Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia will not shut down the economy as a way of fighting the pandemic-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has said that the government will not shut down the economy as a way of fighting the pandemic.

Speaking yesterday when he met a team of businessmen in Isoka, President Lungu said that others have called on him to impose a curfew, adding that this can not work unless people change their mindsets.

The President said that in the past some countries have shut down their economies and imposed curfews but this has not worked.

And the head of state said that preventing oneself from contracting Covid 19 is better than getting the vaccine for the disease because experts have not explained how long the vaccine will be in one’s body before the person can contract the virus.

President Lungu said that he was not in any way discrediting the vaccine but wants more information given out to the general public, adding that s the best way to prevent the virus is by adhering to health measures such as wearing of masks and maintaining social distance.

And the Isoka Chamber of Commerce has urged the government to open Kobwa Mine in Isoka District. Speaking on behalf of others Lawrence Kasonde said the mine has huge deposits of copper hence the need to open the mine.

Mr. Kasonde said that the mine will create jobs for people in Isoka. Mr. Kasonde urged the President to ensure that the contractor working on the Great North Road implements the twenty percent subcontracting policy.

The Head of State is in Muchinga Province for a 5-day working visit where he is expected to inspect various developmental projects and meet traditional leaders


  1. But Lungu even before pandemic effects you had brought down the economy very hard since 2015.Mscheeeew ,i’m insulted .

  2. Closing the economy may not be the best but measures should be taken including reducing travel as medical facilities are overstretched.The gravity of the situation needs to be communicated to the people including the reducing of premature campaigns.

  3. I agree with you ECL.
    However, there is need for people to adhere to the protocols on how to control the spread of Covid 19. The Local Government ( Council) in collaboration with the Police should play an active role in this regard. As it stands, many people in Zambia are still not taking this disease seriously. Go to market places, bus stations, wholesales for Indians, check out the seating arrangements on buses, etc, it is business as usual.
    We have to do something now or else it will be catastrophic.

  4. So the U.K has not taken Lungu’s theory into account seeing they (U.K) have taken measures to do a lock down. People’s lives are more important. Hence decisions to lock down are not to be watered down.
    We know that if a lock down is imposed, that will mean that no ‘working holiday’ for the president or campaign trails. On the other hand, talking about adhering to social distancing protocols and at the same time attracting masses to yourself as you “inspect developmental projects”, is a betrayal of the same sermon you are preaching.

    Please mention it once and for all times that you do not believe there is Covid…

  5. Very well, Mr President. But let’s be responsible folks and enforce the preventative measures and not wait for GRZ to enforce them. Kobwa copper mine?? More mineral discoveries…

  6. What is this moron doing in Isoka? I doubt he even knows how he has destroyed the economy ,,,pandemic is just a convenient excuse for him and his thugs!!

  7. Shutting down economy completely can’t be the answer at this stage. It is the ultimate way to fight the pandemic. In current situation, people must follow Covid19 protocol to keep the virus at bay. Business should not be affected due to our mistakes.

  8. I fully agree with ECL. Lockdown is not the option. We are in much better position on Covid19 control compared to other countries. Therefore taking precautions is the key to keep the country and economy running.

  9. Why’s there erratic supply of petroleum products if the economy hasn’t been shut dwn? Inept economic management has just about shut the economy dwn already.

  10. What a mindless comment! No doubt you are completely in dark about the pandemic and its impact on the world economy. Why don’t you get little informed and then comment?

  11. You are absolutely right. Like the nick name you have chosen, I would appeal you to seek truth on the current situation of Covid19 in Zambia. Don’t base your opinions on unverified information spread by some media houses.

  12. This is comparing oranges with apples. The social and climatic conditions in UK are totally in contrast with Zambia. The immunity levels of British people are much less than ours. We are more resilient than the British. Hence we have relatively less cases compared to Europe, Asia and even USA. I wish, you had done some homework before making such a silly comment.

  13. Imposing restrictions can never be solution. It is high time that people voluntarily followed Covid19 guidelines and safety protocols. People will have to change their mindset.

  14. What has been the global experience of complete lockdown? No country has been able to completely curb the virus. Many countries are still struggling with it despite lockdown. Therefore, self restrictions should be followed to keep ourselves safe.

