By Sean Tembo – PeP President
1. Every well-meaning Zambian is agreeable that things are very bad right now. The economy is crumbling with companies closing operations almost every day. The prices for goods and services are increasing on a weekly basis. There is a total breakdown in the rule of law whereby ruling party cadres are more powerful than the Police or the Military. Corruption in all its forms has reached unprecedented levels. In other words, President Edgar Lungu has failed to properly lead this nation and 12th of August presents an opportunity to the Zambian people to withdraw their mandate and replace Mr Lungu with someone else. Someone who can turnaround our economy. Someone who can bring back the rule of law and respect for institutions. Someone who can stamp out corruption. But who is that someone?
2. A number of people that l have spoken to see Mr Hakainde Hichilema (HH) as the person who has the most potential to remove President Lungu from the presidency, come 12th of August this year. And l agree completely. There is no question about it. In as much as there are a number of vibrant aspiring leaders that have mushroomed in the past five years or so, there is no question that political support takes time to trickle down across the nation and form the necessary critical mass needed to unseat a ruling party. On the other hand, HH has been leading his UPND for the past 15 years now, which gives him an upper hand in this year’s race. Of course, that is not to say that anyone else has no chance. We all have a chance, it’s only that HH has a greater chance by virtue of his prolonged stay in the political arena.
3. But what kind of administration would an HH presidency be and how different would it be from the current PF administration under Mr Lungu? Let us narrow it down to specific aspects of governance. Firstly, we all know that the biggest emergency that we have as a country right now is to turnaround our economy. This consists of generating enough money to repay our huge loans that we are currently saddled up with, increasing our economic productivity so that we can turn the page from the current recession and record positive growth in our gross domestic product (GDP). When our GDP grows, it means that individual enterprises in the economy are growing, which then means that employment opportunities are also expanding because enterprises need manpower whenever they’re expanding their operations. Turning around our economy will also require a huge reduction in corrupt activities so that the public money which is currently ending up in the pockets of individuals can end up in the national treasury. The question then is; what is HH’s plan for turning around our ailing economy, should the Zambian people give him a mandate to be Republican President after 12th August? Well, based on what he has shared with the public so far, HH believes that the best way to turnaround our ailing economy is to get a loan from the International Monitory Fund (IMF) and also go on an IMF programme.
4. Personally, l have been on record publicly disagreeing with Mr Hichilema regarding his proposal to get an IMF loan and put this country on an IMF programme as a way of turning around our ailing economy. Because of my public disagreements with HH on this matter and a few other matters, some of his supporters have been accusing me of attacking their president. But there is a huge difference between attacking someone and disagreeing with someone on a matter of national interest. I wish to make it categorically clear that l have never attacked Mr Hichilema. I merely disagree with him on specific issues of national interest. However, the feeling that l get from his members and supporters is that whatever plans for this nation that HH shares with the public from time to time, should never be questioned by anyone. And yet, should HH become President after 12th August, and should he implement his plans for turning around our economy, every citizen will be affected. So if l will be personally affected by the plans that HH intends to implement for this country, then why shouldn’t l be allowed to publicly disagree with such plans? Why should my public disagreement be deemed to be attack?
5. The public may wish to remember that the main reason why we are in this economic quagmire in the first place is because the ruling PF refused to listen to advice from any quarters from the world go. When we told them to stop borrowing too much, the laughed at us. When we told them to reign in their cadres and respect the rule of law, the scoffed at us. When we advised them to avoid haphazard economic policies, the accused us of attacking them. The end result is that we have this economy that is on the blink of collapse, with a major debt default already under our belt and the majority of our citizens in deeper poverty than they were in 2011. All because the PF has been an arrogant Government that has been unwilling to listen to anyone else. So when l see the same levels of arrogance in Mr Hichilema, l genuinely doubt whether his Government would be any different from current PF Government. Would it be a case of jumping from the frying pan to the fire?
6. The public may also wish to note that Mr Hichilema’s plan of borrowing from the IMF as a solution to turnaround our economy is exactly the same as that of the PF administration. From the time that Mutati was Minister of Finance, the PF tried to borrow US$1.6 billion from the IMF, which was subsequently revised to US$1.8 billion, then more recently l understand they submitted an application for US$2.4 billion to the IMF. HH proposes to borrow about US$3 billion from the IMF, should he become President. My argument against HH’s proposed IMF route is that if this country’s biggest problem at the moment is over-borrowing, then how can the solution be additional borrowing? So far, HH has not answered my question and my view is that he has opted to adopt the generic IMF solution because he is unable to think outside the box. In other words, HH’s competence is no better than that of the current PF Government. If the good citizens of this Republic are not careful, they shall be jumping from a rotten Government to another rotten Government. Whenever an opportunity for change presents itself, it should always be seen as an opportunity to improve. Change is meaningless if it does not bring about improvement.
