Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Is Headed For Another Loss in 2021



“Time and again, the UPND has gone on a campaign drive to preach and promote, hate, violence, and tribalism. They have encouraged their supporters in their strongholds to blatantly demean and insults the head of state and this show of disrespect was exampled by their leader HH who arrogantly tried to block the presidential motorcade, an act that is treasonous in many if not all countries”

By Dr. Joze Manda

For many years a myriad of opposition political parties in Zambia have seemingly faced some special hurdles in their quest to win elections and take hold of the reins of power.
Indeed, the number of electoral alternations – whereby a ruling party loses an election and the opposition becomes the new ruling elite – has been increasing in Africa, but this can not be said for Zambia, as the main opposition, the UPND is more concerned at character assassination and propaganda than offering alternative views and solutions to many challenges that Zambia is facing.

The biggest problem with UPND is that it thrives on propaganda and promotes negativity on the economic performance of the country instead of building the same country they wish to govern. UPND has the tendency of painting Zambia black to the outside world with the misconception hope of receiving sympathy, which might work to their advantage.
Time and again, the UPND has gone on campaign drive to preach and promote, hate, violence and tribalism. They have encouraged their supporters in their strongholds to blatantly demean and insults the head of state and this show of disrespect was exampled by their leader HH who arrogantly tried to block the presidential motor cade, an act that is treasonous in many if not all countries.

In the recent past, we have heard how HH and his supporters have gone full throttle on social media claiming they are popular and they will win the elections in 2021 at all costs and they lose, then it means elections have been rigged, what kind of thinking is this? HH and his supports must be reminded that Zambia is democratic country and elections results must be accepted as presented, there is only one winner and many losers.

In all fairness, I think it’s time that we now heard from the silent majority on the other side – those who will not be voting HH. Those who understand that we must avoid Mr. Hichilema from landing in Plot 1 under any circumstances.

Firstly, let’s forget about the ridiculous things being said and focus on what’s true. Accusations like “HH is a satanist” or a “free mason” are absurd, and it distracts us from focusing on the urgent and legitimate concerns about Hichilema’s background.
What we really need to be worried about is the established history of HH and his known character flaws, his party’s ability to legislate in parliament, his history of selling (and then benefitting from) Zambia’s national assets, his foreign financing, tolerance for corruption, and yes, this one you know well, his issues surrounding tribalism and unity.

Zambians Don’t Like HH

There is a very simple reason behind HH’s failure as a politician – people don’t like him; they don’t connect with him.

A Zambian president must have the common touch. He or she may hold the highest office, but they remain a public servant, one that should have empathy for the people, to know how to listen, to deeply care for their welfare, and to put the needs of the nation above themselves and their family, tribe, and province.

Hakainde Hichilema regrettably does not possess these qualities. I have spoken to numerous people who spend the day in his team, with full access to him, and very few if any have managed to forge any close personal bond. Hakainde Hichilema is cold, very cold. He does not easily experience joy or affection. He has no sense of humor to speak of – his smiles are always forced for the camera, and his laugh is stiff and manufactured.

HH’s reputation for bullying behavior

There is nothing wrong with being shy or unfriendly if this happens to be your personality. In fact, some people may like the idea of his “always business” demeanor. But a lack of interpersonal skills for a president can be very dangerous – it leads to poor decisions.
For example, a few years back HH pulled Andrew Banda onto a stage to attack his own father. What kind of man exactly would try to use somebody’s own son against him, as HH did? This is just politics – you should be able to win because you are the better candidate – not because you have to rip apart somebody’s family. Ask yourselves: what kind of man does that?

No Constitution under HH

We must not allow Hakainde Hichilema to become president because his party lacks the parliamentary seats to pass laws, and appears to have no interest (or ability) to build coalitions with other parties. What this means is that the UPND will be extremely unlikely to pass a new constitution, especially one that would place certain limits on presidential powers like the defunct bill 10

With no new constitution, and a vengeful party seeking to “sort out” all kinds of imagined historical grievances and bent on seizing more and more power, HH would be overwhelmingly focused on keeping UPND in power beyond 2026 – perhaps for the next 100 years to come.

Violence, Repression, and Division of Zambia

As a young and untested leader who is deeply unpopular among voters in several key provinces, Hakainde Hichilema will be likely to unleash the Public Order Act, and send the police to beat his opponents into submission.

He has said that he would not use the Public Order Act, but he has not said that he would abolish it. The reason why is that he plans to use it, and to use it very aggressively to consolidate his authority.

