Saturday, July 27, 2024

Private Schools’s Move to Open Schools to Non Exam Classes is unacceptable-Health Minister


The government is unhappy that some private institutions of learning have opened their schools to non-examination classes against the Presidential directive.

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya says the act to disobey presidential directives is unacceptable.
Dr. Chilufya says President Edgar Lungu only directed the reopening for examination classes and that non-examination classes are not supposed to open.

Speaking during the routine update in Lusaka yesterday, Dr. Chilufya said 65 new cases of Covid-19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours out of 362 tests conducted.

He said one suspected Covid-19 related death of a 65-year-old female has been recorded.

Dr. Chilufya said the victim was hypertensive and had suffered a stroke.

He said very ill patients continue being seen in health facilities and have urged the public to report suspected cases of Covid-19 as early as possible.

He said 202 patients have been discharged, bringing the total number of recoveries to 7,004.

And Ministry of Health Director Infectious Diseases Lloyd Mulenga said it has been observed that some Covid-19 survivors are experiencing fatigue and shortness of breath.

Prof. Mulenga said the survivors should keep in touch with medical professionals so that they undergo rehabilitation and are helped to fully recover.

Meanwhile, Informal Sector Community Response Team Coordinator Pascal Chikumbi said the organization will work with law enforcers to ensure compliance to health measures.

Mr. Chikumbi appealed to people in buses and markets to adhere to presidential directives.


  1. Its not like private schools have overpopulated classrooms like public schools , if a school can manage to handle all the health issues and guidelines I see no reason for this insistance on not opening schools for non examination classes. Most of these kids actually are just roaming the streets and shopping malls, even their parents have failed to tame them at their homes.

  2. Instead of condemning or demonizing Private schools, has the Health Minister tried to put himself in the shoes of Teachers in Private schools to understand how miserable their lives have become Five (5) months since schools were closed? How are these people paying their Rentals or buying food since Private schools don’t have the money to pay them? What is unacceptable is having a government that can’t work out a Social Cash transfer for families negatively impacted by COVID! This is the reason why Leaders should not have special privileges for them to feel what the ordinary citizens feel on the ground!

  3. Instead of condemning or demonizing Private schools, has the Health Minister tried to put himself in the shoes of Teachers in Private schools to understand how miserable their lives have become Five (5) months since schools were closed? How are these people paying their Rentals or buying food since Private schools don’t have the money to pay them? What is unacceptable is having a government that can’t work out a Social Cash transfer for families negatively impacted by COVID! This is the reason why Leaders should not have special privileges for them to feel what the ordinary citizens feel on the ground!!

  4. Can we close them please. Ba lusambo can you look into this. Just whip. Kz.

    Lusaka times editor we need to meet. I promise I just want to talk to you

  5. Is there a correlation between the spike in COVID cases and opening of Private Schools?

    With all the PhD and MDs as Permanent Secretaries, is this the sort of objective and logical reasoning that should come from someone at Cabinet level?
    Let’s focus on being proactive in the fight of COVID. On this statement sorry Bwana Minister. You are off the mark. Interact with the schools where there weakness, by monitoring and strengthening those weakeness. We havent heard from you or the Ministry of Education how the measures that you have effected since the opening of the exam classes and here you are being critical when the Minister of Education may have sanactioned the schools to open? Again, over zealousness on your part. Just like the “control freak” that you showed in the collection…

  6. The health minister is a thief and speaking about schools from a minister who steals livelihood of children by depriving them from good medicines is only fit to be ignored. PF regime must hide him from public view. Some PF cadres need to be hidden, ‘Bakufisa ba KZ na Chitalu – denting PF.

  7. Schools grow brains… they don’t grow money for salaries. It is the students who pay fees for teachers’ salaries.

    Parents don’t want to, and should not need to, pay school fees during this lockdown. This not-to-pay directive was given by the other Minister.

    Are you prepared to give a directive for teachers to go without salaries till the end of this lockdown??

  8. Unfortunately, Pen!s Mabumba did not put together a logical survival plan to help Private schools and their teachers. Sad state of affairs indeed!
    Let’s just open everything and let nature take it’s course! Wafwa wafwa, washala washala!
    The Zambian version of COVID response is already a big mess with confused strategy from the top! If we can allow gatherings during Mushelemuko bridge ceremony, let’s go ahead and put people back to work!

  9. If you talk about salaries of private school, what about bartenders, door bouncers how are they surviving the COVID-19. They need to eat, pay rentals. Those advocating to open non examination classes are the owners of these schools. open these private schoolsl then also open bars and night clubs. Level the playing field.

  10. It’s a tough one!!! It’s understandable that Private School Teachers also need to survive and meet their family obligations but at the same time this virus is still at its peak and poses a high risk to both students and teachers. Kaya mwandi, it’s a tough call!! I can’t imagine living without an income!!

  11. Wht about PF political rallies and PF internal meetings? Wht about parliamentary and local government by-elections? Wht about the announced ceremonial opening of parliament in September? Hw will the honour guard be inspected? Let’s admit that we hv a crisis and treat everyone the same.

  12. It’s a tough call!! I totally understand that Private School Teachers also need to survive and meet their families obligations but this virus is also at its peak and poses a high risk to both students and teachers. Just wondering how else these teacher’s can be helped with some sort of sustenance if the non examinations classes remain closed. I can’t imagine living without an income, this virus has truly messed up families.

  13. It’s hunger that’s causing people to contravene the COVID-19 Law. Teachers in private schools haven’t received any salaries this year. Schools closed before parents paid their school fees. People are hungry and it’s annoying to see multitudes of PF cadres gather and lavish the money they’re paid by leaders

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