7. But others may argue, and rightly so for that matter, to say what is Sean Tembo’s economic turnaround plan, since am pouring cold water on HH’s IMF route, which also happens to the PF’s current plan? Well, should the Zambian people be gracious enough to make me Republican President on 12th August this year, our plan for turning around our ailing economy is already well documented in the PeP Alternative Economic Recovery Plan (AERP) which will be unveiled on 18th February 2021. The PeP plan does not involve any additional borrowing, unlike the UPND and PF plans. To the contrary, our economic turnaround plan is premised on five critical actions; number one, sealing off all tax and non-tax revenue leakages so that every single Ngwee which the Government is entitled to ends up in the national treasury and not in the pocket of any individual. Secondly, reducing corruption in the public procurement process by at least 90 percent, so that Government gets value for every Ngwee spent. Thirdly, hiring only properly qualified and experienced personnel in all decision-making positions based only on competence and without regard to tribe, region, gender, political affiliation or physical appearance, so as to significantly enhance the quality of decisions at all levels of Government. Number four; developing and implementing stable economic policies that will create a conducive environment for private enterprises to thrive and prosper, thereby creating the much needed jobs. Last but not least; empowering citizens to engage in entrepreneurial activities at all levels of the economic value-chain, by extending affordable financing solutions and mentorship services.
8. I genuinely do not believe that an IMF package has the potential to turnaround our economic fortunes as a nation, even if we were to implement it to the letter. The biggest disadvantage of an IMF package is that you essentially relinquish autonomy and sovereignty in terms of your ability to formulate your own social-economic policies as a nation. Decisions about our country’s development will be made by a Board of Directors sitting in Washington D.C. How can such people sitting so far away surely understand the needs of our people, even if they really wanted to act in good faith? It can’t. Those of you who were old enough at that time surely remember how the IMF’s Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) ravaged this country in the 1990s. Why should we have to go through that all over again? I wish to submit that this country will never develop for as long as we, the citizens of this Republic continue to hold the mistaken belief that a citizen of another country would have Zambia’s best interests at heart and would assist us to develop. The only people that can develop this nation is ourselves; Zambians. Not the IMF. Not the World Bank. Not the AfDB. Not SADC. Not anyone but ourselves. And it should begin with a belief in ourselves that we can do it. Therefore, any individual who does not believe in the ability of Zambians to develop Zambia has no business aspiring to lead this nation.
At least Sean Tembo has shown some maturity in his analysis. Previously his narratives have been personal and full of apperent dislike for HH. That’s the path to take. Debate issues
These will be the headlines after August this year:
President Hakainde Hichilema has today warned citizens not to insult him on social media. President Hichilema has warned ZNBC not to give air time to too many opposition leaders on its programmes. President Hichilema has warned Police Chief Kanganja not to allow opposition meetings in Southern Province until his visit to Gwembe valley is over. President Hichilema has said he will lock up opposition leader Edgar Lungu for disturbing his motorcade. President HH has announced he will rule until Jesus comes
Will written, going forward these are the type of arguements that we should be having going forward as a country, it’s a pity that some leaders are treated like gods who’s thoughts can’t be questioned for whatever reason, the moment they are questioned the u have been paid, ur mentally not sound, and all the bad things said, going forward we should learn to understand what our leaders stand for and not just support for the sake of it
Tembo just like HH is very good to list the items that they are going to embark on in order to improve our country politically or economically but they are very short of telling us how they are going to implement whatever they are listing. It is easy to theoretically list anything on paper but to have it implemented on the ground is very difficult. Therefore people should not be swayed by mere political pronouncements from these political leaders but they should question their capacity to physically implement their pronouncements.
Neither Tembo nor HH will detail how they hope to implement their visions for leadership is in the presidency and governing team not the president when it comes to planning, interpretation and, embarking on implementation! As individuals both Tembo and HH will broadly outline/list what they are hopeful of achieving. Even in the homes an idea mooted by the husband or wife and has to use family resources has to get a pass through family panel beating before being implemented
At no point did HH say he will borrow from the IMF to turn around the fortunes of this nation when he become president. HH suggested IMF route to pf government after pf failed to put in place those same measures Mr Sean Tembo is suggesting. How can HH start borrowing when we all know how HH advised PF against borrowing? HH gave pf alot of alternative ways but they never listened but went on to borrow excessively. Mr Tembo should be truthful.
Lucky Cheelo What are HH’s plans since you know better than any body’s else? I have heard HH asking PF to take IMF packages unless you don’t follow him.
Phoebie Chibomba it’s not that I know better than anybody else. Secondly you have misunderstood my point. HH advised Pf to borrow from IMF in order to refinance the debts the government is having. He advised Pf to go to the IMF for a bail out after Pf borrowed excessively from other lenders and they were struggling to pay back. Some of the Euro bonds pf got are maturing starting this year but there is no money to pay and that’s were HH came to suggest for IMF package. Let’s learn to say the truth otherwise we will end up concluding that you don’t understand the system and you are just commenting for sake of it without any information.
