Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH calls for for a sincere dialogue with emphasis that the church leads the process


United party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has called for a sincere dialogue with emphasis that the church leads the process.

In his letter to the Three Church Mother Bodies (Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Council of Churches in Zambia and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia), Mr Hichilema states that the nation only had the church to turn to for counsel and guidance in times such as these.

He indicated that the country is at cross roads; for the first time after a decade of strong economic growth resulting into lack of employment opportunities especially among the young people who to a large extent have been exposed to anti-social vices.

The UPND leader also stated that the poor state of the economy has been exacerbated by stifling national debt which needs to be addressed seriously.

He further indicated that Zambia was supposed to have been building on the accolade of being an oasis of peace for the role the nation played in the liberation of neighbouring countries but bemoaned the nation’s steadily sliding into a nation of perpetual strife.

He further indicated that hate speech, psychological and physical violence have reached unprecedented levels for a country that was once held in high esteem for upholding democratic tenets.

Mr Hichilema cited the selective application of the law, especially the Public Order Act as one issue which has heavily contributed to the nation’s decline in good governance standing.

“My Lord Bishops, these are but just a few selected threats facing our country and require the collective participation of all citizens in finding solutions. We will turn to you, our spiritual leaders to lead us into an open and honest discussion to resolving these challenges of our time. Our trust in you is based on your tested leadership that saw us usher in the Multiparty democracy in 1991, facilitating the peaceful transfer of power in 2011 and your continued efforts at fostering dialogue among political parties,” reads part of the letter.

“My Lord Bishops, as we have consistently put it, we have always been and are committed to genuine dialogue, led by the Three Church Mother Bodies (Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops – ZCCB, Council of Churches in Zambia – CCZ, and Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia – EFZ). This is because we believe that we all have a responsibility to leave this country better than we found it. We desire a Zambia, where all live in peace, harmony and love, irrespective of any divide.”

Mr Hichilema’s letter dated 28th January 2021, has been copied to the Principal Private Secretary at State House, the Electoral Commission of Zambia, the Chief Justice and the Human Rights Commission.

Others copied to include, the Minister of Religious and National Guidance, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Home Affairs and the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) President.


  1. Sincerity and politicians don’t mix well .I’ve never seen an honest politician they all lie, mislead and pretend too much.

  2. The only agenda item on dialogue that the church can address is political violence, not those other things that Pamunyoko Chhikala has talked about. Instead of wasting our time, let him just tame his cadres since he leads the most violent party in Zambia. The 1991 dialogue worked because all parties involved were willing to listen, give and take. Hichilema isn’t and has never been willing to do that. Whom is he trying to mislead?

    • Paul Mbewe Boss you won’t understand because you have a preconceived mind. Let me give you one example of things HH seeks to dialogue with ECL. 1.The total break down of the rule of Law in the country is one issue that needs to be seriously addressed before the August 12th polls because that’s a recipe for anarchy. I want to peacefully vote for the candidates of my choice in August hence this barbaric behaviour of some Party cadres towards people that have divergent views should be stopped forthwith

  3. Dialogue for what?? It’s a total waste of time. This chance came and went. Let’s just focus on the elections and other happenings like Mopani, KCM, Kasenseli, Kafue Lower etc. Why should hh set conditions for dialogue?? Let him go to ZCID not those Catholics. If he’s not happy, let him dialogue with Sean Tembo, Kalaba, Kambwili and his pamunyoko allies. Oval headed twit!!

  4. HH is a joker, dialogue with who and for what! How do you dialogue with someone you don’t recognize!
    Employment ba hh you should be ashamed of yourself, Are you not the one who took part in selling off over 350 parastatal companies. Shame

  5. This is yet another blatant waste of time by this leader of a largely tribal political party. After realising that his political fortunes have waned and time is running out he has decided to divert attention from his largely failed leadership. HH has been the worst opposition leader in this country after Adamson Mushala who led an insurgence during Kenneth Kaunda’s era. Whatever the motivation for this man to change his mind now only God knows. The majority of well meaning Zambians should not waste time on this man who has for most of his term asked his MPs to boycott dialogue in parliament where they are paid to dialogue. The church is being dragged into the mud created by Hakainde. And why should he dictate that the church must lead? All stake holders must sit if they decide to and…

  6. …And why should he dictate that the church must lead? All stake holders must sit if they decide to and decide collectively who must lead the dialogue and collectively set up the agenda You cannot allow a leader of a violent party to decide who should lead the dialogue that is already a lopsided dialogue. The mediator must be agreed upon or selected by all political players in the country. Not just this selfish tribalist leader.

  7. HH must just go and apologise to ECL for his under hand activities. He now wants to say the church has decided to forgive everyone including those who benefited from the privatisation of national assets. When the church calls for national prayers Hakainde boycotts now he wants to call the same church to mediate his perceived problems that he caused on himself shame. We cannot be dancing to the tune of this largely wrongly brought up chap. He has the same characteristics as his friend Trump. He thinks Zambia will grind to a halt without him.

