Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’m Reflecting on Why I Waste Time Speaking For Zambians-Kambwili


By Patson Chilemba

I am reflecting on why I waste time speaking on behalf of Zambians when they don’t seem to care about what is going on in the country, says National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Chishimba Kambwili.

And Kambwili said opposition alliance partners are still meeting because there are things they are yet to agree on, saying they are working on creating something that will stand the test of time.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Kambwili bemoaned what he termed as the Zambian culture which did not seem to care about matters happening in the country, leaving him to fend for himself whenever he fell into trouble on account of speaking for the people.

“This time you have seen that I have gone quiet, it’s not because of anything else. It’s just because that Zambians are failing to fight for what is right, and it appears the Zambian people are comfortable with what is going on. Surely Patson merely asking what business the President does with Findlay could land me into being put on my defence at court, and the Zambians are quiet,” Kambwili moaned. “Literally asking, Mr President what business do you do with Findlay? And you know if Findlay is found in your company because of what was said in America people may misconstrue that maybe the presidential jet may be used for something else. I never said the president does drugs or anything.”
Kambwili wondered why Zambians were quiet when he had been dragged before the courts for merely questioning something.

“I am spending money on the lawyers and even the court putting me on my defence then the Zambians are quiet. They don’t want to talk about it. It’s business as usual,” Kambwili continued. “Sometimes you reflect why then am I wasting my time to talk on behalf of people that seem not to care about what’s going on in the country. My heart bleeds.”

Kambwili said people were more content sharing stuff on social media and commenting rather than taking action on matters that affected them.

“It’s a very bad culture because you see opposition speak in order to inform the people that this is what is going on which is not right. And you expect the people to support you by taking an action that will compel government to abandon that type of trajectory but the problem we have in Zambia, the Zambians are quiet,” Kambwili said. “And you start looking like you are the wrong person yourself…certainly that is the impression (Zambians being content merely commenting on social media than taking action). So I said let me reflect maybe I’m the problem myself, or maybe it’s the people of Zambia who are problem themselves.”

Kambwili said even on the debate on whether President Edgar Lungu was eligible or not eligible, the courts would decide as the people had argued for and against the President.
On the opposition alliance, Kambwili said discussions were still ongoing, saying they were tightening the loopholes and making sure that they come up with something more durable so that they do not crush.

Asked if they had agreed on the electoral pact, which ADD leader Charles Milupi pointed out as being one of the sticking points in the discussions, Kambwili said: “Patson I have told you that the meetings are still going on, that means we have not yet agreed. The meetings are still going on, once we conclude the Zambians will be told through a press briefing.”

On the ongoing voter registration, Kambwili said his party did not have a strategy of busing the people to the polling centers, in the same manner some of the parties and individuals were doing, calling that a waste of time.

“How do you know the people you are transporting whether they are going to vote for you or not, all we need to do is to encourage people to go and register,” Kambwili said. “As Zambians we need to move from these rhetoric we start behaving the way people behave in reasonable countries where people respect the vote, respect their right.”
On the ballooning debt where the country was even failing to pay interests on loans, Kambwili said the country needs a leadership that was more focused on resolving the debt problem in the country.

“On national debt we need concerted effort all of us without exception must be involved in finding ways of resolving this debt. And the only way out is that we need an Indaba where all stakeholders regardless of their political affiliation should come together and bring suggestions of how well we can resolve this debt,” Kambwili said. “Other than attacking one another, I don’t think that it’s in the best interest of everybody because this debt situation it’s the poor people who are going to suffer, and if us as leaders will continue ukulalaka pamulu (quarreling on top) when the people are suffering then we are not helping matters.”

Asked on the fact that he served in the PF administration as minister when the debt was accumulating during which period it ballooned to unsustainable levels under President Lungu’s leadership, Kambwili said he left government when the foreign debt was $5 billion, as opposed to the $18 billion it had accumulated to now.
“I will leave it to the people to Zambia to see whether I am part of the debt or not, but as Zambian certainly I have a stake in the whole issue because the payment of this debt will be done by tax payers money,” said Kambwili.