Lucky Cheelo From what you have responded what is the difference from what I said that HH had asked PF to borrow from IMF? You have not answered the other question, what are HH’s plans regarding the revamping of the economy, if not IMF?
Phoebie Chibomba borrowing to revamp the economy is different from borrowing to refinance already existing debts or borrowing for a bail out. HH suggested IMF for a bail out package not to borrow to build the economy. Understand the difference, borrowing to build roads is different from borrowing to refinance. The issue of IMF was created by Pf of which it was not going to be there in UPND in the first place. So your question is same as asking HH to solve a problem which was created deliberately by Pf. Those points Sean Tembo is talking about are a copy and paste from what HH would have done and what he will do.
Phoebie Chibomba from HH’s last interview with costa he said the first step will be to implement a borrowing freeze.
Lucky Cheelo I do understood you. Even if I were to explain to you in detail of HH’s lies you would not agree with me cause you are accustomed to his lies. You are a believer and a disciple of HH so nothing will change your mind. Come 12th August, 2021 ni nafuti nafuti. I don’t believe in HH, he is a big liar. I closely followed him on what he says it doesn’t add up.
Jabulani B Charinga Jr. Do you understand the borrowing freeze?
Phoebie Chibomba yes understand and that’s what will happen if pf continue obtaining debts and fail to pay. Borrowing freeze can only be solved by IMF package otherwise borrowing freeze is dangerous for a country
Phoebie Chibomba
Lucky Cheelo Ba Cheelo you can me send this nonsensical article from bootlicker *****ic Anthony Bwalya the dreamer. This boy like reading a lot of James Hardly Chase books no wonder he is a dreamer. How old are ba Cheelo for you to spreading this as gospel truth or its practical. Does UPND have a manifesto? Read the manifesto of MMD of 1990 and tell me what came out of that? The article is a political too being used to campaign for UPND its hogwash.
Interesting exchange @ Lucky Cheelo and Phoebie Chibomba and my take away is learning a situation between two people needing a reasonable and intelligent discussion but one gets an impression of reason versus unreasonableness or a well versed person trying to explain to a shallow prejudiced unanalytical minded person! Unstructured thinking and lacking capacity for research into topical issues is no encouragement for healthy discourse and breeds violence to those that fall in the shallow end of the intelligence spectrum.
Sean Tembo must get abreast with the IMF’s role, it’s not true IMF impose plans on the borrower, to the contrary they allow the borrower to come up with a payment plan which is approved by the IMF board, and of course other conditions border on governance, corruption, freedom assembly, human rights, free and fair elections etc. These conditions are believed to be the Hallmark of a stable country thus a suitable environment for economical stability and growth. This environment give confidence the IMF an assurance the their money will be paid back. The dilemma most Africa countries face committing to such conditions, that’s were the problem is
For now IMF is the best solution to Kickstart the economy as their interest rates are the lowest, as at now we urgently need balance of payment support to arrest the the deteriorating exchange rate and the consequence inflation pushed by the weakening Kwacha
Roderick Mwansa Iwe what happened in the 90s was that the IMF asked the then MMD government to sell state owned companies, it’s what brought misery in Zambia. IMF conditions are tough and it bring sufferings on the country’s citizens.
Phoebie Chibomba Privatisation program started in KK s time, if you know our economical history, it was the implementation which kicked off under MMD. The government was asked to come up with the program, Katele Kalumba always state this fact, and of course recommendations from IMF and doners countries. The biggest problem which was faced by the government was the issue of subsidising the mines and the parastatals. The GRZ was spending almost $1million dollars daily to sustain the mines and it was decided that FDI was the only sustainable way of making the mines viable through injection of private capital so that government money can be used on social program and a private run mines could contribute through taxation and mineral royalties. And if we rationally look back which companies under government was doing well, and those which have survived today show me one or four doing well
A good attempt at self-promotion by Sean Tembo. An IMF package is necessary because it’s essentially a refinancing of current debts. We get cheaper money on improved terms from the IMF and repay the bondholders. Because it’s cheaper money, we immediately save on interest payments. And because the terms are better, we don’t immediately start repaying the IMF. This will enable local interest rates to begin to move downward so that local businesses begin to borrow affordable money. And should our economy hit tough times, u can always negotiate with the IMF.
For one, Tembo has put into perspective hh’s plans-hand the country to the IMF and capitalists who will tell him to “relieve” the treasury of assets burdening it, ZCCM, ZESCO, ZAFFICO etc. But his own plans lack merit and are quite frankly VAGUE. Like most current opposition donkeys, they have no clue or agenda and are just power hungry. For me, the economy of this country cannot be complete without the mention of copper, the metal that has sustained us since 1913. Create a strong policy on copper and now gold and mining, I will believe you.
As an aspiring presidential candidate he should look at the current ills and tell people how he hopes to turn things around if elected into office. But he’s busy discussing other opposition leaders. Infact he has been talking about only one fellow opposition leader. One wonders his motivation and energy behind this.
