Saturday, June 1, 2024

HH calls for Independent Investigation in Recent Killings of Citizens


UPND President Hakainde Hichilema says government must institute an independent Commission of Inquiry to establish the killing of two citizens Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda on Wednesday last week.

In his end of year national address, Mr. Hichilema demanded that President Edgar Lungu gets to the bottom of the murders.

Mr Hichilema has described the changes in the police command as cosmetic and will not yield any positive results.

Mr. Hichilema says the only way to restore decency in the police service is by Zambians voting out of the PF out of government next year.

He stated that the command structure means that the person who gave instruction to fire live bullets on unarmed public should be fired.

Mr Hichilema said no citizens should be executed by the state as was seen on what he dubbed Black Wednesday.

“Why have they arrested those who survived live bullet rounds by the police? They were unarmed citizens exercising their democratic rights to assemble. How do you arrest the victims? I was victim number one. I was the target there, when the vehicles were negotiating their way, we overheard one officer shouting to his colleague that “Hummer One,” he revealed.

“How do citizens answer police call-outs in the future when police use it as an ambush?”

Mr Hichilema has since called for the strengthening of Police internal investigation to independently probe erring officers especially those who use deadly force.

“We demand for the reform of police service to make it more user friendly to the citizens – not the cosmetic changes we have seen to date. We also need to demilitarise the Police.”

Asked by Journalists to comment on government’s recently launched Economic Recovery Programme, Mr. Hichilema said he cannot comment about nothing.

“This is a ‘nothing programme’. There is no political will in PF, behavior of PF after ERP has been more expenditure. We launched another recovery programme a few years ago and you know what happened to that.”

Mr Hichilema has stressed that the UPND government will commit to deliver a vigorous fight against corruption, restore rule of law and restore freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

He added that the UPND government will work on economic turnaround which will deliver jobs for the youth and employable Zambians and business opportunities for Zambian entrepreneurs.

Mr Hichilema charged that the UPND in government will lower the cost of doing business in Zambia and that Zambian owned businesses will be supported to get contracts and also given mining rights.

He said Zambia belongs to all Zambians hence the need to equitably share economic opportunities.

Mr Hichilema also promised an inclusive and diverse government that reflects the face of Zambia adding that there will be representation from all provinces.

“The change UPND will usher in will see an end to disunity and exclusions we see today,” he said.


  1. ZPS is suspect Number One in these Shootings so how can they investigate themselves? This is just a Cover up under way.The only way to reveal the truth on who shot dead Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda is to institute an Inquest. U need an Independent Body to investigate these murders. A suspected Murderer cannot investigate himself.

  2. Chilufya Tayali has no conscience. He is very happy that it ended the way it did: in the death of innocent citizens.

  3. Ala iwe !d!0+ relax.
    Why is this nigga so worked out?
    Investigations are on going.
    Next time keep your little nigga goons at bay.
    So if you’re quoting the president that no Zambian should because of characters like you sodomite and wicked kleptoh², the let it be so.
    Kleptoh² you’re so wicked.
    Devious nigga kleptoh² and his upndead dundaheads will not form government at all at all.
    Why does anyone got to die everytime you gather people h²? That’s wickedness, don’t you get it?

  4. Oh my goodness its the year of hire and fire for me. I am not promoting anyone but i’m giving some individual if not all six months to put their house in order. Come August 12th, i fire…………

  5. Why does HH need human shields in every court case he attends? He, just like the PF thugs has blood on his hands which is playing on his conscious.

  6. Stop ferrying cadres to deadly battle political grounds. You’re somehow the causer. You know the political intolerance we’re experiencing which you are the contributor and yet you keep a deaf ear to the warnings given by people in power. Next go alone with your lawyers. I feel for poor people who are under the spell of politicians

    • Vic Muyembe Maybe let me put it in this way. I advise cadres from all political parties to tread carefully and if possible remain behind while the political battle rages on because the reality is that our political environment is very hostile. The life of a political cadre is as important as the life of a child of a politician which are not transported to the fiece political scene.

  7. (HH) puts himself above those victims who actually lost their lives while his children were drinking coffee at home.

    Kaunda, Nsama died and (HH) still thinks he’s victim number 1. How heartless you son of Sattan.

