Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Police Arrest and Charge Chileshe Kandeta for leaking the Budget Speech to the Media


Zambia Police have arrested and charged Ministry of Finance Public Relations officer, Chileshe Kandeta aged 50 of Kabulonga and Lazarous Mwelwa aged 46 of Chamba Valley, a Budget Analyst at Ministry of Finance for the offence of Communication of Certain Information contrary to section Four chapter 111 of the State Security Act.

This is in relation to the leaking of the 2021 National Budget Speech which went viral before it was officially presented in Parliament.

They are detained in Police custody awaiting a court appearance.

Last week, Zambia Police summoned Diamond TV Chief Executive Officer, Costa Mwansa and Head of News and Current Affairs, George Chomba to appear before them at force headquarters in connection with investigations police were conducting in relation to who is alleged to be a leaked speech of the 2021 budget.

Mr. Mwansa and Mr. Chomba were questioned by police to find out how the Television station came into possession of the speech hours before it was presented to parliament.

The duo had their personal cell phones confiscated including a company laptop used for editorial purposes. It is believed that police intend to arrest the two if they do not reveal the source of the document from the Ministry of Finance.

Traditionally, the Ministry of Finance gives media personnel embargoed copies of National Budget for expert analysis. This is before the Finance Minister delivers the budget speech to members of Parliament.

This year, Finance Minister Dr Bwalya Ng’andu delivered his budget speech on 25th September, 2020.

MISA Zambia chapter condemned the act by police and described it as an affront to media freedoms in the country.

Zambia Police also questioned ZNBC staff and some officials from the Ministry of Finance over the leaked 2021 budget speech.

A budget speech is a confidential document until it is presented in Parliament by the Minister of Finance.


  1. Tule konka amafunde bane. Everything in life has it’s order. As a man, you can’t marry another man and expect him to bear you children. Even at work there are proper channels and protocol to follow. If you transgress, you get reprimanded. Self explanatory.

  2. It’s very sad for Chileshe Kandeta to be found in such an awkward situation, I feel very sad indeed. Last time he had a tiff with Uncle Jimmy (ABC) I thought Jimmy was just trying to overzealous, but now this? It’s terrible for the young man

  3. Surely if you are going to be leak something at least do an expose’ not leak a budget speech about a budget that wont even balance..really laughable …its like stealing print paper in the bank storeroom and getting sacked….anyway these ministries are filled with silly cadres to the rafters and now we have a dancing drunkard for a BOZ Governor. I hope the law comes down hard on these morons.

  4. But surely why this Behaviour Mr. Kandeta?? Indeed there’s a price to pay for such misconduct. @ Nine Chale, I like your analysis, you’re absolutely on point.

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    Stoopid! Arresting someone for a worthless piece of sheet paper with a worthless speech on it. It doesn’t even deserve to be used as a toilet paper to wipe one’s backside. The media are supposed to get copies or snippets of official govt speeches like the budget anyway.
    This ain’t classified state secrets that may jeopardize a country’s sovereignty. It’s a bloody budget speech and ‘leaking’ it is actually a good thing as the govt is meant to market it and sell it to everyone so it can reach many people.
    Plus there should be a law protecting the media from revealing their sources… so what’s going on here?

  6. Chileshe Kandeta – Why? Forgive him, he did not know what he was doing. I am sure hw did not sell the papers. But what would have happened if the some items in the circulated budget were changed?

  7. It has to come to this, Kandeta? It’s true then that all that glitters is not gold. One didn’t expect of you that you could sink this low. Was it problems with your personal budget made the devil succeed in your life? So sorry, for you.

  8. One misses the mandate of this organisation MISA. Pilfering classified and confidential documents, ie, breaking the law is allowed according to MISA?

  9. Careful with Zambian media, it’s in its infancy. It has cost the great career of Dr Kalyalya after the Sunday interview he gave now this. This man has just lost a good job for whatever reason he thought it made to disclose this information. If true those he gave the information to sold him out when the heat was on.

  10. Let the investigation be done. If found wanting then let the law apply to him. In pf we respect rule and order.

  11. Journalists are always sent Embargoed speeches this is nothing new. I don’t understand why the police are trippin in this case? Someething fishy going on here

  12. I feel sorry for him.
    You get arrested for leaking a worthless PF document that has absolutely no benefit to the Zambian masses.

  13. I have never heard of such a charge in the whole of draconian Africa. Here Zambia has scored a first. We are really at the deepest part of the drain.
    A speech leak is not something police involve themselves in. It’s an ethical issue that should be dealt with by professional bodies. The journalists who published the speech acted very unprofessionally but this is never a criminal case. Unless government wants to send an intimidatory message to journalists and public Spokesmen

  14. Imagine a country that arrest journalists for leaking a budget speech, as if a budget speech is a state secret.. only dictators and demagogues do that..

  15. How do you leak a national document that borders on national security??? The abuse of freedom is scary in Zambia. But what about patriotism?? Freedom has to match with patriotism. C’mon guys, be reasonable….

  16. The police have failed to roundup the people behind gassing but quick to act on a budget speech meant for everyone in this country.I dont think this is fair.

    • Seems you don’t understand the issue? In government you swear an oath of confidentiality. One of the clauses clearly tells you that you will go to jail If you disclose to anyone anything to do with your job. Kandeta or whatever he’s called, signed this and he’s now facing the music. Put your political blindness aside and come down to earth.

  17. Raymond go tell the police to round up your fat ugly mother who has been eating a lot of boiled eggs and beans, and has been gassing all day non stop.

  18. KZ, more than 50 Zambians died out of the gassing incident. Surely, Zambians deserve to know who were behind the deaths of innocent Zambians.
    This makes it urgent on the part of Zambia police to inform where investigations have reached and who were behind these atrocious acts.
    So, do not insult Zambians for demanding fairness and answers

  19. I personally do no believe the posts under the name Kaizer Zulu are submitted by the man who once served in the highest office of our land!
    So outrageous!

  20. Heart of the Matter did you follow the guy when he was in State House? He was exactly as crazy as he is on LT so why doubt? He started fights in a stadium, drove on the wrong side of the road, produced a gun in a tavern, fought another guy over a woman all the crazy sh1t in the world he did.

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