Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu concerned with projects which have not yet finished in Mwense District


President Edgar Lungu has expressed concern with projects which have not yet finished in Mwense District.

Responding to Mwense Pastors Fellowship when he met the clergy in Mwense district yesterday, President Lungu says he would love to see projects completed in the district as credit for the completion of project will go to him.

“We are concerned with unfinished projects in the district, next year is an election year and since we say, ‘Sonta epo wabomba’ so if the projects are completed credit will go to us,” President Lungu said.

The President called on the clergy to take interest in the projects government is implementing if they are to move at the same pace with government.

He told the clergy to continue imparting responsibility in the people saying despite the many projects that government has done vandalism has continued.

And President Lungu has called on the church not to only see corruption in government but also opposition and other people in society.

“Some chiefs, have continued to sale land in exchange for expensive cars, but despite this open corruption, people have continued only to point at politicians as being corrupt, we are all your children whether opposition or in government so I call on you to point at corruption wherever it is,” the president observed.

And Mwense Pastor Fellowship Secretary Aron Chisenga pledged the church continued support to government in bringing development.

Pastor Chisenga observed that Republican Edgar Lungu has made strides in ensuring improved lives of the people and that the church will continue to supplement the efforts.

Pastor Chisenga however, said the church in Mwense is concerned with unfinished projects and lack of economic activity in the district.

“Your Excellency we acknowledge your strides in ensuring better lives of the people, we are however, concerned that many projects among then the market, the Mansa Nchelenge road, and the district hospital have not been completed,” Pastor Chisenga said.

Pastor Chisenga has since appealed to President Edgar Lungu to consider helping the church saying the church has not been left out from the effects of the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Meanwhile Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa has called on the people of Mwense to take up opportunities that are coming with the many developments in the district.

Mr Chilangwa cited the 700 million dollars Mwenda to Kasomeno road as one of the projects that will bring many opportunities which people can prepare to take up.

“Your Excellency Mwense District has a number of projects among them is the Mwanda to Kasomeno road, and the Mphase economic zone, the Mwenda Kasomeno road your Excellency will be the new frontier for trade which will transform the district, the people of Mwense need to position themselves to take up the many opportunities that will come with the road and many other projects” Mr Chilangwa said.

Mr Chilangwa also disclosed that the Industrial Development Centre is revamping Mununshi Banana Scheme and that is this year expected to plant 100 hectares of bananas and more in the coming years.


  1. He just wakes up during elections time going round with his lies.

    Time up for PF and Edgar Lungu.

    PF must go!

  2. Where is the MP for Mwense Constituency Hon. David Mabumba??? I want to hear him talk about development in the constituency. I’m planning to challenge him for the area MP. It will be ease to DE campaign him.

  3. I remember somebody issuing an instruction that all projects that are at less then 80% complete should be shelved! Was I dreaming?! Or is someone pretending?!

  4. I like the Mwense clergy!! Your excellency fimo fimo but incomplete projects, hunger this and that!! That’s leadership

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