Source: Daily Revolution


    • This is like Kennedy Mweene telling us he doesn’t know why he puts on those gloves and jerseys. He has to put food on the table. Kambwili makes his money by telling lies like any other politician. Now he tells us its a waste of time lets kick him out by not voting for him.

  1. You created Mwamona company fictitiously and you were eating alone, tea for breakfast in London, lunch in Australia and dinner in New York.. So now the poorest of the poorer have to support you?

    You are rotten and selfish individual

  2. Ba Kambwili President Lungu is free to be friends with whoever he wants and there’s nothing that you or anyone else can do about it. We do not choose our relatives but friends we do choose and so Edgar Lungu has chosen Findlay to be his friend. If Findlay is committing crimes with the President one day they will pay for those crimes

  3. I can see fear in your answers mr president. Tell us what next are they planning to do to you. This is not the akana kambwili we know.

  4. Let us all register to vote. As we go to vote. Lets not vote on emotions. Let’s ask those standing to share their manifesto so that we vote or not vote for them based on the ideas/policies they have that affect all of us.
    1. What’s their policy on pay as you earn?
    2. What is their policy on excise tax/ duty?
    3. What’s their policy on corporate taxes?
    4. Whats their policy on Pensions ?
    5.Whats their land ownership policy ?
    6. Whats the policy on education, health?.
    7. What is their policy on agriculture and promotion of local products?
    What’s the policy on easing regulation?
    8. What is the strategy to ending smuggling,???? corruption etc
    9. What is their policy on the rule of law and ending the pathetic cardalism within their parties etc?
    I can go on.
    You can not swim to the shore with rocks double your weight tied to your legs.
    We need transparent leaders..

    • This should be an article on its own ba Bruce mulenga . And not simple answers from parties at I will create jobs, reduce taxes , improve agriculture, pay the debt…. We want to know how

  5. There were people who were questioning the direction of the governments he served in. Did Chishimba Kambwili find time to listen to those people? The same way he ignored them is the same way he’s being ignored himself. Do unto others as u want them do unto u is an old Catholic plea. CK ought to know it.

  6. It’d be more important to reflect on why many Zambians don’t stand up for you. The reason is that most of the things you say are childish and nonsensical. We’ve told you before that your worst enemy is your loose mouth. Unfortunately you’ve only realized when you’re already in deep waters

  7. Sad that people come out into Politics with a tag of helping the country, when the first one to received help is themselves when in power. This man included, not forgotten how he defended this regime and for now he should stay away from the corridors of power and try to build your business and family. Can we choose from other Millions who are yet to be intoxicated by power or at least take ten years break…bringing such people back quickly makes them big headed.

  8. Sad that people come out into Politics with a tag of helping the country, when the first one to received help is themselves when in power. This man included, not forgotten how he defended this regime and for now he should stay away from the corridors of power and try to build his business and family. Can we choose from other Millions who are yet to be intoxicated by power or at least take ten years break…bringing such people back quickly makes them big headed.

  9. QUOTE: “And you start looking like you are the wrong person yourself…certainly that is the impression (Zambians being content merely commenting on social media than taking action). So I said let me reflect maybe I’m the problem myself, or maybe it’s the people of Zambia who are problem themselves.”

    Ba Kambwili, you are so week and love being used by HH. You have a big mouth but no principles whatsoever. I don’t know what our late beloved president Mr Michael C Sata (MHSRIP) thinks about you and what he is going to still think and tell you when you meet him wherever he is now. You betrayed his trust with your own arrogance. You are not all going to be presidents. For the sake of the late Mr Sata, you should have humbled yourself and gone back to PF the party you claim to have formed…

  10. It looks like your pockets are getting empty. You have realised
    You can’t fight government of the
    Day as you are not HH.with your
    Limted resources and government is squeezing you with court cases but too late.

  11. Zambians are useful *****s we know what we want and we didn’t force you Kambwili to speak for us and for your own information, we many spokespersons.

    Just go to PF to enjoy their last days.

    PF must go!

