Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu orders Zambia Police to Arrest PF cadres who attacked Bahati MP


President Edgar Lungu has directed the police command in Luapula Province to arrest cadres who attacked Bahati Member of Parliament Charles Chalwe.

Speaking this morning when he arrived at Mansa airport, President Lungu said violence has no place in the Patriotic Front. He has condemned the behaviour of the PF cadres who attacked the Bahati Member of Parliament and called for the immediate arrest of the culprits.

The Head of State added that all those who were involved should face the law, adding that people should learn to settle differences through dialogue and not violence.

The President further instructed the PF leadership in Luapula Province take disciplinary action on all those promoting violence in the party.

Bahati Member of Parliament Charles Chalwe was on Sunday night attacked at a Lodge in Mansa by cadres who accused him of being stingy.

President Lungu is in Luapula Province for a three-day working visit and the plane carrying the Head of State touched down at Mansa airport at 10:00 hours, where he was received by Luapula Province Minister, Nickson Chilangwa, Minister of Tourism and Arts, Ronald Chitotela, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya, Senior government and party officials.

According to programme availed by Luapula Province Minister to ZANIS, President Lungu is expected to launch the groundbreaking of the construction of Samfya International Convention Centre today, Friday, November 27, 2020.

Mr Chilangwa revealed to the media in an interview that President Lungu will proceed to Samfya for the groundbreaking ceremony upon his arrival in Mansa the provincial capital of Luapula.

The International Convention Centre will house among other things a shopping mall and three-star hotel at Samfya beach frontage.

The project is being undertaken by Workers Compensation Fund Control Board.

The President will on Saturday, grace the second Bangweulu Summerfest in Samfya before visiting the Liens farm to commission the Green 2000, project by Israelis in Pambashe’s Chibote area.

Mr Chilangwa said the President will attend a Church service in Pambashe before heading back to Lusaka on Sunday, November 29, 2020.


  1. Bahati Member of Parliament Charles Chalwe was on Sunday night attacked at a Lodge in Mansa by cadres who accused him of being stingy.


  2. “ President orders police to arrest..” I am not sure when we will start separating the executive powers from those of other Govt wings. Let us assume that the President decides not to order those criminals to be arrested what happens? Do the police sit and wait? These are some grey areas why the head of state is accused even for the inefficiency of other Govt organs that have people that are drawing salaries on tax payers expense. The police need to do their job without being told to do so.

  3. During your tenure, you have not been condemning PF cadre thuggery and violence.

    The PF cadres have more powers than the police. They control the police.

    Today, a few months before elections, you come out to condemn this violence?


  4. How come he never ordered the arrest of the killers who murdered Mapenzi, Shimunzhila, Lawrence Banda. If it was an opposition MP who was clobbered this President would have kept quiet. Why apply double standards? That’s why this regime has lost credibility

  5. When one lets chickens out of the chicken penne, they can be rest assured those chickens will later on come back home to roast! Next time these cadres will slap Chagwa on those warthog tasks protruding from his mouth!

  6. Hon Kampyongo normally says he cant be everywhere and should not be expected to micro manage the police, so his boss has now overstepped him to decide for him. this is a clear sign of grand incompetence and all levels.

  7. We helped Kambwili to chase away Findlay from Edgar tours.
    Findlay was a security danger to Edgar, he still is, not PF cadres.

  8. So the whole Kampyongo,Kanganja,Luapula Province Police Commissioner,etc don’t know that law breakers should be arrested.
    It had to take the President to give a directive ??????????.

  9. KZ, there is no violence in UPND. Your president has capitulated violence in PF and soon will engulf him and you, watch this next

  10. If there is one thing i have noticed, Kampyongo is no longer talkative as he used to be in his early days. Is this maturity? The man is impressing because he listens more than he talks these days.

  11. A President elect has said the presidency will not embroil itself in matters assigned to competent institutions and the administration is going to focus more on matters of nation building and unity! The Zambian situation is that everything is vested in a president Lungu is all institutions in himself alone but not totally to be blamed for its institutions themselves that voluntarily surrender their mandates!

  12. First it was Given Lubinda of Kabwata, now its Charles Chalwe of Bahati. Both hv been assaulted by their fellow PF members. PF a party of peace? The evidence doesn’t support the conclusion.

  13. But he never condemned PF cadres who insulted Kambwili and his mother, or those who attack Bally on several occasions. This kind of selective leadership requires mental check up. Anyway register to vote only 9 months remaining for him to retire.

  14. This impunity by Pf cadres has been a concern to Zambians, however the executive seems to be angry only when it involves Pf cadres against senior government and party officials. The fact that the president has to instruct the police to arrest the cadres shows how timid the police are towards Pf cadres.

  15. They have been warned to term your cardres but to no avail.Yesterday the cardres went amock in Kanyama and now it’s in Bahati. They are breeding snakes in their own quarters an undertaking which they will regret. Mark my words, the worst is yet to come

  16. Let us all register to vote. As we go to vote. Lets not vote on emotions. Let’s ask those standing to share their manifesto so that we vote or not vote for them based on the ideas/policies they have that affect all of us.
    1. What’s their policy on pay as you earn?
    2. What is their policy on excise tax/ duty?
    3. What’s their policy on corporate taxes?
    4. Whats their policy on Pensions ?
    5.Whats their land ownership policy ?
    6. Whats the policy on education, health?.
    7. What is their policy on agriculture and promotion of local products?
    What’s the policy on easing regulation?
    8. What is the strategy to ending smuggling,???? corruption etc
    9. What is their policy on the rule of law and ending the pathetic cardalism within their parties etc?
    I can go on.
    You can not swim to the shore with rocks double your weight tied to your legs.
    We need transparent leaders..

  17. We have always known that during this regime’s tenure, there has been no due process. No separation of powers and a clearly purchased Police FORCE. These kind of directives and instructions have been made day and night, especially as pertains to the opposition. The purchased police cannot act professionally or independently. They sit like meek sheep waiting for ‘instructions’ from the GREAT LEADER. Now he wants to appear ‘Holier than thou’ because he is on a campaign trail, when we know he has turned a blind eye to PF violence on trillions of occasions.

  18. Now he is calling for the arrest without shame when he has let these dogs called PF cadres grow in power and they are attacking them…what a useless moron he is not worthy of the title of Head of State …he is just the Head boy PF cadre.

  19. Nothing real is happening in Chagwa’s government. Just revenge all the time.Mano Yamukomboni mwayamba ba presido.An Eye for an Eye,bunda bwakukwata ama degree yabufi, Dr Chatile fimo fimo. Degree in politics you cannot even articulate what you studied you guys.Ukufwaya fye ukwitwa ati doctor jealousy Nchintweno.Shame on you bamambala. You have really destroyed zambia and brought it to gangster level.Ati ba president, ne nchi mpwena nachiilanga x4 pamenso. This man is zero material for this office. Wake up zambians before a volcano erupts.The economy is in deep waters already and the president says its okay even repayment of loans is differed .How does he solve national issues when he is never in state house.Shamonapo ,chili ukotuya, ubwato bwena nabu panduka. Kwashala fye ikwibila…

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