Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nawakwi on Privatization: Unfortunately, Court of Public Opinion in Bally’s Favour


By Parkie Mbozi

THE STORY about UPND President Hakainde Hichilema’s involvement in the privatization of state companies in the 1990s has been trending on all forms of mass media platforms – both online and offline and social and mainstream media. The story came about after FDD President Edith Nawakwi, a former minister during the time, ‘’revealed’ what she alleged as foul play on Hichilema’s part in the process.

Opinions are divided on the issue. Conspiracy theories abounds. One school of thought is that the story always surfaces just before elections, simply for political mileage, but dies down again post-elections due to lack of credibility. If winning public opinion and voters is what is at stake here, the questions is how effective is the strategy? In this era of interactive media, where media audiences have a say, I decided to dedicate this article to gauging the readers’ views on the matter.

To do that I viewed readers’ comments to a News Diggers online (Facebook) story titled, “Govt might act on Nawakwi’s allegations against HH – Dora”. The story’s intro reads, “CHIEF Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya says government will soon inform citizens should it decide to act on former finance minister Edith Nawakwi’s allegations against UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema.”

News Diggers is regarded as a credible media outfit on almost all fronts, hence my pick. This story carried 403 comments and 13 shares as at 06:00 Hrs on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. Due to lack of space I have published the first 35 comments, unedited, and in the order that they appear on the site. The names of the authors are also provided as published. Both the story and ALL the 403 comments can be accessed on:

Here go the reader views:

Gospelson Kamawu: How I wish they could also act on allegations of Mukula, FIC report and GBM’s claims of him knowing who was spearheading and financing the gassing issues across the country.

Vincent Muchiso: My President Edger Changwa Lungu can’t afford to make such mistakes to waste time petty issues. You’re making the president unpopular ba MMD.

Andy Hanny: I want president Lungu to tell nation how he acquired wealth so fast in 15 months. Taking into account that in 2015 he declared his assets at 2 million kwacha, but 15 months later his assets jumped to 23 million kwacha. We however note that his salary and allowances for the period could have increased his assets by less than 800 000 kwacha. Mr Lungu doesn’t own any business. We need a complehasive report.

Mcdonald Mudenda: But madam Nawakwi was then the finance minister and the whole entire MMD cabinet ministers approved that actually there are the ones who called me HH but to day only HH is being blamed I think to end this matter those MMD former ministers should be called sit together other than targeting one person.

Sinkala Derrick: Senseless,governments that meant well for the nation failed to find anything against him and honesty do we have normal people in this government

Victor Zulu: Let them act so that we can sort this issue once and for all,then after that HH must sue Nawakwi and the PF government cos i am very much sure that he is innocent.

George Malupande: The government is scared of HH winning next year that’s why it’s doing so and why did it fail to find the owner of the 48 houses and the fire tenders and also failed to do justice to Hon Chitotela upon finding him with trunks of money??
We also need justice to those cases.

Joseph Kalaba Kaoma: Dull government in history instead of focusing on the economy busy digging archives meant to destroy a single person.

Sipho Fair Mufwafwi: Its high time the church rose and showed its relevance. Cant we feel united as a nation?? Everyday is about battles at the expense of moving the nation as one. The atmosphere our politicians have created isnt health.

David Simbayi: Dora should be thanking what killed HE the president of the republic of zambia ??, mhsrip because if Mr Sata was alive you should have been in jail by now for dubiously awarding a to some Italian company to supply the Radar at the then Lusaka International Airport which was Never Delivered to zambia ??, Dora you are not the right person to talk about corruption, because you stick corruption yourself, shame on you.

Namasiku Wasilota: Last kicks of a dying horse. Less than a year remaining. Prepare yourselves. Most of you will be in jail and a small fraction will retire kuma “famu”
And while you’re at it, Nawakwi should also explain the role she played back then as finance minister naiwe wamene na maize scandal yako.

Phyllis Musambo Sialumba: It just shows they are the ones doing this, corruption in the regime is the order of the day, they don’t act but act on something that won’t benefit us currently, 48 houses we never head govt saying they will act on those alleged no owner.
Won’t be surprised to hear HH will be arrested for privatisation, no wonder they allowed Nawakwi on ZNBC its an agenda, God is still on the throne, you can’t do such to your own

Chola Mwale: Is there an accepted limit of sinking low for any govt? Or a govt is allowed to sink as low as they wish?

