Saturday, July 27, 2024

The ARIISE Project will stimulate Economic Recovery-Wina


Government has embarked on a robust countrywide exercise aimed at revamping resettlement schemes under the Resettlement Infrastructure Investment and Enterprise Support (ARIISE) programme in order to stimulate economic recovery.

Vice President Inonge Wina disclosed yesterday that government has been working in the background to find a lasting solution by revamping resettlement schemes so that they become developed and attractive to private sector business enterprise.

Mrs. Wina said revamping these resettlement schemes will promote the much needed development in different parts of the country.

The Vice President was speaking yesterday at Luyanti Secondary School in Kaoma when she launched the ARIISE programme for Kalumwange resettlement scheme.

Mrs. Wina however noted that ARIISE cannot be viable without basic social amenities such as good road network, electricity and many others.

To this effect, the Vice President disclosed that resources for ARIISE have already been mobilised through the private sector.

She said the programme in Kaoma will be operational by March this year and will thereafter be rolled out to other districts.

“The key focus of ARIISE is to develop roads, telecommunications, power and water infrastructure as a basis for establishing commercial production of various commodities such as maize, soya beans and other crops in order to support value chains through feed mills, poultry production linked to local, national and export markets,” Mrs. Wina explained.

The Vice President further disclosed that the programme will be carried out in three phases.

Phase one will involve engagement, assessment and evaluation of suitability of infrastructure and eating development while phase two, which is an investment stage, will encompass construction of various infrastructure and installation of equipment.

The third and last stage will support enterprise development and business linkages to livelihood, job and wealth creation activities within the scheme.

Mrs. Wina has since directed Western Province Minister Richard Kapita to work with the local traditional leadership to help lobby for not less than 10,000 acres of land for the scheme on behalf of community members.

She further asked Mr. Kapita to also help to revive the old scheme with the help of the traditional leadership.

Mrs. Wina also demanded that Mr. Kapita avails her with the progress report by April this year.

The Vice President however expressed confident that the Barotse Royal Establishment will assist the provincial office in the acquisition of land.

And speaking on behalf of Kalumwange resettlement scheme farmers, Morgan Mubita commended government for coming up with a programme aimed at bettering local people’s livelihoods.

Mr. Mubita has since appealed to the office of the Vice President to assist the vulnerable people acquire title deeds for their land as most of them could not afford to meet the required amount of money.

Kalumwange is one of the 93 resettlement schemes that have been identified in the 10 provinces under ARIISE programme.

Once the programme reaches its final stage, Kalumwange resettlement scheme will have same amenities as those in urban areas.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Wina had a thunderous welcome by the Kalumwange resettlement scheme community which gave her a cow.


  1. What is he doing with a gun in front on children? Does Kampyongo think those Lozi kids can attack their grandma? Common people.

  2. Countrywide infrastructure development programme in resettlement schemes? How many government projects remain incomplete and abandoned around the country?

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