Wednesday, October 23, 2024

KK Registers as a Voter ahead of the 2021 general elections


First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda has today registered as a voter ahead of the 2021 general elections.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) today followed him to his residence to register him as a voter.

In an interview with ZANIS, ECZ Acting Public Relations Officer Silvia Bwalya, said the commission decided to register the First Republican President at his residence, adding that he is a senior citizen and an important member of the country.

Ms Bwalya stated that registering the First Republican President as a voter should encourage other citizens to follow suit and register.

“People should emulate Kenneth Kaunda because he is a senior citizen and the first President but he has realized the need and importance of registering to vote. Every well-meaning Zambian should be encouraged register to register if they are to participate in the 2021 General Election,” she added.

She noted that all registering centres give priority to the elderly, adding that they cannot stand in lines for a long time.

She urged everyone to participate in the electoral process by registering as voters because ECZ is in its final phase of the process.

And First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda thanked ECZ for registering him as a voter.

Dr Kaunda said it is his right as a Zambian to vote in next year’s presidential elections, making it important for him to vote.

The registration exercise by ECZ started on November 9th and will end on the December 12, 2020.


  1. Great to see the father of the nation exercising his right to vote for PF. What excuse do you have you young lazy ones

  2. One of the WORST dictators in the world and I speak as someone who is related to him. SO anything he does is of little relevance to me.

    I wish him the best of health though. But the ‘Hitler’ of Zambia if you asked me or my Son who is only 2.

    I hold a PhD and have ACCA, CFA, CIMA and and MSc from University of Glasgow.



  3. The founding father of Zambia Dr KK need to be visited by other parties to register their manifestos with him to come and vote wisely – remember he despises corruption and corrupt leaders, lets honour him with that regard.

  4. Mushota with all those fake qualifications you are probably still cleaning toilets and old people backside there abroad. Now we will even make it harder for foreigners like you to come back here. We want people who can contribute to our economy and not just coming here to make noise with your forced accents like a constipated frog ati init mate

  5. Mushota with all those qualifications you are probably still cleaning toilets and old people backside there abroad. Now we will even make it harder for foreigners like you to come back here. We want people who can contribute to our economy and not just coming here to make noise with your forced accents like a constipated frog ati init mate

  6. Zulu that’s not true, I work in an office and I have air condition in the office and i also pay in a pension pot a month.

    Compare me with an average zambian you will realise I would be one of the most admired persons. Finance Caucasian, have a car can afford a ticket to Zambia within three months salary.

    Please put some respect to my name – thank you.



  7. We have not forgotten the horror that he brought before us. Torturing people was the order of the day, lining up woman to dance before him wherever he went, food shortages, kidnappings, controlled market economy, hunger etc.

  8. Mushota, 3 months to afford a flight that costs on average 500-600 pounds? You guys are suffering there. I will buy you and your hubby return tickets next time you visit. Contact me.

  9. A President tells a minister to illegally stay in office after dissolution of parliament, and a minister who has the intellect to think obliges. If your boss tells you to go and steal, do you go and steal. You say, No, sorry sir this is not correct. So dont blame the President here, just pay back. A lesson to all that a President is not a god and can never be one

  10. KK was a disciplinarian, for example there was no room for bootlickers in his cabinet, no funny political advisors, and there was discipline in government. The economy just went berserk with commodity prices tumbling, and mad oil prices coupled with the cost of sustaining liberation wars. I am sure he knows how PF has messed up

  11. A minister follows wrong instructions and remains in office after dissolution of parliament, a minister who is supposed to know better by virtue of being a legislature follows wrong instructions, and it is very annoying that these chaps think a President is always right. Ministers pay back before we effect citizens arrest on those refusing to pay

  12. Some former minister ati I worked, kuti? You were busy campaigning using government fuel. Yes, what ever you signed must be null and void.

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