Saturday, July 27, 2024

My Two Hours of National Planning with UPND President Hakainde Hichilema


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

Yesterday, we spent more than Two (2) hours of honest, engaging conversation together.

Hakainde Hichilema is not the kind you can accuse of not having a plan for the country, nor can you accuse him of lacking foresight.

I can confess, that HH is a gracious and kind man; especially towards his self proclaimed adversaries. Have you ever wondered why he has never had anything bad to say about those who make a living out of attacking him?

Let me say, HH comes from a disciplined personal and professional background; the kind of discipline Zambia needs in her Republican President.

But in those Two (2) precious hours yesterday, we talked the following:

  1. Alleviating household poverty by delivering equity and justice through comprehensive tax and pensions reforms
  2. The plight of students and young graduates regarding meal allowances and loan recovery program
  3. The plight of civil servants regarding their general working conditions, including salaries.
  4. A ready and waiting $2.3bn tourism investment proposal and implementation plan covering wildlife and environmental protection, tourism strategic network expansion plan, how we can bring millions of dollars of free money in the form of carbon credits and create up to 15, 000 jobs in the tourism sector.
  5. A national energy overhaul plan aimed at ending load-shedding within 9 – 12 months by delivering at least 100MW of solar energy generation capacity in each one of our 10 provinces.
  6. Strategies for resolving the crippling $20bn national debt crisis and ending the $2bn per year government-sponsored corruption cartel.
  7. Post COVID19 Zambia and how SMEs can be helped back onto their feet through accelerated, targeted business incentives.

We need to stop debating who the next head state will be and instead start focussing on strategies of helping HH put the country back onto the road to recovery and prosperity.

He has the right kind of leadership expertise, discipline and focus to become President of the Republic of Zambia.


  1. Anthony Bwalya UPND member…..he likes identifying himself as a cadre….we think belonging to a Political Party is the only way to survive in Zambia

  2. This has made morning. I almost choked with laughter. It’s like someone interviewing themselves. How can anyone take this a.s.s lickers interview seriously. You are a upnd cadre so we don’t expect any constructive criticism or objectivity. As a man who has won elections let me give you a bit of advice- please next time let him get interviewed by a pf supporter that way it shows how open he is to criticism. Until then he is an arrogant mr know it all of Facebook.

  3. What you have mentioned herein are just talking notes of which anyone can inculcate on but the know how still remains the tricky one to deal with. It’s very easy to see mistakes of football players when you watching from the terraces of a football pitch. In Bemba they say “ushimwikete atila ati mufutule tuleya” meaning that “if you are not the one who is involved in the actual fight says beat him fast so that we can go”. Let’s be serious ladies and gentlemen, pf have tried. Of course they may have made mistakes here and there. It is normal to error in any given social set up.

  4. @Moses .P. Sichula PF have have reached their pontential, i dont think they have anything else to offer, not not Ace trick from their sleeves is bewildering anymore, actually i dont think they can beat anything fast or even when they given a 100 years, their fight has reached a stage where the two fighters literally start only gasping for breath and each one starts screaming to the other iwe nati ndekelako, and the other will also respond iwe wine ndekelako..
    But there is also a fomous song in tonga which goes like Na muchini walema kamuleta ma spanner tumwangulule, literally meaning that if you have failed to repair a machine , just bring the spanners we fix it. even mechanics when a machine is beyond them they will suggest to you to try other mechanics, its just logic.

  5. Just that list in itself tells you upnd, just like pf, are clueless on improving the lives of Zambians and taking the country into the present century. The good thing is that hh was told this by that bbc report who intervieed him on hard talk. He grasped that he was empty. Lungu just avoids such interviews because it shows lack of intelligence every time he opens his mouth. Mwebantu – the problem in Zambia is this:- people have nowhere to start from. There are no descent jobs. There are no descent jobs (don’t list street vending as jobs & market chintu bwingi). Zambians need the means to be able to work. People don’t need to be spoon fed. The one who can come with solutions to this will be real, not these opportunists. Talking about US$ loans are just a way for politicians to steal…

  6. mmmmmm what a liar sure all these is nonsense talk about something else we are tired of listening to the same things always.

  7. Anthony just tells us the Ideology of HH and his UPND. If it’s CAPITALISM then what you have written above is wishful thinking. At least PF the PRO POOR Party have tried in Infrastructure development and am proud as Zambian to see and point at development all over the country. Yes they need now to work on MACRO and MICRO ECONOMICS from 2021 onwards
    Zambia needs to be a mixed economy but knowing UPND as hard core Capitalist ZESCO, NAPSA, ZAFFICO, IDC will be no more because CAPITALISM favours market forces as opposed to subsidies. CORRUPTION, UNEMPLOYMENT and GREED will the order of the day as these three are the offshoots or main disadvantages of CAPITALISM and outweighs the advantages by far. Government will have no business in business but just few Greed wealthy people running and…

  8. KZ serious just out line just once when ECL has held an interview out lining the economic fundamentals and how he thinks the country should move economically from 2015 which media has he ever given such an interview.

  9. Bring forward presidential debates. We want to hear from those wishing to be considered as 2021 presidential candidates. Why not encourage hosting a pre-presidential candidates TV debates for the public to have more information on the capacities of the potential presidential candidates?

