Saturday, July 27, 2024

Aircraft Accident Investigation Board inaugurated


The government through the Ministry of Transport and Communication has successfully established an Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) that will reinforce aviation safety in the country.

Minister of Transport and Communication, Mutotwe Kafwaya disclosed that this is in line with the Chicago Convention on the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) that requires contracting states to set up an independent board.

Mr Kafwaya said the AAIB management will be in charge of investing into aircraft accidents and serious incidents that may occur within the country.

Speaking during the official inauguration ceremony of the Board of Directors for AAIB, Mr. Kafwaya expressed confidence in the team saying it is a necessary part of government’s efforts to consolidate and fulfil the convention on civil aviation.

“It is gratifying for me and my team that government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu has demonstrated its commitment to ICAO which is finally coming to fruition as we inaugurate the AAIB today,” Mr Kafwaya stated.

The minister stated that the Board was drawn from an experienced industry of experts hence is hopeful that Zambia will strive to achieve minimal to zero serious incidents in aviation to improve aviation safety.

He implored the board to always ensure that it provides accurate and timely accident and incident reports that will act as a guide in the industry.

The Minister told the board to enhance sustainable operations so that the country continues to comply with its national and international obligations for investigations of aircraft accidents and incidents.

“It is my expectation that through your guidance as board, the aircraft accident investigation board will develop relations with local stakeholders, regional and international bodies,” he added.

Meanwhile, AAIB Chairperson, Alick Sakala requested for a statutory instrument to be established that will guide the board to successfully implement its objectives as well as the prescribed ICAO standards.

Captain Sakala expressed gratitude to government for having confidence in the board to effectively create safety in the aviation industry.

“It is a great honor and privilege to be founder members of the AAIB, and with these we realize it comes with great responsibilities,” he said.

The establishment of the AAIB is in line with the Civil Aviation Act NO. 5 of 2016.

Previously, the functions of the AAIB were temporarily delegated to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) as an interim added responsibility.


  1. A normal journalist would also go on and list the full names of those on the board .Lusaka times just mentions the chairperson ?Really were is the journalism in this ?your friends mention each member of the board and their expertise .Awe kuwayawayafye.

  2. iwe Alick Sakala work within the existing aviation SI. Always asking for new SIs and ultimately bloating government expenditure.

  3. What about training for these investigators? Creating a board is one thing….this where you link with NTSB of US for training

  4. Looking at the comments above from the upnd psychos, all i can say is that i pity your partners. It must be hard living with people who complain non stop about everything. E.g. you put too much cooking oil, you didn’t cook enough meat, you used too much lotion.

  5. Investigate Kampyongo for threats of downing a chopper in Shiwang’andu. The recent prevention of planes landing at Mwansa Kapwepwe airport in Ndola because one person was in Kitwe is a mockery to AAIB board. Remember air space has an international dimension in that any air craft accident is investigated internationally and international standards are observed – Zambia is not exceptional. So, prevention of landing of a plane on frivolous grounds is a serious indictment to the Zambian government from the world point of view. – Bad political publicity – Zambia is not a safe country.

  6. Just a board created to chew allowances.

    Just like Zambia Airways, this scheme will never take off…hahaha.

    Let us have serious people in government please.

    Vote wisely.

  7. Waste of time. Zambia hasn’t had a national airline since 94. Even then it was not profitable.

    Whats the point of creating an airline rather use the money towards education sector and the health sector. Majority of Zambian citizens don’t have the money to travel abroad.

  8. Kaizer Zulu might be living a very depressing life,,,,,loner and zero friends in Europe no wonder he is on Lusaka Times 24 hrs

  9. This was the best opportunity to unveil the names of the members in the board sivthat scrutiny begins now. I am very inquisitive to know the members it has and how many are they?

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