David Ngosa: Corrupt mind has.evil.desire nothing good from corrupt mind always fault finding looking for defence we need to move forward 48ghost houses died nature death fire tenders nothing hidden that will not be exposed with God all things are possible at heart

Pearson Lungu: The failing of Bill 10, has brought the privatisation of the mines, apon realizing that its a none starter, they reduced it to the Hotel, house, and a farm, after been answered, of how a farm and house was been bought and who where the real owners, they jumped to a Hotel, after they realising that he was clean, they are asking why he has shares, lets see what next, bally ni bally. I love noise makers, coz they start from academy, to primary, primary to, secondary, up colleges and universities.
Teddy Simukonda: But he has been telling you to go to court , what are you waiting for?????, pipo are scared to report him…mu Zambia.

Malama CM: 30yrs down the drain government and Nawakwi are realizing now that HH committed a crime? This is a faster way of facilitating another pay check for HH because you know you will loose

Moses Mwala: This will be nice for a precedence because after this, sale of zamtel to Lapgreen will be probed, radar systems, fire tenders, ambulances, Avic roads, mukula trees etc will equally demand for commission of inquiries. We shall see how many will be caught in these webs and so we welcome any inquiry.
Muka Obly: This Woman does not learn from the past. Remember what she used to do to sata and what she went through after mmd lost elections. She is one of the people that made rb loose terribly to sata after she came up with the policy of selling all grz schools and people voted them out.

Mukusa Muksa Mumba: You are just trying to divert people’s attention from the FIC report where your names are

George Bwalya: When the Malawi zambian maize scandal was reported in which yourself was involved, you never allowed anyone to study it. That’s the confirmation then that you sponsored nawakwi with her nonsense, nonsense that the same story comes before the elections, why not study the cost of fire tenders and toll gates? Why not study why corruption cases die natural deaths, or take keen interest to ascertain your own failure to let the dollar reach k20? Why is dora only at politics of personal attacks than issues? Zambians are tired of the same nonsense!! It’s nonsense that when you were in MMD you failed to arrest HH for privatisation, why today ? at a time when the boat is sinking at a fast rate, PF was king cobra!!!

Moidah Hamunali: Dull how about zamtel issue during her time as minister of communication, shameful without shame on her face.

Haggai Gondwe: Yes all who participated in Privatization must investigated. Up to those who sold Zamtel to LapGreen of Libya. Thereafter, we demand for the publication of the Zamtel Report which late President Sata commissioned. These are very interesting times.

Ken Peters: Let’s also have the FIC report. Investigations should also include the sale of Zamtel and single sourcing of airport radar.

Hlupo Ziba: Well! Maybe the law enforcement agencies should act on the revelations from Chellah Tukuta if that’s how the system works under the current regime.

MD Rain Mvula: Your government is so defensive when it comes to accountability??
Levy Ngulube Sr. We knew this game from the start but you know that “WE ARE MILES AHEAD OF YOUR GAME PLAN”.After the failure of BILL10,we knew something strange will come up!!!! Let us also have the FIC REPORT 2019.
Jimmy Muteba Kahokola Just act now … not might act…we want to know the truth….it’s like what HH has said many times not enough…your hero will be the first to be jailed.

Noritah Mwanza: It will expose a lot of things including the one who sold Zamtel.

Della Nila: While you are strategizing on how to act on HH. We the Zambian people are waiting for our FIC report. It’s long overdue.

Mutinta Mulonda: What are they going to act on that has not been acted on previous governments? PF trying to use gimmicks to arrest HH by using a washed up politician in Edith Nawakwi who should be charged for her incompetence as well.

Greyson Shilukobo: Please go to PACRA and check who the shareholders are. I am so shocked with this ignorance and lucky of knowledge on their part.

Mary Taguma Bilsborough: What Zambians want to know is what is in the fic report. This HH corruption allegations by you guys does not sound well. You can’t be pointing fingers at anyone regarding corruption, you’re the masters of corruption, deal with it.

Jackson Thompson Dora is finished. 10 months left in office and she continues to butcher her career and image beyond repair. We will see where idiots like this will end up past August 2021 – there are no tricks that will make Zambians change their mind.

Conclusion: Going by the sampled views of the readers, anyone wishing to cash in some political mileage from the HH privatization story is clearly flogging a dead horse. The following Bemba proverb seems to hold: Mwaloba lyauma

The author is a media, governance and health communication researcher and scholar with the Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia. He is reachable on [email protected].


