man is a very irresponsible leader, how do you commission a project in the town centre when there is a pandemic.

  17. @James – he likes KZ’s ‘level of intelligence’. I wonder where his level is himself (James)

    By the way, I agree about how irresponsible it was to carry out this event – all to satisfy ECL’s populist tendencies. This could have begun operating quietly in this environment. In any case it’s only a flyover – no need for all this fanfare. As someone also stated, it’s all about Lusaka. I travelled through other towns a few months ago and some look exactly as they did in the 70’s. Nothing new there. All those rural towns should have had lots of manufacturing industries by now, producing local goods from local resources and employing thousands who are currently languishing.

  18. I see some people here saying opposition has no chance now to win the election. Because of this flyover bridge? Wow. Only in Africa do you require a President to commission a simple thing as a flyover bridge to score points for re-election. Zambians will not eat this flyover bridge. We need more if PF is to convince us that they deserve to remain in office beyond 2021. The infrastructure in other towns and cities of the country are in deplorable condition. But the spotlight is on Lusaka, to fooool the simpleminded. The corruption crimes these PF bandits have committed far outweigh the minimal development they are waving in our faces. PF corrupt criminals, you’re still going to prison next year, flyover bridge or not.

  19. Quite amusing what our politicians want credit for, they create hunger and then want to be praised for donating a few bags of 10kg mealie meal for some of the poor to eat one or two meals. What government does not build roads, hospitals and schools? Kaunda did these things, Chiluba did less infrastructure because had to grapple with $7bn of national debt. Look even a Bally government would do these basic things. What would a government be doing if they were not doing these things?
    The difference is that a wise government would have carried out these projects in a more responsible manner, not just sontapo.

  20. Lie Detector, it seems you don’t move. If you were born after 1991, then you may not appreciate what this Pf has done put side Lusaka which MMD failed. Yes development follows population and that you will not take away from it.You want the capital to look like Shangombo. No sir. Evening New York does not look like Alaska.

  21. Substandard fly over bridges poorly constructed. Not the same as in Europe, let alone in UK. ‘UMWANA SHAENDA ATASHA FYE UBWALI WA BA NYINA, NAGU BA LUNGUSHA.

  22. The logo for PF says MORE JOBS LOWER TAXES AND MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS those are the bread and butter issues that you have to tell us u have fulfilled .

    (INVESTMENT) . Look at RWANDA, they have invested heavily in INFRASTRUCTURE and PF is doing such

  24. Mulungushi Textiles was brain child of UNIP government and it served the purpose at the time until capitalist MMD came into power it became a white elephant. PF ideology is PRO POOR, thus it’s a mixed economy and UPND is hard core CAPITALISM and I can see it remaining as such if UPND came into power by mistake.
    Under UPND, ZESCO, NAPSA, ZAFFICO IDC will be no more because CAPITALISM favours market forces as opposed to subsidies. CORRUPTION, UNEMPLOYMENT and GREED will the order of the day as these three are the main disadvantages of CAPITALISM and outweighs the advantages by far. Government will have no business in business but just few Greed wealthy people running and controlling both the Economy and Government
    So Anthony leave Mulungushi and Kafue textiles to PRO POOR Governments…

  25. Mulungushi Textiles was brain child of UNIP government and it served the purpose at the time until capitalist MMD came into power it became a white elephant. PF ideology is PRO POOR, thus it’s more of a mixed economy and UPND is hard core CAPITALISM and I can see it remaining as such if UPND came into power by mistake.
    Under UPND, ZESCO, NAPSA, ZAFFICO IDC will be no more because CAPITALISM favours market forces as opposed to subsidies. CORRUPTION, UNEMPLOYMENT and GREED will the order of the day as these three are the main disadvantages of CAPITALISM and outweighs the advantages by far. Government will have no business in business but just few Greed wealthy people running and controlling both the Economy and Government
    So Anthony leave Mulungushi and Kafue textiles to PRO POOR…

  26. KZ yes if Edgar China Lungu and his cronies (that includes YOU) would not have corrupted the judicial system – and every other parastatal and institution like ECZ, Zesco etc. – I would have taken you and your lies to court. Now I will wait for a new government to appoint some real judges – and then we’ll put you away!

  27. Hey, My fellow Zambians some of the comments I have read here is that, there is this perception to insinuate that some of the ppl don’t understand development, I mean we just have to accept and understand that it’s a development whether small or big we just have to move on. At list, they are only one thing at a time one can do which makes a difference and Again which will mean that the next elected President will do the same and so forth that’s what I think development is all about. Mind you Ppl, there is a saying that “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and other thing is that we have to beware that we undeveloped country that’s why every project made is a development we just have to support it and embrace it.

  28. This is very embarrassing drama!
    Mediocre Citizens celebrating Mediocrity! Zambians should travel more to appreciate quality! Compared to what you see in other parts of the world, this does not qualify to be called a Flyover or overpass. This is an overpriced, expensive “Mushelemuko” hump!

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