Saturday, July 27, 2024

MP Siwanzi was not Elected to build the Great North Road, Provincial Minister defends MP


Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone says people in Nakonde who are against the Member of Parliament Yizukanji Siwanzi must openly declare that they are opposition or that they don’t like him for other reasons and not the state of the Great North Road.

“The people who are putting the MP in that situation are not being genuine. There is a lot of pressure from the opposition, I know and they can’t tell me that if today the contractor abandoned everything and started working from Nakonde, they won’t tell me that anything will change about how they view the MP,” Mr. Sichone has told Chete FM news.

He says people should understand the Mr. Siwanzi was not voted to build the Great North road.

“We have constituencies like Shiwang’andu where there’s no contractor and the road is bad, they are not saying they’ll do away with Honourable Kampyongo…because the Great North Road is not a baby of the MP, it was there before the MP was elected,” he says.

The provincial minister who is also Isoka Member of Parliament has dispelled claims that he instructed the contractor to start works from his constituency but because the worst part of the great north road was in Isoka.

Mr Sichone is confident that by August next year, “Nakonde will have good roads ready.”

He added that works on the side of Nakonde have delayed because there was change in the design on the project. This means that from the customs to Nakonde-Mbala Junction there will be a dual carriageway.

He has advised Nakonde resident to pressurize Mr Siwanzi on projects like water and feeder roads.


  1. He is right, however, members of parliament always campaign about how they will build roads and clinics. And our voters dont expect any better.

  2. How then does yowa president campaign always saying give me an MP to work with. To take his words..someone who can work with me and tell me what is needed. there he is now…. driving 1000 km to come and yaya and drink coffee

  3. maybe its due to politicians rants during campaigns always promising that development will only come if people vote for ruling party MP. guess people want to see the promises fulfilled.

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