  8. The only way we can have an objective investigation is to have someone outside of the police investigating this. Right now we all can see the police are deliberately dilly dallying because they don’t want to be seen as the culprits. This is a relatively easy case but they are taking tortoise time to investigate because they are very involved. The obvious question whose gun produced the killer bullets isn’t being answered why? Because the investigation is not transparent

  9. It is amazing that this site is supposed to be a site for debating and expressing views freely but as usual the simple shallow thinking is to attack a blogger who expresses his or her opinion. Eyes on the ball. HH has created confusion by allowing his followers to come to the police HQ which resulted in the death of two people. He was part to the privatisation which resulted in people losing jobs and dying out of depression and today he promises creating jobs. He blames the PF for his underhand dealings, the police don’t call you unless you have something bordering on breaking of the law. Hakainde has finally agreed that the UPND as tribal political party in its current
    form cannot win a presidential election and hence the last paragraph in his speech.

  10. “He said Zambia belongs to all Zambians hence the need to equitably share economic opportunities.

    Mr Hichilema also promised an inclusive and diverse government that reflects the face of Zambia adding that there will be representation from all provinces.”

    It remains to be seen whether this will now be a reality. We have repeatedly told this man (HH) that he presides over a tribal grouping that cannot win a national presidency. After losing five times he has now realised what we have always told him. It is not the cheap propaganda that he has been advancing that he losses because he is a Tonga. Most Zambian electorate do not care who is the president as long as he has a national character, not only Dundumwezi.

  11. Bwana, who will vote when people have not registered? You should have mobilised people to register and even provide transport for those in rural areas. Do not be so comfortable looking at small crowds escorting you to police station and then saying ‘my people will vote’ . Voter suppression is a form of rigging elections. Voters register is already doctored, get smart bwana!

  12. You share in the responsibility of those deaths, it’s people’s children that you mobilize for cheap politics and by standers that die from you and your leaderships irresponsible actions. Apologize to those who have been exposed to danger and suffered calamity from your cheap politics. Also Zambians are not duped by such antics to distance ones self. The dead’s blood is also on your hands.

  13. So after all these years in opposition hakainde has failed to grasp the vivid idea that he has lost grip on facts.
    It’s a pity that he wants to speak when the families are still grieving, misappropriately speaking when he is supposed to tame his tongue. This is heartless.

  14. Please Baal, (1 Kings 18:21), Why ferry other people’s children in buses to go and sacrifice them for political mileage while warning your own children to stay home and drink coffee. Please Baal, just apologize to the Nation for the killing of our people by possibly hired snipers. Otherwise again it’s nothing but landslide defeat at the hands of popular PF, come August 2021. Don’t cry rigging as usual for we already know your plan.

  15. Lungu is the murderer ,

    He has the recored of most deaths under any administration by the hands of police and caders

  16. Under5 leader a useless idi.ot,if only you had listened to what the police told you all is was not going to be, Chi sata.nist full of pride, Alaaa why do people die during your meetings or rallies. Ku party ya bill 10 one person died the following day. Chi sata.nist. Uko . Let me advise useless under5 supporters next time chi call you for such tell it to go with it’s children…The only political party recording unexplained death..It will keep on killing it’s own…what a dem.on from he.ll

  17. I can see boi you are a bad man wishing somone TO die I pray to God to keep your life so that you will see him be in office next year I feel pit for you boi

  18. Christopher Phiri he was summoned as a person and not the party but delayed going to meet police until he had organized plenty busses to ferry cadres from Choma and today he is trying to claim innocence?nowonder 6th defeat is loading.

  19. The stand point of the PF and their many fake accounts on this site is baffling! First they claimed that the shooter was organized by HH. Now, they seem to have been told to push the “HH caused this by not taking supporters to the Police” song. I thought all of us (irrespective of party inclination) are interested in finding the truth and developing a lasting solution so that this doesn’t happen again ? If is, why are PF generally opposed to an Independent investigation that HH and other stakeholders are proposing? What are they afraid of? HH in answering questions at his press briefing stated that what is required is a holistic investigation that would include actions leading up to the shooting and then developing an agreed way forward. This would ofcourse include the ferrying of…

  20. This would ofcourse include the ferrying of cadres to Call-outs that some are crying about. So where is the problem? You can’t just have standards for HH alone and different ones for PF bigwigs. Again- Why are PF afraid of an Independent investigation and in favour of a clearly useless Police own investigation???

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