  10. CONTINUED : people running and controlling both the Economy and Government. Anglo American will be back with their slave wages and conditions. NO NO NO NOT UPND.
    ANTHONY: Wealthy of any nation is measured by the level of the INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. Link Zambia 8000, School, Varsities, clinics, hospitals, urban roads, bridges, power generations etc. VIVA PF

  11. What I have found as a common denominator amongst our opposition guys is how they discuss things in such narrowed down fashion that it falls out of system thinking. We need to do something different for a change. Discussing any social benefit must be accompanied by how to raise those benefits through taxes or other means. If you discuss them emotively we end up at zero like all failed policies. National plans must have a devolution component. You cannot always plan from the center; this is why there are areas in the country that are very poorly served. Just a few examples.

  12. Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member!
    Please come back to earth, in particular Zambia!
    1. In Zambia, over 72% of the population live below the poverty datum line. The households subject herein do not earn meaningful income that you can subject to comprehensive tax and pensions reforms. The vast majority work for wages rather than pensionable jobs.
    2. Zambia needs a restructuring of our educational system that will produce graduates who are prepared to get their hands dirty and look to be entrepreneurs rather than look for a job that comes with an air conditioned office, a fuel subsidized personal-to-holder car and a paid up holiday scheme. Loan recovery, really? how? since there are no jobs for the young graduates.
    3. As UPND, you need to prime the civil servants that life under any new…

  13. If ECL and the PF stay in power, Zambia will end up worse than Zimbabwe.
    With a total debt of only $7billion, Zimbabwe still has room to breath and survive in future.
    In the case of Zambia, the $19billion foreign debt(total debt is about $23 billion) , there is little room for errors.Zambia needs a total change in direction.
    The PF have done enough damage to the country.

  14. KAIZAR ZULU, as one who has won elections with a WUI (working under influence) President, tell us when was he ever interviewed in Zambia by anyone, including a PF captured State media? Ba Lungu has been hiding from questions and scrutiny ever since he was born. He has done only two interviews and both outside Zambia. He is a one way communicator- listen to what I say but I will not listen to what you say. Nyerere said, ‘Development must be people driven.’ But in Zambia, what Lungu wants is what Zambians get. He has never listened to the people.

  15. Continued
    3. As UPND, you need to prime the civil servants that life under any new regime will only get tougher before it can be better. That to improve their welfare, the bloated labor force must be pruned to sustainable levels and semi literates would be replaced with competent trained manpower.
    4. A ready and waiting $2.3bn tourism investment proposal and implementation plan covering wildlife and environmental protection, tourism strategic network expansion plan, how we can bring millions of dollars of free money in the form of carbon credits and create up to 15, 000 jobs in the tourism sector. I would be wary of such investment. Why wait as though tourism, wild life and environmental protection should be tied to political parties? If the so called investors can’t put their money…

  16. The president talks to various stakeholders and media. Was it not this year that his excellency was interviewed by SKY news. Google that. Also Google his interview with SABC. Why do you have to lie you upnd d.i.c.ks

  17. continued from 20
    ..If the so called investors can’t put their money into Zambia now, chances are that they won’t at any point in future unless there are underlying conditions they are demanding of the UPND to fulfill.
    5. Please Mr Bwalya, you do not need to overhaul the current program in the energy sector. You only need to do things better! The load shedding is a result of an aggregate of numerous factors rather than PF. Before 2004 there was only one electric furnace at ZCCM’s Mufulira mine. Now you have 5 ISA Smelt furnaces in the mining industry. During the same period, copper production was only a meagre 250,000 tonnes per annum. Now you are aiming to produce in excess of 1,000,000 tonnes! A national energy overhaul plan aimed at ending load-shedding within 9 – 12 months by…

  18. Continued from 22
    ….by delivering at least 100MW of solar energy generation capacity in each one of our 10 provinces’ is to say the least, highly ambitious as you need to put in place reforms and incentives for the private enterprise to come in.
    6. I will not belabor the comment on the need to strengthen institutions to fight corruption. And please kindly look at the immediate mitigating factors to be implemented NOW rather than the Post COVID19 Zambia.

  19. by delivering at least 100MW of solar energy generation capacity in each one of our 10 provinces’ is to say the least, highly ambitious as you need to put in place reforms and incentives for the private enterprise to come in.
    6. I will not belabor the comment on the need to strengthen institutions to fight corruption. And please kindly look at the immediate mitigating factors to be implemented NOW rather than the Post COVID19 Zambia.

  20. Kikikiki … LT bloggers just need to be armed and there Will be peace. The quality of debates on LT has been reduced to partisan posturing. Even when someone brings good points to the forum, they are shot down all because they are from the other camp. We miss the days when LT was truly LT. Today, you can’t differentiate between LT and ZWD. There was a time government officials got ideas from LT and at least then, LT was truly contributing positively to the growth of debate in the country. LT should go back to it’s original self and ensure we have intelligent, dispassionate debates that add value to the nation. LT should weed out political sycophants, then we can have mature debates!!


  22. Just replace Bwalya with Lusambo and HH with Edgar in the story above and you will understand Zambian politricks.

  23. To those who like using adages thinking it helps stress a point raised must also appreciate the fact that each adage has its opposite in meaning and adages tend to cancel themselves and their usage are for the moment!

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