There is also HH’s known record of intolerance for criticism freedom of speech – we have seen every now and then how UPND cadres have savagely attacked many citizens on social media who have different views to theirs

*What kind of unity do we imagine will result of this? Instead under an HH presidency we would have a deepening civil conflict, a country deeply divided along regional and tribal lines, and an increased possibility of the use of violence by the state against citizens. That’s why it is so hard to believe HH when he talks about unity – he simply has shown no level of brotherhood with other Zambians, instead placing the Tonga’s first and everyone else second, if you doubt me, list the top 10 leadership of UPND and you have the answer.*

Zambia is not for sale

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we must be very concerned about Hichilema’s history of selling out Zambia’s national assets and then benefiting from their sale. I am not saying that I have evidence that the sales of Lima Bank, Intercontinental Livingstone, or Roan Antelope Mining Corporation of Zambia (Ramcoz) were illegal – but I am saying that there are lots of unanswered questions.


  1. So in your view, Zambians should be looking to someone who smiles and laughs a lot to be President… This is so shallow. I am an easterner and this tribal talk is really sickening.

  2. Even a baby born yesterday knows that upnd won’t and will never win an election in this great country of Zambia. If upnd win the next election please I have given you the right to cut off my manhood. Can the upnd members agree to the same when they lose?

    • Donald Trump was confident that he would win the election, calling Joe Biden the weakest candidate in history, then came November 3,2020 voters spoke loudly. Voters will decide who will win 2021 elections not social media and online comments. Neither bitterness and hatred. As Zambians we should desist from such kind of bitterness and anger toward one another.

  3. I do not think this write up is encouraging.The writer has shifted the characteristics of PF to UPND and it makes a difficult understand.
    Anyways hallucinating is free.

  4. There are pastors who are paid to convince church members to vote for certain political parties. Bible say check all the spirit. Your vote is your choice. Its should not be motivated by scriptures or manipulate by your pastors. Colossians 3:9-10

  5. Your message Joze Manda is HOLLOW and STALE!! WE HAVE SEEN FULL TRIBALISM BY PF EACH TIME THEY CAMPAIGN SO NOW WE KNOW WHO THE REAL DANGER TO OUR DEMOCRACY AND NATIONAL UNITY ARE!! Your write up shows that you are dead scared of HH before he even files his nominations! LOSING AN ELECTION IS PART OF DEMOCRACY, TRUMP TODAY IS REFUSING TO ACCEPT HIS LOSS BCOZ HE NEVER LOST AN ELECTION BEFORE! HERE THOSE WHO GOT POWER EASILY JUST WORK TO SHRINK THE DEMOCRATIC SPACE BCOZ THEY CANT COMPETE AND WIN FAIRLY! As you write your article introspect and ask yourself who has been responsible for disrupting radio programmes for the opposition and who has been exercising total thuggery in politics intimidating and robbing even police officers in their police stations!? WE ARE NOW AT A STAGE WHERE…

  6. PF must look for another candidate because Edgar can cause them a loss. Hichilema has everything one needs to win an election except he doesn’t have a brain. He can’t set his own agenda, he looks for PF’s mistakes and try to capitalize on them. If he had a brain by now he could’ve set Zambia ablaze. He doesn’t have what it takes to wrestle power

  7. Very childish write up. Can you imagine its written by someone who is a Dr! Yaba,, what a waste of tissue paper. Look at the exchange rate bakomana and you busy writing a grade one paper sure? unbelievable.

  8. The truth sometimes hates. Sadly the writer is right; ‘Zambians do not like HH’ end of quote. the writer also said; “HH will lose again” end of quote. The writer also said ” HH is a coward” end of quote. The author also said; “HH has lots of unanswered questions” end quote

  9. The truth hates. Sean Tembo has just highlighted almost similar sentiments towards Hichilema. How can anybody who has worked with you describe you in the similar negative manner? All traits mentioned about Hakainde by many people are all not positive. Dictatorship, tribalism, egocentric, arrogant. These need to be greatly muted in a leader aspiring for the highest office. For this reason HH will be popular but not enough support to form Govt.

  10. People don’t like Akainde. Period!

    He has no character and is actually very dull politically.

    Reject the turd next year as usual. Next.

  11. Wrong opinion. I don’t like hh personally & I think tongas are tribalists & its a very well known fact in Zed. But as at now zambians are fed up with pf, they see no hope, no future with pf & its thieving. Go to the copperbelt & lusaka, everybody has no good words for pf criminals. So if the election is not stolen like in 2016, this hh thing will win by a land slide.