  12. from 11
    For the sake of the late Mr Sata, you should have humbled yourself and gone back to PF the party you claim to have formed up with ba Sata. If it were you who died, Sata wouldn’t have abandoned your party.

  13. Throwing in the towel already and blaming ordinary citizens. Don’t expect to lead us with minimum effort, you have to earn it. We have all seen what happens when a leader is not fully “cooked” before getting the mantle of leadership.

  14. Zambians deserve the leaders they get! Zambians are not the type to die for! They love mediocrity! Let them continue suffering!

  15. It is evident that if you were not fired you could not have been raising all the issues you are raising against government now. Infact when you were in government you were very annoying to Zambians who were raising the issues you are raising now. Carry your own cross.

  16. Never be cheated. Politicians want to serve their egos. This why the opposition cannot work together. Kambwili just think about yourself and family.

  17. Zambians lack pack, group, troop, herd, convocation etc MENTALITY.
    I remember seeing one post on twitter where this youthful zambian was urging one opposition leader to protect the vote, I was like this leader is just an individual who won’t be at all polling stations , how will he manage to do that? but luckily someone replied to and told him that it was actually his duty to ensure that his vote was counted and given to right leader of his choice.

  18. You f00l your will never win an election so the only one wasting their own time is as you have said yourself. Serve your time you criminal

  19. Kambwili is completely lost when he thinks a national indaba should be called to brain storm how to pay the debt. This is kaloba, borrowed from the open commercial market bwana, which cannot be solved by any manouvers apart from paying back. And they should not even blame Covid for our economic mess because our issues started way before Covid. Even former Bank of Zambia governor confirmed that Zambia was in economic decline even before Covid

  20. Kambwili Zambian people can speak for themselves. Why should you speak on our behalf??? Twali kwata utunwa twesu naifwe. Just speak for yourself. Chapwa

  21. Lukanga you big boy you never replied to my comments on your other post. I asked how you got those bit muscles in such a short period of time.

  22. Sir, we don’t recall asking you to be the citizens spokesman. Glad you realise that you’re wasting your time. Venture into something else because your political career appears to be non promising.

  23. Quote

    “” I am spending money on the lawyers and even the court putting me on my defence then the Zambians are quiet. They don’t want to talk about it. “”

    Kambwili this proves to you that you are so irrelevant in Zambia.

    Zambians do not owe you anything. This is your own making and only you can get yourself from this mess.

    Dont live by corruption and breaking laws at the expense of Zambians rising up for you. At present stick with your lawyers in these court case

  24. Substance please Mr Kambwili. Wind back and review all your positions more especially in government and as government spokesperson. You are a chameleon. No one asked you to raise issues you can’t substantiate in the name of politics. Raise issues for which you have evidence with substance if you want the people to back you up. Not useless unsubstantiated allegations. How can you lead by dealing in falsehoods. People are not stupid. You have to wait, I will also come for you for intimidation.

  25. Ba Kambwili the mistake you made was to tell the people of Zambia the ills of pf like rampant corruption and other things the very moment you left pf. You should have waited a little bit longer like this time when we are heading towards general elections. You have nothing to tell the people any more because you said it all hence you have become predictable

  26. Iwe chi Kambwili . …u are not HE material. You are a semi illiterate who bought off educational qualifications from dubious uninersities.

    The man has realized tha the may not survive jail….
    1. He is a convict , out on bail…he might get a harsher penalty on appeal.
    2. He has been found with two other cases and put on defence – tempering with evidence and insulting the presidency. Wish him lots of luck!

    He will definitely be abandoned by HH as a running matter…he might vote from prison where he rightly belongs.

    Uzamuziba Yesu Chi.kkala

  27. Iwe chi Kambwili . …u are not HE material. You are a semi illiterate who bought off educational qualifications from dubious uninersities.

    The man has realized tha the may not survive jail….
    1. He is a convict , out on bail…he might get a harsher penalty on appeal.
    2. He has been found with two other cases and put on defence – tempering with evidence and insulting the presidency. Wish him lots of luck!

