Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu Appoints Dr Francis Chipimo to Act as Bank of Zambia Governor


President Edgar Lungu has appointed Bank of Zambia Deputy Governor(Operations), Francis Chipimo to act as Governor, owing to the pending ratification of the substantive Governor by the National Assembly.

President Lungu appointed Christopher Mvunga as Bank of Zambia Governor on Saturday, 22nd August 2020, subject to ratification by the National Assembly.

According to the President’s letter, dated 22nd August, 2020 to Dr. Chipimo, the Deputy BoZ Governor will act as Governor until the National Assembly ratifies the appointment of Mr. Mvunga.

This is contained in a statement issued to media this evening by President Lungu’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations, Isaac Chipampe.


  1. After Mac Donald Mapenzi has cited the law of the impending vacuum of the impending ratification of new governor by national assembly…. kikikiki ba kulu….. easy does it…..I saw and read the law….. I was wondering….. rule of men ….

  2. why send to media after a week and the people the world has spoken you need
    a serious personal with social respect for BOZ Chief and let parlaiment not ratify
    this drunk and what ever chracter he is

    It should have just been that way ,but this is the after thought

  3. Confusion in State House. Not surprising. Lungu’s presidency was born in chaos. There was confusion when Sata died and Lungu took advantage of acting presidency to become the unheralded successor. He’s transferring that confusion to his appointments.

  4. This is a much sound decision. From the onset, this is the man whom you should have appointed to act as well as to later be ratified by parliament. Consultation is key to modern leadership.

  5. Not everything is what it seems. The president was advised very okay and he is well aware of the process. Everything done by the president is well calculated and analyzed.

    That’s what happens to a child who the father buying pencils and uniform before he finds school or buy books. And concludes that he has gone haywire. Not applying abstractive reasoning that the process can be started from any point without compromising the final outcome.
    It is therefore important to think before we comment.

  6. Good evening zambians. I don’t need to go back to being an advisor to the president. There is nothing wrong with the way things have been handled by the young man zamani. The two announcements had to be made I.e. the nominated governor and the acting. The two decisions didn’t have to be made on the same day. A lot of checks of varying degrees need to be carried out and different verification results are received at different times. There is no rule that states the two positions need to be announced on Same day. Let us not trivalise things. Kz

  7. Mixing beers is not good, brings confusions in brain. Another appointment after a week of regrets.
    Chris should just give back keys to Governor office … He should ask for a lower job, like Kabwe Branch bank manager.

  8. Nostra is so dull he thinks the appointment of an acting governor equates to chris appointment being terminated. You are a dunder head who has been brain washed by your demigod leader hh

  9. Nostra is so dull he thinks the appointment of an acting governor equates to chris appointment being terminated. You are a dunder head who has been brain washed by your demigod leader hh. Kaizar

  10. I told you that Edgar Lungu is a humble stupid person. He doesn’t think before he acts.

    He will wake up in 2021 to find himself out of power. Nothing is working well in his government will.

    There was no need to use emotion in firing Denny Kalyalya.

    PF must go!

  11. Kaizer Zulu ka language…. Are you a Christian…. you lack humility my young man….. be like our president…… our president is cool and collected but you are the opposite….. I pray for you. You have the zeal but you are too sensitive to hear criticism….. be patient with opposing views

  12. Incidentally, there is no express provision in the law for a President to appoint an ‘acting Governor’. A governor may delegate his functions to the deputy, with the approval of the board. But in this case, there is no Governor. I would have thought that while ratification awaits, this function would be carried out by the board which has, invested in it, ‘all the powers of the Bank and which shall be responsible for the formulation of policy of the Bank’.

    I doubt this assumption that because there is an impasse, ECL may ‘willy-nilly’ purport to have powers to appoint the deputy as ‘acting governor’. There is this ‘aura’ of omnipotence in Zambia when it comes to some of the so-called Presidential powers

  13. Zambia has made strides in the area of enlightenment and it makes me proud when reading through the ensuing interaction after an article the likes of such as @ Harold Muna among a few others whose comments stimulate the mind. However politicians still think Zambians being naive.