By now he would have been trying to identify potential candidates to stand on his party ticket. Has he forgotten why he formed his party. Well, we are here to remind him.
Asa Amisi it shows us that he is scared of the worst which is about to happen to him in August ??
But Zambia is this a way of dicampagneing HH or what? Coz not at anytime did HH say he will borrow money from IMF but said he will renegotiate the loans
Jabulani Phiri Jr. It’s not decampaigning but stating the facts. Ubupuba mwakwata pa Zambia is that you do not want to scrutinize and question your potential leader until he is in Office. After you start to see the true colours of that leader then you open your mouths wide open ati we didn’t know he is this cruel or what, what. Sean is right.
Phoebie Chibomba So with you mwebamano for an opposition wasting all the energy on giving checks and balances to a fellow opposition is what you call ” stating the facts”?
Zambia a cursed nation
Phoebie Chibomba i agree with you about scrutinizing our potential leaders but this is not the way to go eveyday HH this HH that why so much hate about HH did they scrutinize president lungu? Let’s be fair and truthful to ourselves HH has being about for many years now..
Joachim Chabala Come on, they all fighting for one common thing. You can attack both the party in government and your fellow opposition. You have formed your own party because your beliefs and ideologies differs from the other parties. If you had a common goal you would all come together cause you are agreeing. Think baba, there is nothing like you can not attack your fellow opposition party. It’s each one for himself God for us all.
Phoebie Chibomba my sister I have failed to understand you now, I thinking you don’t know what you are saying. Am out….
Jabulani Phiri Jr. What are you saying about Lungu? If you are saying that he has failed, it will be more reason to scrutinize him. Many people including me because of his past deeds which he has failed acknowledge and apology for it. I know you will defend him that he was not in government, but I will tell you then don’t talk about Mr Soko who supplied Fire Trucks as he is not in government. HH is self centered, egoistic and Mr Know it all. Why would you have different people running away from you if a good person when you have a common goal?
Jabulani Phiri Jr. You can go my brother. I know your mind focused on manna from heaven if HH God forbid wins in August, 2021.The only person who will change your life is yourself that’s it, not anyone else especially the politicians, they are all one and the same. LIARS.
Phoebie Chibomba lol if HH committed a crime in the past Mr lungu would have used that to arrest him, in life my sister they are things you can admit and apologize for and others you can’t coz you know you didn’t commit a crime, that’s why I have said I failed to understand you, its just personal hate against this man. HH is better than lungu weather you like it or not.
Phoebie Chibomba lol let’s debate on issues not personal attack I have never mate HH before I do my own business so it is stupid of you to think if you support someone you have benefit from that person its a shame you have people like cadre mentality.
Jabulani Phiri Jr. Do you agree with me if I tell you that not all who are in jail are criminals and not all who are outside jails are innocent? First that I would tell is that, if I were in HH’s shoes at that time of privitisation, I would do the same to enrich myself because there was a loophole in doing wrong things and going scott free. The people who were suppose to follow up on the wrong doers were culprits as well. My biggest problem with him is that, having defrauded Zambians in a smooth way and come back to say that I want to lead you, what nonsense is that? Whether you like it or not HH had nothing before privitisation, he became instant millionaire after privitisation, what does that tell you? There is no trail of his wealth, it’s why even to date he can not tell you how he got rich. He has failed on many occasions to answer that question.Come 12th August he is retiring, cause he is not winning the system won’t allow it. Mark my words. He is following in Bobi Wine’s footsteps.
Phoebie Chibomba HH was only 28years old why not ask FTJ, SATA and the group those who were in government at that time? Have heard MMD comment of that issue apart from bootlickers like bowman and the group. Please my sister don’t comment on hear say and stop the spread of hate against an innocent man all he wants is to serve his country, we are one..
Jabulani Phiri Jr. How old are you? At 28 he is an adult who can be a father and a husband? What about his age? Common you look very smart to have a shallow mind. Do you how old is the Chief Executive Officer for PWC(Price Water and Coopers) in Zambia? Google and you will tell me that when you over 18 years old you are adult capable of doing anything adults do.
I have a video where late President Sata spoke about investigating into Mines in the Copperbelt, Lima Bank, Mosi Otunya Hotel in his own words, these transactions smelt of “Corruption”. Why would MMD comment on them when it happened in their tenure? When this talk of privitisation investigations in President Lungu’s rule, former Minister of Finance Katele Kalumba in MMD said, let the sleeping dogs sleep this issue will burn a lot of people and some are already dead. What did he mean by that? Simple, yes there was a lot of corruption during privitisation. You can not tell but hearsay, it’s something that I know right. If anything I have more information on privitisation than Lusambo and you. BP retirees up to now HH’s company has failed to pay them, many of them are dead now. When they working they were contributing their hard earned money to HH’s company for their pension, where is their money now. HH is a crook who won’t allow near the corridors of power.