  8. Garry Nkombo must start writing a book titled “ How not to ogarnise a tribal political party in a democratic multi ethnic society “ I will volunteer to edit this book.

  9. Kelvin D Mulanga are you sure its the church that calls for those hypocritical prayers or is it PF politicians and their surrogates? HH has not said anywhere that he wants the church to say those who benefited from privatisation should be forgiven. To the contrary, he has taken a couple of people to court for making accusations against him and we are all waiting for the accusers to make their case in court. Regarding the tribal political party stuff, just look back at 2020 and see which party consistently made all the openly tribal statements without sanction. While you are at it, find out which tribes have been retired the most “on national interest”. I’m not so sure Gary would be best placed to write the book you propose – seeing as he has no experience of organising PF and…

  10. How many times has this f00l said this but gone on to shun national prayers? No one can take him seriously anymore. He is possessed and I will pray for him

  11. HH thinks all Zambians are still sleeping like when he was involved in privatisation.Give us options how you run this country and tell us how you will achieve it as you only believe only you can save this country.Looking at team you have the likes of William Banda and the rest I don’t think you are ready to form government.As a government in waiting we need to see your team selling your party Manifesto than politics of character assassination.

  12. Our own Zambian M7 is not interested in any dialogue. He is focused on Rigging the August 12, 2021 Elections at all costs. To him Third Term is not negotiable. He can’t imagine handing over Power to HH aka Bally will fix it.

  13. Dialogue for what and with who? There’s nothing to dialogue over, just wait for 12/08 and see that ECL and PF are still the people’s choice. You can’t dialogue with someone you don’t recognize. Just continue living in denial.


  15. I have always asked this question. What stops HH asking for a visit to state house to go and meet ECL and reconcile with him publicly without the need to ask a mediator? I remember Sata doing the same to Mwanawasa and publicly retracting the cabbage statements.

  16. Just campaign, elections are in 6 months. Dialogue created one party state; we already tried that under Kaunda and are living its effects.

  17. There are no issues to dialogue about if you can’t accept that there can only be one President at a time. This time its ECL. The moment HH accepts that, that’s when dialogue can even make sense. You cannot ask to dialogue with the President when you think you are at the same level.

  18. What dialogue is HH calling for when PF is ahead in terms preparations for the forthcoming general elections slated for 12th August 2021.PF is countrywide enticing the youth cooperative movements with empowerment funds and UPND leadership is snoring in Lusaka issuing press statements instead of hitting the ground using its exiting structures at branch and ward levels. The battle lines are already drawn and UPND leadership is calling for the Church Mother Bodies to step in. This should have been done long time ago. If HH is tired let him step aside and give way to those with the apetite and stamina to lead the way forward. Yes the PF team has run down the economy and every one is facing difficulties to make ends meet but the same PF is using every trick available old and new to make sure…

  19. ECL doesn’t believe in dialogue. He came to Power thru violence and Election Rigging. He came to Power thru the Sword and will die by the sword. U cannot negotiate with your rival to rig the Election. U secretly scheme to steal the Election. That is what ECL is busy scheming so he has no time for genuine dialogue.

  20. One thing I observed about HH is that he always tries to imitate President Lungu. When the president talks about education, he talks the same… he thinks if he does all that, people will love and respect him as well.

  21. Please!!! We all know the brain of Hichilema, it is empty inside out. Till now he never did any productive work, social work, donation, nothing… plus he didn’t share a single development project in detail. Pathetic!

  22. Seriously??? We live in peace, harmony, and love!!! We never heard such words from him in the past. Why HH suddenly talking about all these things, now? Oh! Yes! The elections are there in August. ??

  23. And, that’s why Police arrest UPND cadres for spreading violence and damaging public property. HH damaged the image of your party and now you want to damage the image of the country by becoming President of this nation.

  24. Wonder why he didn’t say a word in the past, what was holding him back. And suddenly now, this letter to church??? Does he think Zambians are fools and not understand his political game plan ahead of elections?

  25. We want our President to work for us, to uplift people and the country, and that exactly what President Lungu is doing. What Hichilema doing here is pure business, he just wants to get benefits for himself and not for anyone else.

  26. This is a reason why he never won any election since 2006… His acting or drama is so predictable, even dull people will say that this is all fake concerns from him.

  27. It is high time, HH should stop saying that our economy is affected, lack of employment opportunities, and so on… Everything is stable and growing under the leadership of President Lungu.

  28. Since when did HH did something in and with sincererity? We all know is after benefits. It’s impossible for HH to do anything with a sincere heart because he has grown up that way. For him it will be another way of causing drama and possibly more people dying like the recent past police HQ incidence.

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