  1. 35 views of random unverified accounts on social media are not reflective of the view of the 17 million people in Zambia. This is why upnd lose elections but think they have won because they won on Facebook hahahaha. Let HH just answer the people he wishes to serve. If he is innocent i don’t see why he is making this complicated by suing citizens 3million lol. Niw0funta hh. His advisors are the worst

    • Has he verified the commentators are real people? Does he have their street addresses? Computers can write nowadays. Also one person can write under several false names

  2. Which public court is in favour of a thief imwe. Me I want him jailed. Full stop. Same as all those who are stealing in pf will also account one day. Thieves must account. Its the only way zambia will ever get better, not thus slum country we are left with

  3. Which public court is in favour of a thief imwe. Me I want him jailed. Full stop. Same as all those who are stealing in pf will also account one day. Thieves must account. Its the only way zambia will ever get better, not thus slum country we are left with. Zambia is bigger than one thief

  4. Im really getting sick and tired of these Diaspora demons who seem to worship their HH Bally no matter what wrong he has done. I will tell you something: as long as I’m alive, I will not allow your Bally near the corridors of power. We will ensure that ECZ, ConCourt, the police or OP that I run do everything they can to block your god from ascending to power in this country. What kind of demagogues are these who seem to cling on to their Bally regardless of the overwhelming evidence of the respected Nawakwi that he is corrupt? When you accuse us of corruption and we ask you for evidence, you say evidence is not required. But with your Bally, you want evidence – double standard.

  5. Im really getting sick and tired of these Diaspora demons who seem to worship their HH Bally no matter what wrong he has done. I will tell you something: as long as I’m alive, I will not allow your Bally near the corridors of power. We will ensure that ECZ, ConCourt, the police or OP that I run do everything they can to block your god from ascending to power in this country. What kind of demagogues are these who seem to cling on to Bally regardless of the overwhelming evidence of the respected Nawakwi that he is corrupt? When you accuse us of corruption and we ask you for evidence, you say evidence is not required. But with your Bally, you want evidence – double standard.


  7. Mbozi what kind of journalism is this where you quote views in only one publication and you announce this is the public opinion? It is Unfortunate that we have such mediocrity passing for journalism. Read the comments even on LT and your public opinion will be dizzy.

  8. If this is the beginning of trying all those that are suspected of having abused public resources, so be it! It is wrong to use an opposition Vuvuzela social media to gauge people’s opinion. I am taken aback that a researcher can do such a thing. My thinking is that HH shouldn’t even have taken time to sue. Court procedure will more of his campaign time.

  9. Kikiik everyone supports Bally.Only those who are corrupt and who belong to his party.He needs to account for everything

  10. Iwe kz OP is not PF . Please try to grow up a bit. You are hurting lungu with you sensless posts.

    This kz is just decapaigning PF. Let lungu send op to find out who is behind this online kz posts

  11. Is ACC going to arrest Edith Nawakwi for suspected Corruption deals during the Privatization Programme? U can’t arrest the Advisor and leave the Policy/Decision Maker free. Advice can be rejected or accepted so Edith Nawakwi as Minister of Finance at the material time should take full Responsibility for the failed Privatisation Programme. HH was not the only Consultant hired for Privatization Roles and shouldn’t be victimised for Political reasons. Edith Nawakwi and her husband Mr Hambulo are suspected to have benefited from the Programme. She bought Lima Houses for the Husband. As a Public Service Officer Edith Nawakwi should know that that was clear Conflict of interest. Lets hope Selective Application of Law will not be used against the Popular HH in this Case.

  12. Nine Chile-i will not boycott the best Hungarian sausage in town because the owner has spoken against hh. I can’t never change my lifestyle because of that oval headed twit of a 5 time loser!!
    Childish Lusaka Mayor-you’ve nailed it my man!!!

  13. So what if HH found business opportunities and took them during privatisation?

    Would you rather only foreigners benefitted?

    What is wrong with Zambians?

    HH is one of the biggest employers in the country.

    Do you think Lungu ever questions where the steak on his plate has come from ?

  14. There must be morality in the nation how do you defend evil it is illegal to shield wrong doing you cannot entertain money laundering and think it is normal lawlessness is evil and it kills, in that shape no one can be taken to court if they steal and it will be free for all public opinion can not be the verdict the law must take its cause that is how it works.
    The government that doesn’t practice justice is a rotten government and it is better not to be there you cannot allow anarchy to rule people will be killing each other if there is law to protect them.

  15. HH should just explain
    And he will be warm and dry. Unlike unleashing dry mouthed dogs of his to bark at every question asked. If he means well for us Zambians he needs to make us understand why we should trust him with our very few resources remaining. Because if he truly ripped off this country’s last vessel when everything was bleeding then I don’t see reason why we can trust such an evil person

  16. These are political gimmicks to divert out attention from Mukula smuggling through Congo, issuing NRCs to Congolese national to vote in 2021, Missing Gold at police station, selling Goldmine in Northwestern at U$2.5 Million, chilufya’s aquital, 48 houses ownership, etc. We have all these Pandora boxes. Too bad they have Used Edith whose hands are so dirty.
    Why is this issue coming only at the time of campaigns, RB promised to arrest HH when he comes to power?Sata, Lungu etc and all these prove him innocent when they are in office.

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