Saturday, July 27, 2024

People testing positive for Covid-19 have a history of disregarding Guidelines-Dr Malama


Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Kennedy Malama has said that most people testing positive for Covid-19 have a history of having attended social events or visited public places such as bars.

Speaking during the Covid-19 daily briefing where he announced that the country has recorded 60 new cases and 74 discharges in the last 24 hours, Dr. Malama said that this behaviour endangers one’s life and that of others.

Dr. Malama further disclosed that 47 patients remain in health facilities across the country with 31 at Levy, of which 14 are on oxygen while 7 are in ICU and 2 on mechanic ventilation and that 16 patients are admitted outside Lusaka, with nine on oxygen therapy.

Dr Malama also said that Zambia has carried out over 124,000 Covid-19 tests, of which 12,836 have come out positive. He said currently, the recoveries stand at eleven thousand 748 while deaths remain at 295.

Meanwhile, Local Government Minister Charles Banda has warned of stern action against bars and restaurant owners found breaking the Covid-19 prevention guidelines.

Dr. Banda has told ZNBC News in Lusaka that his Ministry is concerned that some bars that also operate as restaurants are abusing government’s decision to allow them to open their eating sections and that his Ministry will deal with owners of restaurants that are disregarding the Presidential directive by turning their places into bars and night clubs.

Dr. Banda said that the law will be enforced on anyone found wanting without segregation and that the Presidential directive to have all bars and night clubs closed still stands.

Dr. Banda has appealed to the public to help his ministry by reporting those breaking the law as officers cannot be everywhere.

Meanwhile, Bars and Night Clubs owners Association of Zambia Secretary General Edmond Lifwekelo has appealed to his members to be patient. Mr. Lifwekelo said the Association has been engaging the relevant authorities on possibilities of reopening bars and night clubs. He has however expressed disappointment with what he called selective application of the law by the local authority as some bars are being allowed to operate.


  1. Wow wow is that a way to embarras PF officials, that Lusambo, Kelvin Sampa, Kambwili, all contracted covid-19 from bars?

  2. so who is the main culprit? hey–
    is a social event set up by itself?
    when are the politicians going to stop gathering people around in the name of donations, checking up on developments, officiating this and that?

    can one not use zoom to address their followers?

  3. so who is the main culprit? hey–can some one tell me,
    when are the Politians going to stop gathering people around in the name of making donations and checking up on developmental projects?
    does it surely require one to travel kilometers just to check on a project? Surely, this can be done by their subordinates who in turn do submit reports to headquarters-

  4. We have been pleading with people to take a responsible approach to life. We trust people are mature enough to abide without us using force. However, if we are forced to, we will use force to ensure the safety of the majority.

    I don’t want to see any comment from a diasporan here because there in Europe and America thousands if not millions have died. So please keep the rubbish advice for your countries there. Why should we take advice from people residing in countries that lamentable failed to tackle the virus

  5. Those who live in Kabulonga sometimes forget the terrible living conditions of overcrowding, no running water, and communal toilets in Zambia’s poor neighborhoods. Shame.

  6. This is not productive to speak in that manner, is he also including the like of Lusambo, Dora and the vice president in the category of people in a habit of disregarding the guidelines? Dr Malama should not be petty and reckless in his thoughts regarding this otherwise we tend to not give adequate help to the affected because they are have been careless. Other victims may also be shying away from seeking health help due to such victimisation as purported by the respectable doc!

  7. Leave the Doc alone. How else could have got COVID? There is no other way ALL those who got Covid disregarded the guidelines at one stage or another. All he is telling you is follow the guidelines.
    They said STAY HOME!! Bally has been hybernating in his new Kasama mansion. He is still free of Covid.

  8. The remark is not correct and unfair. What about our senior political leaders that have had this positive test like the veep? Does it mean she has not been observing the health guidelines? The statement require to be retracted by whoever said it and apologise.

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