  15. Closing down economy was considered to be a solution in the initial period as the world was caught unaware and had no clue whatsoever. But it is not the situation now. With the vaccine now available we can manage the situation better.

  16. It is the time to trust the government on anti Covid measures and extend complete co-operation. If we follow the government instructions in total, we can defeat the virus.

  17. This is not the time to fight over petty excuses and blame game. We as Zambians need to stand behind the government now. It is for our good only.

  18. @Ivy, our capacity to test is very limited, it is not true to say that we don’t have as many cases or that we are stronger than the English as you allege. We have several brought in dead cases, and people are dying in hospitals.
    Lockdown wouldn’t work, mostly because most Zambians cannot work from home, people need to eat.
    The solution lies in ourselves, the fact that you need police or council workers to enforce wearing of masks says something about our mentality.

  19. This moronic president should have used the part of the $27 billion dollars building new hospitals as well as buying health equipments.

    Access to decent hospitals is a number one priority for any individual based on class/ creed/colour/religion.

    But no this thief used the money to build flyover bridges/ buying million dollar fire engines and building roads which are already in a bad state

    Wastage of money. Not to forget millions of dollars are sitting In his bank account as well his minions.

    This COVID ain’t going anytime soon. It will be around for years

  20. I was shocked to watch the nakonde chief and isoka chief on znbc last night praising PF for the great north road!!?
    The road is back to being Hell-run…it’s in a terrible state…and chiefs couldn’t even express their displeasure.
    Why did ECL go to nakonde via chopper, why didn’t he drive on the so-called good road?

  21. He is right, if a patient is already in Intensive Care Unit, stopping them from getting ill is futile. They are already very ill, you can only hope for a miracle. Doctors do not operate on a very ill patient because the surgery itself will kill him. The Zambian economy is in ICU. Any interventions in favour of stopping Covid will just completely kill it. We all know how we got here, now let us focus on how we get out. Divorce the man who infected the economy.

  22. Then open schools, so that private schools and teacher can continue with their business. Infact, the economy is already in shutdown mode. You minister was on radio today and he confirmed you also have debts with oil supplier and that’s why we have been having fuel shortages. So stop laying to people.

  23. Some people here are talking about vaccines as if they being provided for free. The PF government will have to find money to purchase them.
    Countries like China, India , USA etc are worried about vaccinating their own people first before others.
    Strict measures(including lock down) need to be put in place before those vaccines even reach Zambia.
    If the covid-19 situation gets out of control , the vaccines wont be helpful and many lives will be lost.

  24. Your excellence Sir, you have saved the lives of Zambians, thank you so much.

    In the meantime Readers, if you have not yet accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour kindly pray this simple prayer with me.

    Dear God, thank you for so Loving me, that you sent your only Son Jesus Christ to die for me, I believe that He is your son, I accept the Lordship of Jesus over my life, from today onwards I am born again. Thank you Father! In Jesus Name Amen.

    If you prayed that prayer with email me at
    God bless you

  25. Your excellency, people are more important than the ecnomy. Which economy are you talking about? Salaula,or selling imported Japanese cars?
    The reason for a lockdown is to try to reduce infections and flatten the curve. Less infections means less people dying, If you impose a curfew it means bars, liquor restaurants will not operate, and these are super spreaders. Now what about markets and Bus stations?
    Encourage Zambians to avoid traveling unnecessarily between towns. If strict measures are not implemented immediately, we are in maningi trouble.

  26. Lockdowns are a means to control the spread of Covid 19 infections. U have to limit movements, test,isolate,social distance, wash your hands etc. Funerals, Church, Weddings, Political Gatherings etc have become super spreaders of the disease so they have to be stopped or regulated if we are to reduce infections. The Govt has to lead if Covid-19 infections are to be contained. People are getting sick,hospitalised and dying in huge numbers so the Govt cannot just be aloof.The writing is on the wall.

  27. The President is RIGHT. For now we really need to understand this pandemic in our context and work out our way forward. As variants come (and go) you will realize that different communities are reacting differently. Leave Pfizer to viagra supply only for now.

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