  14. That’s the problem with making rush appoints when under the influence…..

    Some body has told lungu that even the value of the kwacha is influenced by this decision…….

    The PF hoped this U turn will slip under the radder by flooding the airwaves with HH and privertisation stories ……

    But know what ………directions at BOZ affect daily lives of our people , not HH and privertisation.

  15. That’s the problem with making rush appoints when under the influence…..

    Some body has told lungu that even the value of the kwacha is influenced by this decision…….

    The PF hoped this U turn will slip under the radder by flooding the airwaves with HH and privertisation stories ……

    But know what ………directions at BOZ affect daily lives of our people , not HH and privertisation.

  16. Does this even surprise anybody? PF is such an ignorant group. I really feel for the professionals who work for PF.

  17. I must say Kaizar Zulu should be brought back to the corridors of State House….Lungu is running around like a headless chicken with Kaizar Zulu….we love you Kaizar…you’ve become the male version of Sharon and Mushota

  18. 214 (1) There shall be a Governor of the Bank of Zambia who shall be appointed by the President, subject to ratification by the National Assembly, and who shall be—
    (a) a citizen;
    (b) a person who has specialised training and experience in economics, finance, accounting, banking, law or other field relevant to banking, as prescribed; and
    (c) a person of proven integrity.
    (2) The Governor shall be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

  19. (1) There shall be a Governor of the Bank of Zambia who shall be appointed by the President, subject to ratification by the National Assembly, and who shall be—
    (a) a citizen;
    (b) a person who has specialised training and experience in economics, finance, accounting, banking, law or other field relevant to banking, as prescribed; and
    (c) a person of proven integrity.
    (2) The Governor shall be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

  20. Chipante pante decision making at work. ECL shouldn’t have appointed Chris Mvunga as Governor of BOZ b4 Parliament approves the Nominee to be appointed to the Post. As of now Chris Mvunga is only a Nominee and can only be appointed Governor of BOZ after Parliament ratification. ECL Advisers slept on the job.

  21. Where is the Article in the BOZ Act which says the President can appoint Acting Governor of BOZ? If the Governor died on duty who would appoint Acting Governor of BOZ pending Nomination by the President and Ratification by Parliament? It seems logical that the Board of Directors of BOZ should have appointed Acting Governor of BOZ . The President appoints a substantive Governor of BOZ after Nomination and the Ratification Process.

  22. I don’t think any normal person wd expect any progress from this govt of only bembas and nyanjas. They ar just not skilled enough..

  23. yaba these guys surely. Had mr chipenzi and the law professor based in SA not said it they couldn’t hv made this change. These Tongas hv to rule mwebantu. God pliz give us chance to hv a tonga ruler.these bembas and their chipata mbuyas are not intelligent enough..the evidence is their of hw they work.

  24. @ Himonde and @ Inambao, Absolutely no need for the tribalism that you’re trying to bring to this forum. We don’t tolerate tribalism here, try else where!!! We don’t even know the two of you on LT, you’re not regulars and we will not condone your tribalist remarks and insults to Easterners and Northerners. Talk logic and make positive criticism if need be, not insults!!

  25. Isn’t this common sense mwe bantu. Who is a deputy? Why do we deliberately chose to lack understanding of the meaning of words just because we hate someone. The word deputy is stronger than assistant. Deputy has same connotation like vice. To announce that the deputy I’d now acting pending ratification of the appointed person doesn’t constitute in someone failing. Please attack President Lungu on may be other issues on this one we are just showing our lack of understanding or sheer hatred for ECL. With or without announcement its common sense the deputy steps in to act.

  26. Would the deputy require ratification by parliament too if he was appointed instead? If so, maybe would be more straight forward.

  27. Its not common sense the deputy steps in to act. Is that in his job description? You can have a deputy but someone else can act in the position he deputises. It happens.

  28. Please Zambians, am appealing to you to stop tribalism and insults. I read some very sensible postings that end up with tribal talk and insults and the whole credence is diluted. I have a feeling in your private lives you should be very good Zambians.
    I love you all.

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