Phoebie Chibomba i don’t just look smart am smart lol I went through the report from the taskforce appointed by late mwanawasa and the name HH does not appear anywhere i don’t judge people by hear say nor spread hate no I preach love dear sister hating an innocent man won’t take you anywhere..why believe in lies sure..
Phoebie Chibomba But with bena SeanTembo has nothing to offer to the Zambian populace but themselves.
Politicians are one and the same, so this your Sean Tembo has been attacking his friend on an everyday basis since he decided not to work with the alliance.
You guys who are always talking negatives about this man HH all you don’t know is that you are heavily campaigning for him
Jabulani Phiri Jr. Then you have not followed the whole saga. One simple question are you able to tell me his trail of wealthy? How did he get rich?
For those who are saying that, HH didn’t talk about borrowing from IMF please read this article….
Zambia Has No Choice But IMF Aid, Opposition Leader Says
Matthew Hill and Antony Sguazzin
15 April 2020, 12:36 GMT+2
Updated on 15 April 2020, 16:13 GMT+2
Country is seeking proposals to reorganize its external debt
Zambia should join African Union in seeking debt solutions
IMF Needs More Money If Virus Sees New Wave: Georgieva
IMF Needs More Money If Virus Sees New Wave: Georgieva
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Zambia’s only option is to seek a bailout from the International Monetary Fund as years of excessive borrowing coupled with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic have left it struggling to pay its debts, the main opposition leader said.
The southern African nation’s Eurobonds have been among the world’s worst performing this year and its currency has depreciated by 23% against the dollar as the global outbreak of the virus halts supply chains, forcing down the price of copper that accounts for most of Zambia’s exports. The economy will shrink by 3.5% this year, according to the fund.
“There is no choice here, the government has to come to the table,” United Party for National Development President Hakainde Hichilema said in an interview Tuesday. “There isn’t a way out other than being part of the multilateral community.”
Phoebie Chibomba Who was interviewing him?
Sean Tembo should promote his Party PeP and stop critiquing and misrepresenting HH and UPND’s Economic Policies. HH and UPND can speak 4 themselves. Sean Tembo is a wolf in a sheepskin and would rather have ECL and PF retain Power in August 2021. Sean Tembo is a disciple of “wako niwako” and “kumodzi kumawa” mantras. Just like ECL , Sean Tembo has no Vision. Always criticising others but No Plan and No Supporters. Sean Tembo should promote PeP Manifesto and leave HH and UPND alone. August 12,2021 Elections are around the Corner so Tembo should tell us what his Party is offering to the voters.
Lacking in clout, both hh and this sean tembo, time wasters both. Intensive and extensive extraction of the recently discovered abundant mimeral reserviour base and the Zambian economic development is firmly secure.
You are a PF minion masquerading as an opposition makaka iwe,,,you never learn…waibala ntimbo
HH doesn’t know where he stands
Alice Sitali if he is better than your father then he makes sense
Spot on Mr Tembo, development will come only if the Zambian citizenry choose to participate positively in the development of our Nation. The biggest problem in Africa is that we are always at the back seat choosing to be passengers or consumers and not producers. All good economies in sub-Saharan Africa were never in the hands of the local people, examples include, Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe, South Africa etc. If you examine the case of Zimbabwe which is still very fresh in our minds, you will realise that the economy was managed by the white British colonialists. Zimbabweans went to school to get degrees for jobs, Zambia was the same. South Africa is on the knife edge the economy is not run by native majority South Africans. When the Portuguese left Mozambique the country became a basket…
When the Portuguese left Mozambique the country became a basket case not able to even feed itself. Many countries went through the same. Indeed if we need to see sustained development we need strong local participation in the economy and must do everything possible to generate our own development resources. We have vast tracts of Land lying idle throughout the country the local people would rathe be in new Kasama or Kanyama or Bauleni. Most of the propositions by Mr Tembo, indeed would benefit the economy. Stop corruption, collect what is due and put the money into productive use. Look at the brick making industry in Zambia, only very few pay proper taxes the enforcement is almost zero we have had tax collection problems in the mines, our own home grown post news paper was closed because…
well said.. question. what have you done to develop structures and and grow membership because such great plans will not be easily understood by my uncle in shangombo
. .. Stop corruption, collect what is due and put the money into productive use. Look at the brick making industry in Zambia, only very few pay proper taxes the enforcement is almost zero we have had tax collection problems in the mines, our own home grown post news paper was closed because of non-tax payment. And yet we have enough local resources to stimulate economic development. Dead aid will surely not develop Africa.
Sean Tembo, how can you now narrow HH and UPND’s plans to turn around Zambia’s ailing economy to that of getting a loan from IMF and to go on an IMF programme? Do you think HH would be leading UPND for 15 years based on his promise to secure an IMF loan only? It is clear you are not capable of assessing the economic policies, governance and institutional arrangements UPND and HH will adhere to when in power. Instead of doing a serious comparison on how UPND will manage the Zambian economy compared to how PF has led to an ailing economy, you choose to misinterpret HH and UPND plans. Any thinking person will label you as a PF campaign agent.
