The Lusaka District Health Office has reactivated Bauleni Mini Hospital as a COVID-19 centre for patients with mild symptoms who cannot self-isolate.
Speaking during the COVID-19 Multi-Sectoral Response virtual meeting, Lusaka District Health Officer Rhoda Mkandawire said that Bauleni Mini Hospital has been set up to isolate patients with mild symptoms who are not able to quarantine themselves.
Dr. Mkandawire said a community model has been set up where majority of the positive patients are being handled from home with frequent follow ups on how patients are managing to be in self-isolation.
She said that the district health office is working in collaboration with the Lusaka City Council (LCC) in community testing which is being conducted in various government departments, private facilities and inspection of shopping malls to monitor compliance and adherence to the COVID-19 health guidelines.
“Sensitisation programs have been conducted at town centre market and am glad to mention that the compliance by both traders and customers is very good, and there’s also good compliance at Lusaka’s Central Police where we used to see a lot of people unmasked,” she said.
Dr Mkandawire explained that there is an ongoing sampling of travelers coming into the country through the international airport and referral services to Levy Mwanawasa Hospital and Maina Soko is being done through an ambulance.
Dr Mkandawire noted with concern at the various difficulties such as lack of transport, fuel and talk time that health workers have continued to face to effectively manage the COVID-19 situation in the district.
discipline + social order = prevail
If heaven is paradise, why do you spend your entire life avoiding death?
Way too late. Do it! People dying in their huts.
And it will take another 2 weeks to admit first patient.
The story is full of bureaucracy. Zambians too slow.
If the situation blows out of proportion open the doors of the 48 ghost mansions to relieve the pressure off the health facilities.
I am assuming the image used is a pre-Covid shot…Otherwise it would be violating the very essence of the article.
Welldone, good initiative