  12. Lungu has reached a stage kk reached in 1990 were he can lose to a frog. So hh by default will win if lungu does not rig. Then zambians will learn new tribalism levels

  13. The latent tribalism traits of the core and general leadership of upnd is what scares most Zambians and consequently puts paid to any consideration of that fratenity as alternative national political leadership.

  14. Dr. Manda, if your only publication as doctor or PhD holder is in the hopeless, useless and cadre run Zambian media, not peer reviewed, you are a useless and hopeless Dr. Your name as a doctor who does his job well, does research, attend peer reviewed professional conference, and publish in professional peer reviewed journals, your google search must give us your professional work. Not Lusaka Times crap. You don’t qualify to be a Doctor of any form.

  15. The writer is from Eastern Province. Sean Tembo also hails from there. So is Lungu. If this is not wako ni wako, what is it then? The write up hollow and full falsehood. Zambians know who has been promoting tribalism. It’s PF which is full of people from Eastern, Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.

  16. @ Dr. Joze Manda your article is not intellectual but normal “Who you like their song you sing!” and you have expressed your personal opinion as a right. However what I always tend to disagree with is the general categorization of “Zambians” whenever a situation demands diversity of opinion! When it comes to Zambians like any other peoples living in societies when faced with challenges debate ensuing has two sides: proponents and dissenters thus not to qualify “Zambian”s with recognition of existing divisions makes no sense to me! There are issues that Zambians as a whole can be subscribed and not when its partisan! Example is as in “Zambians have concerns regarding failing health services!” and not “Zambians do not like HH” as if his family and friends who share the best in…

  17. Tommorow HH is going to sue the author of this article for K5 billion. This has become his new business of late and it looks more profitable. I think before 2021 elections, HH will be the richest man in Africa just from sueing those opposed to his views and those who question on him about privitisation.

  18. We will vote HH but if he promotes tribalism, we will gladly show him the exit door n will be remembered as a one term president. I would like to believe that he’ll unite the nation n fix the current rot in government.

  19. One of the worst articles from Dr. Manda. Many people were saying that Sata cannot become a president, but he was elected president. Dr. Manda doesn’t want to tell the truth. From Zambian History, generally speaking, cadres in power start all that Manda has said: Cadres for UNIP and MMD , were so powerful, so, is PF cadres now. Dr. Manda should be ashamed for posting this article on Lusaka Times as a Dr. Having this kind of reasoning is shallow for a Dr. or anyone who has acquired Grade 12. Mr. Manda I ask you to get closer to HH to know him better before making conclusion from hearsay. Let the people decide who they want to be the next president. You cannot say people don’t like HH or president Lungu. God knows who will be the next president. It is true our economy has been mismanaged…

  20. What a disaster of a Dr. There is no difference between the so called learned author and PF carders. The issue at hand is bigger than UPND. Lungu’s performance over the years is disaster. Corruption is the highest, economy worst, violence the highest, hate the highest. Anything bad in the dictionary is what Lungu has brought to our country due to poor leadership. Zambia needs a new leader who has direction. Wether it’s HH or someone else we just can’t have Lungu. Zambia deserves better – far much better. Even Nevers Mumba or Felix is a better choice if don’t feel HH is the best choice. Again, not Lungu.

  21. You’re entitled to express your opinion sir, however, some of us will not listen to you. Your article is not objective at all.

  22. Kwekwekwekwekwekwe….look at the upnd donkeys go ding doing!! It’s pleasurable to their ears to hear bad publicity about Lungu, but when it’s hhs turn, they go haywire!! Those are the levels of intolerance Zambians fear of a upnd GRZ, donkeys. Who would say nfyo?? Lest those bantustan savages descend on you!! And the anger above stems from the reality that Dr. Manda’s article is spot on and 2021 is bleak for upnd as the 2016 voting patterns remain intact. Nomba as we know upnd, muchifukushi- ninsele, hate, anger…. kwekwekwekwekwekwe

  23. JUST THE TRIBE ALSO TOO TRIBAL…..THESE GUYS ARE TOO TRIBAL AND THEY HAVE SPREAD THE VIRUS TO WESTERN, NORTH WESTERN………IT IS A SHAME. THEY WANT THEIR he goat to Rule so that they kill other tribes….these guys with their abattoir politics want to prove a point that they can Rule Zambian……WALAAAA!!! COME 2021 HAKALUSA HAGAIN

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