The debate gets poisoned the moment we bring in irrelevant issues Sean Tembo hasn’t even mentioned. ST wants the PF replaced by his government but if that is not possible, does he want another opposition party to come in? Only ST can answer that by telling us whom he would rather lose the election to. Nothing wrong with that; it’s politics and he has to blow his own trumpet otherwise nobody will. ST has ignored the need to repair wht has been damaged as in restoring limping or collapsed businesses. This will take a while and the starting point is fiscal health of government so that the state pays for what it buys from businesses. With fiscal health, government short-term borrowing in money markets will fall and interest rates will also fall. That’s hw it works.
Thank you for revealing to the masses what we have always said- hh has no plan. His aim is to become president for personal gains. As a born again, I will pray for his sins. He is possessed
HH is confused mwe what kind of a leader is he?
Mmmm. I am sold to Mr Bullet Tembo, but from the name, I doubt whether he should be President. Let us face it. If we are one Zambia and one nation we must now have someone from another part of the world to rule. Luapula, Muchinga, Copperbelt and Eastern province should now be excluded, and I speak as on of them. Let us now get a North Westerner, Westerner, Central, Lusaka or Southerner.
Sean Tembo, do you think HH would be leading UPND for 15 years based on his promise to secure an IMF loan only? It is clear you are not capable of assessing the economic policies, governance and institutional arrangements UPND and HH will adhere to when in power. Instead of doing a serious comparison on how UPND will manage the Zambian economy compared to how PF has led to an ailing economy, you choose to misinterpret HH and UPND plans. Any thinking person will label you as a PF campaign agent.
LT, why do you have this ” Your comment is awaiting moderation”?? Other comments are uploaded and you choose to moderate others. Are you an agent for certain agenda and interests? If so let us know so that we dont waste time preparing and sending comments!!
Dear UPND supporters, please dont act like the PF and resort to name calling or demonizing people when they challenge the party on matters of ideas and policy. Sean has brought up good points here, respond to the points he raises, it is illogical to argue that he is a PF surrogate or that he doesn’t like HH, discuss issues.
It is my sincere view that Sean, unlike most opposition leaders, knows he cannot win the election and that HH is prime to be the next leader, considering the lack of leadership from EL. Should we not question HH and his policies?
The argument should not be reduced to a person to redeem Zambians! That is perpetuating The MESSIAH Syndrome!
Zambia’s problems will need team effort! That team spirit currently does not exist in the opposition.
For the love of Zambia, why don’t well-meaning smaller opposition parties throw their weight behind the largest opposition party in Zambia?
Sean Tembo shouldn’t just discuss other Political Leaders. He should discuss ideas not the individual. So according to Sean Tembo if HH is not a cure to Zambia’s problems who is? Sean Tembo should just disclose his campaign message for the August 2021 Elections. He should leave HH and UPND to disclose their Manifesto for the upcoming Elections. Sean Tembo should know that as Human Beings we are imperfect and so is HH. Having said this HH represents a fast forward change for Zambia. People are yearning 4 a change of Govt and that viable change is a UPND Govt led by the indomitable HH aka Bally will fix it.
Mr Tembo, Since you are also a president candidate, l would suggest you market your manifesto. And let the Zambian people decide if HH is presidential material. If you ask me, HH is really looking and sounding Presidential lately.
No Human being is perfect but based on what we know about HH’s Integrity a I will put my “X” on his name. HH is not only Economically and Financially literate but he is a Godly man and is likely to turnaround this Economy. Let’s give him a chance to Govern this Country. However once HH is Power we must hold him to account. With HH at the helm we can be proud to be Zambians again.
Bad Publicity is still publicity.
Attempts by Sean Tembo, Edith Nawakwi ,Tayali and some PF cadre pastors to discredit HH is actually making him more popular.
Right now if you want media attention just talk about HH . He is clearly a front runner.
Mr Tembo’s plan is very short sighted bcoz to him the economy only means GRZ revenue.Actually GDP is a catch-all,companies,retailers, street traders and formal jobs.
He has no idea how to run a country we are running away from nkongole thats where he wants to take us again very visionless
There is no denying that economy is not doing well. And there are global reasons for that. When developed economies like USA, UK, France, Germany and Italy succumbed to it, we can’t expect Zambia to be an exception. The pandemic has affected our economy, but it is not as bad as you are saying. The economy is coming back on track after initial set back.
Sean come to our congress on valentines day aspire for spokesman of the party
Did you forget removal of Dr Chitalu Chilufya? Why was he removed? Government is taking tough stand against corruption. In fact, every complaint of corruption is being investigated meticulously to build a watertight case against the culprit so that he doesn’t get any escape route what so ever. We should appreciate that.
Someone must replace Mr Edgar Lungu, ok! You have asked a valid question, who is that someone? The one who himself is neck deep in corruption? The one who is facing inquiry for grabbing farm land of poor farmers? The one who amassed massive wealth by corrupt means? Do you expect the one who is known to incite youths and other people for violence could restore rule of law? We need to ponder over these questions, don’t we?
