Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo has said tha Luapula registered more people than Western Province in the Mobile National Registration Cards- NRCs exercise because of stronger mobilisation.
Mr. Kampyongo said that all provinces were given equal human resources and equipment to carry out a similar exercise without preference for any region, adding that Government also extended the Mobile NRC exercise to cover more people and that all district offices remain open for people to obtain NRCs.
Mr. Kampyongo said that no police permits are currently required for those replacing lost or damaged NRCs to encourage more people to obtain the national document and that even in class students get different results in an exam without blaming the lecturer.
The Home Affairs Minister said that his Ministry has been instructed to carry out a review of the NRC exercise adding that given resources officers might go back to some areas.
He was responding to a question in Parliament yesterday from UPND Mitete MP Misheck Mutelo who wanted to know why the Western Province recorded only 52% success rate compared to 181% for Luapula Province, in the just-ended Mobile Issuance of National Registration Cards Exercise when the two provinces had a similar target of 100,000 people.
Mr. Mutelo also wanted to know the urgent measures that are being taken to ensure that eligible citizens are issued with National Registration Cards in the Western Province, to enable them register as voters in the ongoing Voter Registration Exercise before it ends on 12th December, 2020.
So does NRC issuance need mobilization?
Vincent Kyamasengo imagine this thing
Vincent C Ngosa these guys are dividing a Country
All provinces given equal resources……but all provinces are very different in size, terrain, population, etc..
Matthias Zingel exactly, you can’t give equal resources to less densely populated areas and claim fairness
Really laughable…this former Katondo Street Currency Dealer should just do us a favour.
God is good.
Kenny Chaps Njobvu Who should Mobilize…???
Poverty levels here in luapula are alarming
Bana ba Congo and children.
Online mobilization is okay considering the pandemic
George Nyrienda umm ama fake account yali shupa ka… vokamba vi vuta ka?
Shouldn’t it have worried the minister that Luapula province had stronger mobilisation strategies than Western province? Did he intervene to remedy the situation?
Felix Mwape Nkonge my thought also thought he was a national minister,wen do u undress the camera uniform
Kawana Kangowa Precisely. A national minister must be concerned with disparities arising out of implementation of a public national program and address them with urgency.
Bufi bobe, you feed on lying everyday but let me assure you about the shocker you will get from Luapula
The reason we advise that such a national exercise not be politicized is because we don’t want accusations and counter accusations. Kapolyo Kampyongo you lack credibility to comment on such matters. You’re the worst Minister to have occupied that office in recent history. I don’t see you walk with your head high when you finally leave Home Affairs. You might even end up in prison. Leave HoDS to run their departments professionally. It’s like almost all departments have been compromised under your watch. It’s a shame.
The upnd roaches are a funny bunch. So they want each of their stronghold to have more registered voters. Is it our role to help them do that? If you have poor mobilization skills who is to blame? Just do your home work. You are very lazy. I now know where the upnd diasporans get their laziness from. Scrubbing toilets for living
I wish i could tag the audio from Luapula where Congolese were being ferried from across the borders to register.
Marshall Kabanana I just heard it. These people are criminals
Prison is waiting yama
Without no shame iwe mwankole
PF defrauding ministers should just pay up illegally gotten salaries and allowances.
Kampyongo is just exposing failure of mobilisation in western province of his PF government – utter discriminatory
is it not government’s responsibility to mobilise people, in short he is saying they had different levels of mobilisation in each province? who was mobilising in luapula if the NRC issuance exercise a govt programme, and what will he do to his officers for the incompetence and failure to mobilse?
That’s the stupidest reasoning ever!!! That’s the price you pay for having dunderheads in power!!!
You can’t fool all the people all the time.
Yes, we did a compaign to mobilize people, and it worked. And too the Voter registration excercise is progressing, civil society, NGO and youth clubs got involved, not complaining, it’s better balala pa office than giving them a gloomy picture. Sata was consistent despite various challenges mounted by RB. Consistent is the word, not chililalila lyonse.???
Eddy Eddie umm ama fake account yali shupa ka vokamba vi vuta ka?
What of the landscape Western is Sandy etc,, and Vastness of the region,Western has 16 new Districts,,, that have close to Non Existing infrastructure in terms of proper road network,, etc did he put all these in Consideration????
Bo Minister taba ye akicwalo ba…
Mobliazation system is better but we need more days
Jasmine Musonda umm ama fake account yali shupa ka vokamba vi vuta ka?
The population of Luapula province is always greater than 100% because of Congolese people who have illegal dual citizenship. The same happens in Chama and Muyombe where there is no proper border.
Its your time now and do it well. Yes some Zambians are more Zambian than others in your eyes but for sure it shall also be sunny one day in south western Zambia.
The mobilization which was done was so good and it worked.Pf worked on sensitization
Inonge Lubasi umm ama fake account yali shupa ka vokamba vi vuta ka?
Do people see the Rolex on Kampyongo’s wrist? These are the tastes they hv acquired these pro-poor politicians. Pro-poor indeed! I hv since given up on watches. Whn my watch stopped working, I made a decision not to buy another one. I simply don’t need a watch anymore. I hv a time piece on my mobile phone and in my car. So wht do I need a watch for?
The story in the Bible, narrates of an evil Man, who had some evil intentions against this noble man. He built a place where he wanted to have this noble man hanged from. The place was made ready by him. He with his wife made every plan, but at the last minute, The King was used by God to think about the same noble man, on how to reward him. He went through the files and found all the good things this noble man had done without being rewarded. So the King had to promote this man. Then argon was that, this evil man met his death using what he himself had built. The thing here is, never should we plan evil things against innocent people, or person . Romans 8;28. Let Kampyongo plan all the evil he can, but he should know that, God is all powerful. He works out marvelous things for those…
This pygmy from Ituri forest should keep quiet.
This pigmy from Ituri forest is a liar.
Rigging I Progress
No shame. That’s where the rigging attempts begun. Kampyongo and cohort think they are invincible.
Rather skewed position. Best to table results from all ten provinces before conclusions are arrived at.
Luapula alone can’t have you win an election.
Ubufi bobe bukakuletelela . Those under age you’re registering will be witnesses against you And by the way whether you fake the numbers of registered voters in luapula, muchinga , northern and eastern provinces or you do what ever you won’t be in power next year.
I can’t wait to see someone Ku jele
For Zambia to be health home wise again it’s for this man to go, whatever the method. That sit needs a very serious and sensitive person.
Kampyongo should b careful with that otherwise i smell a rat come 2021
7 months 2 GO
No. .it’s because in Luapula there’s lots of Congolese that r gettin NRCs
Abanensu ku Luapula, Muchinga na Eastern province eko ba PF bakapoka amavoti ayengi pantu balalya bwino. Eko ba PF batwala development ifwe kwashala ni dizaster tabakaipule
Cry babes always…you want your Provinces to have higher numbers of voters always, but this time you will not manage in that in other provinces people are registering in large numbers… it is not business as usual men. Brace your selves for terrible defeat August 2021. You shall continue being cry babes every election year. Shame on you.
Great people identifies and solve problems. Ordinary people only identifies a problem. We need great people. We need great leaders.