Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF Expresses Concern at the Slow Pace of Voter Registration


Patriotic Front Secretary General Hon. Davies Mwila has expressed concern at reports from different parts of the country pointing to the slow pace in the on-going voter registration exercise. Hon. Davies Mwila has since implored the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), to urgently and effectively address all issues raised by different stakeholders, if the Commission is to meet its targeted number of registered voters.

“We are receiving reports from different parts of the Country that its taking in excess of 10 minutes for an individual to be issued with the voter’s card. Added to this is the reported lack of sufficient manpower to attend to citizens expeditiously.

We are therefore calling on ECZ to up its game by ensuring that they increase the number of personnel attending to members of the public as well as ensure that there is adequate equipment in areas less catered for”, Hon. Davies Mwila has said.
Hon. Davies Mwila has further maintained that:

“The Patriotic Front believes that the integrity of any election begins with a smooth and efficient voter registration process. Hence, it is our hope that ECZ will move with speed to address these serious concerns in different parts of the Country. ECZ may wish to re-consider stationing their personal at designated voter registration centres for the stipulated thirty (30) days, as opposed to the ‘rotational formula’ which the Commission is currently implementing. In short, PF is calling for increased manpower and equipment per centre, so as to ensure that as many eligible citizens as possible get registered as voters”.

The Secretary General has also called on all members of the Patriotic Front Party across the country to take the voter registration exercise seriously by encouraging all eligible citizens to obtain their voters cards.

Hon. Mwila concluded by appealing to members of the public to turn out in large numbers to register as voters, while maintaining social distancing and wearing face masks at all times.


  1. “We are therefore calling ECZ to up its game”. If ECZ was to work as an autonomous body working for the Zambians, it would have delivered an efficient work performance in vote registration. However, with such instructions from a PF cadre interfering and exerting unnecessary and partisan force ECZ has already began to be dysfunctional as witnessed.

  2. “We are therefore calling ECZ to up its game”. If ECZ was to work as an autonomous body, working for the Zambians, it would have delivered an efficient work performance in vote registration. However, with such instructions from a PF cadre interfering and exerting unnecessary and partisan force, ECZ has already began to be dysfunctional as witnessed.

  3. Just where have we gone wrong this time? How did we conduct the last voter registration exercise with complaints from people?

  4. Just where have we gone wrong this time? How did we conduct the last voter registration exercise without complaints from people?

  5. Everyone knows that it’s PF’s intention to slow down registration. Nobody even understands properly why this has to be done when you know you won’t manage to register every voter.

  6. According to ECZ and Mama Inonge Wina everything is ok and they’ll meet the target without even an extension. Sometimes, especially most of the times it’s better to listen to what others are saying. You don’t lose anything

  7. People pre-registered, so why printing taking too long?
    His name is Edgar C Lungu, sit there, smile, ok wait to laminiate. Next!!
    I feel sorry for those beautiful hardworking women at ECZ.

  8. Most of the projects the PF have executed have failed. I know that 1 day we’ll hear that the failed ECZ new register and substandard materials were supplied by such and such PEP (politically exposed persons). Most equipment purchased for TVTC have failed, most equipment bought for clinics and hospitals have failed, many roads constructed between 2010 and now have collapsed together with bridges and others are being condemned. Mobile NRC issuance has failed and now we going into a failed election. The gassing investigation has failed. The only campaign message PF has is Chanda Na Kay, Dandy Crazy, dancing queens, etc. We’re in trouble

  9. I think Ecz should be giving an update of the total number of registered voters per day. That way you it will give enough encouragement to both the would be voters and the political parties. How one would love Mr Chulu appearing on TV telling the nation that 11,145 have registered at Dundumwezi in the past 2 days or 35,006 have registered in mandevu. ( figures stated are assumptions)

  10. I have been too busy monitoring the situation around various centres. Hence not having to comment. I can say that ecz needs to really look into this because this election we need to win by landslide. Do not disenfranchise our supporters

  11. in southern province they are registering 124 people a day in some areas where thousands live. They only stay in one area for 5 days – how can people register when there is not enough days or manpower to register…………….its a joke.

  12. Let these bums go. ECZ must extend the registration exercise as they are to blame foe the slow process they themselves are dishing out. Extend by one more month ndaba sitifuna malilisho pa last.

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