Please allow me to differ on the aspect of administration and HH’s way of reducing the debts. In my opinion, he will prefer to go to private investors, rather than IMF. Because, IMF will not let him reap the benefits of ‘private investment!’ He will have to account for every single Kwacha if IMF steps in. On the contrary, if he goes to his investor friends, he can have the cake and eat it too, like he did during privatization. And recently, he has expressed his intentions in as many words!
You are right. HH has dictatorial streak and it shows in his conduct. If he becomes President and starts implementing his so called plan for economic revival, it will indeed be a disaster, bigger than privatization.
No sir. HH has no plans for economic revival. He has only one plan, sell everything to foreign investors, bring back the Anglo American Corporation and push the country into slavery again. He is not able to think normally, forget thinking out of the box!
Mr saint, pardon me, but there’s no such proviso in the Zambian Constitution, you see?
Your plan as you mentioned, looks good on paper. But it seems easier said than done. How would you ensure that your plan is implemented in total? Who guarantees that your men will be honest?
We will wait for you plan to revive economy. By the way, you were to unveil your alternative economic recovery plan on 21 January. Now you are saying wait till 18 February. Hope we will not get a new date on that day!
After reading the point number seven, I felt as if walking in the garden of the wonderland. This is too good to be doable sir. Don’t sell the dreams which you know can’t be realized.
Let me put it this way, calling the present government a disease and HH the cure is nothing but a political statement. You had been doing nothing for five long years to build public opinion in your favour and suddenly woke up now to criticise everyone. This is not the way of politics. If you genuinely believe that you have the workable plan to turnaround economy, then you should have meticulously built the public opinion in your favour. Do you really think that this last minute effort will bear any fruits?
Its a fresh breath to hear Sean Tembo admit publicly that he (Sean Tembo) is not an alternative to president Lungu’s failure to fix the economy.
Its on record in Zambia HH has attempted to advise the current government on several routes to right the economy. The PF regime would not even listened to one advice given. EG HH proposed that negotiations with bond holders should be Zambians to spearhead negotiations aided by Lazard and thereby avoid paying huge consultation fee, PF ignored and paid $000 with little to show up in those negotiations. When HH went to USA and addressed a number of gatherings pledges were made based on his presentation on the country’s economic needs to write the wrongs that have been going on in Zambia. The Zambian Kwacha would gain strength as soon as change…
of leadership at national level takes place. In agreement with Sean HH has all the credibility, proven track record of success in his private business acumen and entrepreneurial management skills to be replicated at national level with restored confidence to the economic world and financial institutions.
Lusaka Times you can’t realize that there’s just one moron posting/ spamming your articles with different names and yet you blocking genuine bloggers
he is doing what his party was formed for to reduce that opposition support
I have gone through the entire article and comments and have just realized that most people lack knowledge on governance, surely we all know that no individual can get a loan in his name, but such matters are subject for approval by cabinet and parliament, my advise to sean tembo is that this coming elections he should strive hard to atleast get some parliamentary seat for his MPs so that when matters like debt acquisition comes up, his party will be able to disapprove at parliamentary level and not just yapping on instagram or whatsaap.
Sean Tembo is not being honest and sincere. HH advised PF not to borrow from the open market but
the IMF if they wanted to borrow because it was very expensive to borrow from the open market and their conditions were hard. He did not say that he would borrow from the IMF. HH also advised PF leaders not borrow for consumption as it would be difficult to repay the loans thereafter. He advised to borrow to invest in productive ventures. Sean Tembo is cleverly twisting facts to tarnish HH’s reputation.
Having said that I want to say that there is nothing wrong for HH to borrow from IMF and to put the money to good use to develop the country. I remember HH explaining how he would use the borrowed money. He said he would first enter into an agreement with Nestle of Switzerland to buy soya…
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Sean Tembo seems to think Zambia’s problems are academic and polemical. The problems are Real. Lack of Political Leadership is the biggest Problem in Zambia. To allow continued ECL Visionless Leadership will be a disaster for Zambia. Its No doubt that Zambia seriously needs a new Leader at the helm. That tried leader is HH aka Bally will fix it. Zikomo kwambiri!
shallow thinking. leaderships knows no region tribe or race. Anyone with good ideas can be president. Never say we must exclude people from Luapula, Eastern, Northern and Central. That not feasible
Sean tembo ,
HH and PF are right , zambia needs an injection of cash at favarable terms ,
Both HH and PF know the IMF is the right place , but the only difference is the IMF will not give PF and lungu any money , where HH is likely to get that money…
Lusaka times continue moderating these sinners from upnd
HH is visionless and arrogant. That is why he will not get a chance to rule this country.
You are some one who was told to say something and anything so that at least there is noise.
It is a shame that HH thinks he is the solution to Zambia’s problems. He must give up already.
