Saturday, July 27, 2024

British army trains Zambian security wings in anti-poaching skills


A combined team of security officers has completed training in anti-poaching conducted by the British army.

A total of 60 officers from the Zambia Army, Zambia Air Force, Zambia National Service, Zambia Police, Office of the President and wildlife police underwent the three-week training at Chunga Wildlife Training School in the Kafue National Park.

It is the second of such training done by the British army, with 120 officers trained so far.

Ministry of Tourism and Arts permanent secretary Dr. Auxilia Ponga said the training of the elite task force will enhance the protection of wildlife from “the ever growing and sophisticated syndicates across the country.”

She said protection of wildlife should not be left to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) alone.

“This is not a job to be left to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife alone. Hence the selection and formulation of an elite task force that will be able to back-stop and supplement the efforts of the department,” she said.
And British High Commission Development Director, Steve Beel said Zambia becomes the second country after Malawi to benefit from the British Arm training in Central Africa.

He said the British Government stands ready to help the Zambian Government in combating wildlife crime that has been detrimental to the growth of tourism.

Meanwhile, anti-poaching task force national coordinator, Colonel William Kakoma said now that the British army has done its part there is need for more training for the local group to enhance skills in field tracking and other anti-poaching skills.

He said the team will need more financial support for it to operate effectively such as transport and camping gear.

This is contained in a statement issued by Public Relations Officer in the Ministry of Tourism and Arts, Sakabilo Kalembwe.


  1. The biggest problem we have is a Minister who writes letters to authorize the capture and transfer of wild animals to private ranches, please train us on how to deal with him before elections. When Richwell Siamunene deployed army officers in the game parks it was very senior Government officials that began to fight him. Sylvia Masebo almost went to prison because of the same cartel

  2. The British still has a firm grip on whatever is precious, pretend to help while cleverly steeling ivory and many other trophy from you, this how they became rich here you are busy fighting each other, when the white Man first landed on the African soil he found many precious minerals while owners where in deep deep slumber!!!. We are still in deep slumber.

  3. All the way from England where there are no animals, to come and teach us anti poaching technics, us who grew up and live with animals. Who are supposed to know the behaviour of these animals, we even know the poachers personally, but they must still teach us and we accept. Who bewitched us?

  4. The ignorance displayed in the comment section is appalling. What’s wrong with British forces, who by the way are more technically and tactfully advanced to train our men and women in uniform. Training programs are done everywhere around the globe so what’s the fuss. To those saying Britain does not have National Parks, do your your research before speaking/typing. Some pride is uneccessary.

  5. In Africa we are very dull , the only way to stop poaching is by zawa to open up shops for game meat so people can easily buy from them , like that poaching will reduce very much in Zambia

  6. Good morning from England my father was an RSM in Zambia in the 60t’s he was awarded the Meritorious Medal from Zambia 45 years later!! He taught Officer cadets who he sent to Sandhurst here in the UK. He saved many many lives in Zambia by driving a loaded Landrover to a quarry where he blew it up away from everyone 250lbs of sweating dynamite. He was on contract from the UK we lived and loved Zambia and its people we didn’t steal or take anything from Zambia as a few have thought? The Brits don’t want ivory like some around the world do?? We aid countries and help we educate and indeed try to keep world peace.We work hard to maintain civil peace keeping whilst training other people and educating people too. We also put our hands in our pockets to charities even though people here cannot…

  7. This is very strange to see…how can the British who don’t have parks and Poachers like us come and teach Zambians how to fight a local poacher..this means either the Zambian security personnel are too shallow and can’t think on their own..or the are just here to follow a pattern they have followed in the failed Afghanistan of teaching locals how to raise goats in their own country

  8. Since when did we have many people commenting on this website. Ma blogger ba paka. We had a very small but close community of bloggers. I kind of miss that

  9. ”Those that are asking who bewitched you kanshi?”

    Same way they taught you that their religion better that it’s yours, they still control everything including who you worship!

  10. Same way they taught you that their religion better that it’s yours, they still control everything including who you worship!

  11. Rather late, coming out to help at dusk when you should have been here at dawn. And presumably, these guys will have licence to kill any would be poachers?? This is wrong. You will get better outcomes by:- 1. Tackling the market for poached stuff (ivory etc.) 2. Involving Chiefs and local people in conservation. 3. Allowing locals seasonal hunting of select animals for own consumption. And finally, not imposing on locals – but working with them.

  12. Most of their animals are extinct. You will never find a malinso in the UK, they killed them all, now they are working out ways to start killing humans.

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