Saturday, July 27, 2024

Water contamination in Lusaka’s Mtendere Township to be ascertained-Minister


The government has dispatched a team of experts to ascertain water contamination in Lusaka’s Mtendere Township.

Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Minister Jonas Chanda said that Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company experts have already been deployed to collect samples and ascertain the contamination.

Dr. Chanda said that he will later in the day visit Mtendere to see affected areas, adding that the government is concerned with the welfare of the people and will do everything possible to rectify the situation.

The Minister was speaking after conducting a familiarisation tour of the water utility company today.

And Dr. Chanda said revenue collection has remained a major challenge for the utility company and that the outbreak of Covid-19 has worsened the situation.

Dr. Chanda has however appealed to customers of water utility companies to settle their bills even in installments so that the companies can continue operating efficiently.

And Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company Managing Director Jonathan Kampata said the Mtendere Water contamination is only affecting a few houses and not the entire township.

He has however stated that his company is giving the situation all the attention it deserves and working at resolving it as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Dr. Chanda has warned that Government will take drastic action against people that are putting up structures closer to water sources.

Dr. Chanda observes that underground water especially along the line of rail is under serious threat.

He says safeguarding water sources is a matter of urgency.

Dr. Chanda was speaking in Lusaka today when he visited Water Resources Management Authority- WARMA offices.

And WARMA Director General Kenneth Nyundu said the Authority is working to safeguard the water resource.


  1. We thank you. Please get to the bottom of this. We also have contamination of morals and standards by the upnd and diasporans. These guys are spreading hate lies and all sorts thinking it will help them win next election.

  2. And Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company Managing Director Jonathan Kampata said the Mtendere Water contamination is only affecting a few houses and not the entire township….What a hopeless MD! So you are saying there is no cause for investigations just because it’s a few houses ayi? Styopet

  3. This minister is saying the right things. I hope it remains like this throughout his time in this key office.

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