Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chief Chitimukulu wants People in Bembaland educated on livestock production


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people has called on the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock to ensure extension officers become mobile and educate people on livestock production.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu says people in Bemba land have now started keeping goats and cattle but they lack knowledge on how to take care of the animals.

Speaking when Malole Member of Parliament Christopher Yaluma paid a courtesy call on him at his Palace in Mungwi District this morning, the traditional leader complained that extension officers no longer move around farms to educate livestock farmers.

He urged authorities to compel the officers to impart knowledge on livestock production to people in Northern Province.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu joked that Bembas no longer eat cattle like they did in the 1960s, but now want to keep them for business.

And Mr. Yaluma announced that the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is in the process of giving about 15 cattle to Paramount Chief Chitimukulu and several Sub Chiefs for animal production.

Mr. Yaluma, who is also Commerce Minister, said the cattle will be handed over soon so that Chiefdoms can start rearing for business.

He later donated 16 bicycles and several bags of mealie meal to Bashilubemba, the advisors to the Paramount Chief.


  1. It’s not only the education and having livestock, it’s having passion for what you do, are they ready to wake up in the middle of night to assist that cow having difficulties giving birth, are they ready to wake up at 04 to go and open up the cattle and take the for water and give feed? Are they ready to roll in cow dung when its barddizo time? Are they ready to take the farm noise from billy goats especially at night?

  2. This is progressive from the Chitimukulu. But help is just near-by. Inamwangas and Mambwes know about these things.

  3. But a word of caution is in order. Teach only those willing to do this type of work. Not everyone is the same. That’s just the way it is.

  4. Isn’t too early for PF to go on rampant campaigning with donations? Zambians are too forgetful, especially that Chitimukulu. August next year is too far.
    Anyway, chitimukulu articles are paying him good. He should thank Mucheleka.

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    We have to be honest here… rearing of cattle is not something you can learn overnight or go to school to learn, it is tradition that runs from generations to generations and gets embedded into people’s way of life. The Lozis and the Tongas are traditionally and culturally cattle rearers and have been doing it since time immemorial. It is their custom and they have been marrying away their daughters using cattle as dowries. The Kololos when they fled the wrath of Shaka the Zulu conquered tribe after tribe looking for perfect land to graze their cattle and they settled on Barotseland where they battled Luyanas… the rest is history and you have the present Lozis. Not hating but these are facts.

    By all means good luck but like someone mentioned above, rearing cattle requires hard word…

  6. Finally, those who used to mock “Kachemas” as backwards suddenly want to become Kachemas? Knowledgeable ignorance is bliss!
    Progressive move to hear Mwinelubemba speaking like a chief should. Ubuyantanshi is what we all want! Who would care about politics if we were all comfortable?
    But we need to change ubuteko. They have stolen too much from us! Imagine Debt to GDP ratio at 132.4% after floating the COVID bonds!
    We are in deep maningi trouble!

  7. I hv herded cattle as a young village boy. I own cattle even now. I know it’s hard work. I know wht my late dad passed on to me about cattle. I know how to milk cows, I know how to yoke oxen.

  8. The Zambian newspapers are all about Bemba this, Bemba that, Bemba here, Bemba there! F,uck, this country is Zambia, not Bembastan. This tribalism is going to split this country, period! We are sick and tired of these Central Africans thinking that this country is theirs alone!

  9. @?. The northern part of Zambia has poor acidic soils. Resulting in poor grazing areas! Only good for browsers like goats. The grass is hard and not nutritious. It will require alot of supplementary feeding. With prices of hay skyrocketing it will be an expensive venture.

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