    He will definitely be abandoned by HH as a running matter…he might vote from prison where he rightly belongs.

    Uzamuziba Yesu Chi.kkala.

  28. Most black people talk a lot but they are only interested in themselves, and what they can gain.

    The earlier you realise you are on your own, the better.

    In any case, Kambwili is also only interested in himself, what he can gain financially if ever elected as President.

    He is the last person that can speak on behalf of Zambians, coz while he was minister, he abused and threatened a lot of citizens – not just our Tonga tribesmen.

  29. You talk too much CK. We don’t wanna know why Edgar is hanging out with Findlay. We wanna know what you will do to improve the lives of Zambians if and when voted into power

  30. The biggest issue in Zambian politics is the quality of the opposition. The opposition appears as though they are not sure they can win. There is too much finger pointing at the sitting Government. Not the way to go. Tell the Zambian people what you will bring to the table when elected in power, and how you expect to raise funds to finance these projects or whatever it is. Wasting time visiting people in prison or those that have been detained should not be a priority nor the job of Politicians, as Police and investigating wings will deal with such. We always hear the same songs. It is becoming boring

  31. The biggest issue in Zambian politics is the quality of the opposition. The opposition appears as though they are not sure they can win. There is too much finger pointing at the sitting Government. Not the way to go. Tell the Zambian people what you will bring to the table when elected in power, and how you expect to raise funds to finance these projects or whatever it is. Wasting time visiting people in prison or those that have been detained should not be a priority nor the job of Politicians, as Police and investigating wings will deal with such. We always hear the same songs. It is becoming boring

  32. Don’t waste your time reflecting on anything, bwana Kambwili. Just give it up. You just aren’t the right person for the politicai route. Not to mention your criminal record. You are finished. Sober truth.

  33. If Kambwili was not fired he could have been ‘swimming’ in millions just like his former colleagues in PF are doing right now and defending the policies of the current regime. He would still be part of what he’s calling the thieving government. He would have also not apologized to the Tongas for those tribal remarks he made during a sunday review. I believe more in Harry Kalaba than Kambwili. Kalaba left on his own. He did not wait to be fired.

  34. @Lukanga Kafusha Justice I endorse your comment: “The biggest issue in Zambian politics is the quality of the opposition…”

    This is where we can learn a lot from our friends in developed countries, especially here in Europe. They put prosperity of their country and it’s citizens first and align their political agenda according to their principles not their egos. In Zambia, you have to look hard to find principles.Ego is what you see first before you find any principles. This man CK wants to have us think he’s doing us a big favor by being a loud mouth in Zambian politics and yet those who have searched him out know that he is so full of himself – he is indeed wasting his and our time.

  35. Lukanga I joined a gym and worked so hard but never got to anywhere that size. Awe uli mpeta mune. I just hope you did it the right way. Pantu I hear ifyo fyama steroids they lead to having a ka small ntwenu

  36. Chishimba, listen mfana wanga. Niziba ati ulinamubili, but ndiwe mfana still. What do you want Zambians to do? You told them to vote for Edgar at the time when he was detoxing and fainting. Now, wait for the next elections. They will tell you what they will vote for again. Hopefully, it will be someone sober and with a vision.

  37. KZ I think waliya ku wrong gym, Lukanga Ali trainer ku gym ya mano, KZ if you want AMA muscle just take ma steroids.

  38. November 24 awe mune i went to a genuine gym I even had a personal trainer. Umuntu teti apompe so in such a short period of time. Remember that ba lukanga ba senior citizen. Napapa sana because the man was slim few months ago. Now he is scaring bloggers haha.

  39. Kambwili wondered why Zambians were quiet when he had been dragged before the courts for merely questioning something. Kambwili the message is just that you are not as popular as you imagine yourself to be. People aren’t prepared to follow you to jail. Stop wasting your time and start a kantemba

  40. Ba Mudala you have been part of that power mechanism and you know very well how it works and defends itself when it needs to so we expect that you know that you are accountable for what you say and how you say it and that you also know the consequences of such actions or at least that you know how to circumvent them.

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