Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Youths Mobilise Without Social distancing or Face Masks Despite COVID-19


United Party for National Development Youths in Lusaka have been mobilizing youth for readiness for the mobile issuance of National Registration Cards which is to commence soon, without using face masks or observing any social distancing, despite the prevalence of COVID-19 in Lusaka.

Driving the mobilization has been UPND Lusaka district youth Chairperson, Archritius Mwanakayaya, called on all youths across the district to get ready for the NRC registration exercise to commence soon. Mr Mwanakayaya, said that an NRC is an important document not only for the purpose of getting a job or mere identity but the document also plays an important role even when it comes to changing underperforming governments like the PF.

Mr Mwanakayaya was speaking this when the district youth leadership visited Chawama constituency in their continued tour of the constituencies across the district. The district youth leadership has embarked on a vigorous tour of the district to encourage and explain roles youth must play.

Further, the UPND district youth Chairperson, told the youths that it was an open secret that UPND is winning next year’s elections the same way the party won 2015 and 2016 elections. He said that, though it was obvious that the party will win next year, it was important that all youths across the country stand up and protect both the voters and the votes. Mr Mwanakayaya said that vote protection was an important exercise that all youths must participate in.

“Colleagues, I want to tell you that UPND is winning next year’s general elections just like 2015 and 2016 but this time around, we must protect both the voters and votes across the district. This is very important”, he said.

The district youth leadership, assured the Chawama constituency of more visits going forward.

UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration
UPND Youths Mobilisation for NRC and Voter Registration


  1. Very irresponsible. When we had the president of Zambia visiting public places, the pf crowds were wearing masks and yet the upnd Bush pigs were first to criticize. This shows what sort of party upnd is. They lack in discipline. Their president is too busy fighting his own privatisation battles to care about managing his unruly subjects. What a shame

  2. Stupidity is a more serious form of masalamusi, it’s worse than COVID-19. I hope if HH wins these are not going to be the Kamalondos/Kainyokolola Zulus/Lusambos/Kambwiliz of his world

  3. Friends from UPND I advise you to use mask. Do not copy what some of few PF cadres do. Do that is right. People will judge you for being foolish just like we have condemned some of PF cadres who did not comply with COVID-19 Rule.

  4. Who said upnd are winning 2021??? It’s the voters who will determine the outcome. The evil opposition clique and it’s supporters haven’t convinced Zambians why they should vote for them-what exactly is their manifesto???

  5. Most of the large gatherings by the major political parties have somehow not adhered to the strict Covid-19 guidelines. This is due to many social and psychological factors. Simply put, it is somehow a challenge to have a big gatherings while adhering to strict Covid-19 guidelines. In my opinion, the best is to avoid large gatherings by ALL or use alternative platforms.

    • Utu tubafana don’t they know their party needs them next year? Stop risking your lives and when HH loses because you were careless and risked your lives you wont be there to console him. Kupusa!

  6. KZ grow up , none of the leaders are reining in the cadres. Starting with your number! If people were serious all these gatherings should not happen but ECL set a bad precedence. Chitalu followed, then Bowman, mundubile, Mweetwa, Nevers Mumba, Kambwili, etc

  7. Unbelievable! If you care for these young people, as much as you are pontificating, at least, issue them with face masks. Youngsters’ lives needlessly put at risk, for what?…a vote? This is so irresponsible and selfish.

  8. @ Kenny Mitit, that one Kaizar Zulu keeps being nonsensical in his style of making comments has led to using “lab tech” noble profession be used in a demeaning manner yet the profession has weight! Anyway it’s understandable that the wrong people do not deserve opportunities in respectable professions

  9. If those youth do not have NRC’s then their parents/guardians are very irresponsible! What happened to the days when you were taken to get a NRC when you turned 16?


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