Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambia needs to sell itself better-Amos Chanda


Former Special Assistant to the President for press and public relations Amos Chanda says Zambia has potential and good stories to tell about itself which has not been the case, unfortunately.

Mr Chanda who is also a communications consultant was speaking at the ongoing World Communication Forum Africa when he made a presentation on territorial and country branding as a driver of development-“branding strategies to put your country on the map”.

He compared Zambia to other countries that used a negative story and turned it into a positive one while doing everything possible to maintain, defend and protect their country’s interests and integrity.

“Rwanda for example has emerged as a preeminent example of national branding despite significant fault lines within its society. Not even the 1994 genocide has stood in their way, they have instead used the genocide as the starting point to showcase the rebirth of a new Rwanda” Mr. Chanda observed.

On the other hand, Mr. Chanda expressed worry that Zambia, with more comparative advantages than most African countries, has not done much to exploit its massive selling points due to lack of effective communication.

“Much of what we sell to the world has not been done with dedicated unconscious effort. We can be more proud. Zambia in the Sun, Zambia the Real Africa, our unique values, embedded in diversity, our tourism, Zambia the beacon of peace in a rather troubled neighbourhood, our copper, among other positive attributes” he observed.

He further observed that Zambia’s communication strategy is sometimes incoherent and the mixed messaging especially in the face of falsehoods on the digital platforms does not Brand Zambia but disadvantages it from getting on the world map.

Mr. Chanda said to confront this problem, Zambia must get into all these blind spots, the often large swathes of ungoverned spaces where “Brand Zambia” suffers incredible damage.


  1. These corrupt arrogant chaps when they leave office they think they are wise men but didn’t do nothing when they were in govt…this moron didnt even know the difference between civil servant and cadre he was busy trading insults with opposition leaders.

  2. This is the fault of the kind of politicians we have in Zambia who do not know their role in government. Our politicians in government think only of themselves hence they produce without sham Bill 10 and encoroury themselves in regging and they call that democracy. Look at ZNBC all she does is hate speech when she should moderated in national issues. No wander our economy has performed negatively is because ZNBC does not effectively communicate except insulting the very people who are contributing moneys to her functions. If ZNBC does not understand what democracy is how can the nation move positively. ZNBC show the people of zambia what Eurobond has done to railways system?
    Effective communication is a process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, knowledge and information such that the…

  3. Sorry boss; why did you not share all these words of wisdom with us while you were in office. This won’t clear your name. You are still part of the PF and you will be accountable for all the corruptions as soon as PF loses. Brace your self.
    The End is Near.

  4. Mad guy speaking, sell itself how with a bad president in charge of the national affairs?
    Zambia has defaulted interest payment to bondholders and you think that’s a good image for the country when it’s clear that the image for the country is damaged in full gear.

    The only way is to redeem ourselves by electing Bally.

    PF must go!

  5. Thank you Mr Chanda. If you live in Zambia in a Christian nation, you will agree with us on the following. Civil liberties are not there, opposition are not allowed to assemble freely. The PF government did not borrow prudently and the exchange rate is affected. Unemployment is an unacceptably high. inflation is double digit. Reserves are gone. The issues highlighted are not false at all, so please rewrite your speech and resend lest people are misled thinking Zambians are preaching false hoods. Also note that the MMD government did relatively well in all spheres of governance and economic management.

  6. Zambia fails to market itself because when you people join government you stop thinking for the country, you start thinking for the helmsman and his party. It is ‘President Lungu this, President Lungu that…’ The same thing in UNIP days. The only thing people remember about Zambia in the 70s and 80s is KK. Don’t sell a person.

  7. He faired very badly in that office as Press aide to the President, the new guy has brought a lot of civility, respect, decorum in that office. And the new guy is very sharp because he knows what to comment on, when to comment and how to comment. He also knows his limits and boundaries, and he knows which ones are for the PF party to respond, which ones are for sec to cabinet and which ones are within his line of duty.

  8. Higher Education is one such success story that is swept under the carpet of students riots over late allowances and other details. Just come to the university. Just study what you need to study Just look for work. Just start a business. Just earn money and spend it. After protracted struggle, public and private universities are open for study of various disciplines. These include medicine, engineering, business management, accountancy, architecture, etc. If sponsors are not available, then consider a loan.

  9. Indeed he could have made comparison with another Country. On second thought, what changes did he himself bring to the table when he was in Govt? Nothing!! So why act smart today?

  10. Lukanga those muscles muntu wandi can you explain how a man your age managed to gain them within a short period of time. Napapa sana.

    We might have to start locking our wives up . Lukanga when next are you visiting Zambia so that we know when to hide our wives nama side piece

  11. How much is the dollar today? These international raters, just to call us junk state. Anyway looking at our negative economic stats, where does one start from to argue?

  12. Uluse tarino. No one comes here to read your nonsense. I have a huge following here and on many social media platforms. Just look at how many followers I have on Facebook. I am sure even your gay partner follows me

  13. Too many of these Know-it-alls. Just because you once served as a presidential assistant does not mean you have the credibility and competence to lecture on progressive strategies. This message should have been addressed to your former boss and effected while you were in office, not at some forum.

  14. Us the youths of Zambia want fresh leadership, in their ninth year of rule is when the PF are talking of youth empowerment funds, we are not accepting any bribes. 2021 we are retiring you, clearly against your will….. Loadshedding in PHI is now 06 in the morning to 22hrs at night

  15. Here we go again we don’t copy well with fidelity to the truth whenever someone insinuates positive comments. let’s learn to support and encourage our own no matter what political party you belong and support we are all one Zambian one nation.

  16. Good points but at a wrong time. These things never came from your mouth was hen you served in the presidency. While we must admit that there are some dead woods in Govt, the opposition does not help either they are jus a naive bunch with no nation at heart. In fact they have contributed negatively towards painting the image of our great nation black.

  17. Tarino, Musonda Pelyashi, Nine Chale: You can keep “your knowledge” and let me keep my ”ignorance” but get it from me, we can be fiercely competitive in terms of ideological preferences, but I won’t ever attack my country ostensibly to suffocate it so that ”change” occurs. As for speaking at a forum, I will forward your feedback to the international organizers who invited me.
    For my training & experience, I came from a sound professional bass, into govt, and have gone back there. You can choose your own path too…

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