Neither is ECL and PF. PF has bankrupted the contry
Tresford Sikwese
Mudala uyu kaya what runs through his head
Thanks Sean for your article, obviously you will need to expand some points for our better understanding. Though I sit on the fence and non partisan, I feel HH has a fair chance of getting an IMF bail out package, which ever way you look at it, there will always be need to stabilize many aspects of the economy including managing debt pressure before finally deploying a solid plan to turn things around. No new government can just turn the economy around with this massive mess that is there without some capital injection especially from IMF. Running government is a bit complex than I will do one two three four minus any capital injection
And when we failed to pay 27 million dollars for power from eskom, is when I realized the mess we are in as a country, which country in the world fails to pay such a paltry sum of money, this is a very small figure for a country. That is how I realised what sh!t we are in, we can’t in all honesty and fairness go with Lungu again, are we that dall
“Any individual who does not believe in the ability of Zambians to develop Zambia has no business aspiring to lead this nation.”
I fully agree. I have always stated on this forum that we all have a collective responsibilty as Zambians to rule our own destiny. We can’t continue looking outside our borders for help when we have all the answers right within our country. We can’t have a situation where foreign institutions like the IMF are given more power to determine what happens to our economy than we ourselves.
A wise Wife would not let her drunk/thieving husband borrow on behalf of the family. She will look for another husband to satisfy her. Zambia is that wise woman, Chakolwa ECL is the husband.
SAP will not sale any Government entity, since there is nothing left
Sean’s tantrums above clearly suggests that PF is on the right track.
Sean’s round about hogwash article gives Zambians a reaffirmation that the country can’t do without debt. This pact member is trying so hard to impress the deads and is caught up in the confusion of misleading the deads and himself as PF looks set to knock down the deads in the record 6th time.
There is nothing that sean is saying apart from saying PF is carrying the day in August this year, thanks very much.
With the nightmare that Zambians todate still are trying to figure out concerning the dubious deals IMF, the MMD and one Hikainde Hachilema pulled in the 1990s, Zambians will take this Sean Tembo revelation with a pinch of salt with raised eyebrows.
What a bombshell!
While we make strides to recover from the Hachilema’s dented image concerning IMF, Zambians once again will have an opportunity to scrutinize and screen the UPND leader and leadership.
What a bombshell!
For sure, this is very concerning to a well meaning Zambia.
For the Sean jibberish, here is my comment.
Awareness Makes a Cure Possible,
Sydney Davies.
Sean and your confused disciples, are you really aware of the Government’s programs and successes?
We may have found a cure for most evils; but we have found no remedy for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings, Helen Keller.
Sean search you heart very well. Is your summation on PF’s performance judged not out of a heavy heart?
Politics aside, heal you apathy striken hearts.
Hh will not do anything he won’t bring Leslie meal to your houses, he won’t make you rich stop being lazy and go to work
But how does an opposition leader merely tear down another opposition leader?? Why is he on his mind I wonder, people fear what they dont understand and hate what they cant conquer….
Hh should not mislead you people problem we want things brought on silver plates we don’t want to work hard for them
These will be the headlines after August this year:
President Hakainde Hichilema has today warned citizens not to insult him on social media. President Hakainde Hichilema has warned ZNBC not to feature too many opposition leaders on its programmes. President Hakainde Hichilema has warned Police Chief Kanganja not to allow opposition meetings in Southern Province until his visit to Gwembe valley is over. President Hakainde Hichilema has said he will lock up opposition leader Edgar Lungu for disturbing his motorcade.
America tried business man in Trump that had four bankruptcies. In short Trump sold his investors shares for dirt cheap to Zero. Four times before becoming president. Under his businessman watch the US capitol was breached by terrorists. Zambians, Zambia is too broke for a Trump African style. In fact it’s too broke for the PF too.
Sounds like the lamentations of birds of the same feathers.
Hitting hard on Hikainde Hachilema indirectly.
Sean presumably smart.
However, who is Sean Tembo? is this the one PF cadres beat up and bled profusely along Cairo road? Is this the same Sean who claimed he knew those that attacked and beat him up have his attackers been arrested and charged for the assault he suffered? Sean need to update Zambians on this case
Sean Tembo doesn’t say how his government would deal with current debts on whose interest payments the PF government has defaulted already. How do u hope to collect enough tax revenues from an economy that is almost down and out? Tembo doesn’t explain.
Its a well articulated article however there is no way Sean Tembo can win an election even at ward level as he is afr away from selling himself to the Zambian voters. His voice is a lone one in wilderness. At the moment the best thing Sean Tembo can do is to join UPND as its the only alternative to PF and try his ideas. Working in isolation will not take Sean Tembo any where he will end up like other great men who could have lead Zambia but decided to do the nashala neka as the late Micheal Sata put it. There is no magic is reviving the ailing economy other than borrowing of some sort as a jump start. For instance if PF had invested 50% of the loans in productive economic activities which could have stimulated and grown the economy. This time we could be seeing smiles on the faces of…