Saturday, July 27, 2024

Slavery of Men by Women


German writer Esther Villar in her book “The Manipulated Man” that caused outrage and hostile criticism from women explains how women since the earliest times have manipulated men and turned them into their slaves, they have pretended to be the oppressed sex while in the real sense they are the oppressors. She explains how a woman manipulates a man skillfully by steps like courtship and finally marriage, hence the saying “a man chases a woman until SHE catches him”.

In her book she explains how the man is tricked to care for the woman all his life and her offspring. He rolls the stone like Sisyphus and in turn gets rewarded by a few minutes of sexual pleasure. We can, by observing Esther Villars assertions that a man is a slave of his desires and the woman uses and has used it for thousands of years as a stick and carrot to keep the man chasing vanity and commit his life to serving her.

She goes ahead to explain the rivalry of women, how each woman feels the powerful urge and need to own a male for herself. Like a slave owner she detests any move the man would make to offer his services to another woman. She uses all means to keep the man to herself and her offspring alone.

Esther Villar’s sentiments are captured by Nigerian Poet, critic and writer, Chinweizu Ibekwe in his book, “The Anatomy of Female Power”(AFP) and Will Farrel’s, The Predatory Female. They all push the theory that all societies are matriarchal and not patriarchal as we are pushed and forced to believe. Matriarchy has ruled not through brawn but wits and tricks; women feigning weakness to be protected etc. Thus the male becomes the most exploited sex in human history,(in wars the man is always ready to die for the woman; he has been trained to do that).

Chinweizu calls the idea of dating and courtship, training, like that of a horse. It is during this time that a woman having kept the man on a leash by denying him sex and getting him addicted to her by false charms, trains and breaks him to whatever she wants him to become.

The marriage celebration becomes a celebration for the woman and her friends, and they all congratulate her for having succeeded in getting herself a slave. A man on that wedding day waves goodbye to his independence and his coalition of males and commits himself to a Sisyphean life, rolling the stone, an act he cannot abandon having society and the government checking on him and always ready to jail, shame or exile him for absconding his duties.

Thus the government and society helps the woman in keeping her slave in check.

Chinweizu gives a narration of how women are trained by older matriarchs to tame men. He explains how a man is trained to rely on women by his own mother. A man is shamed for cooking for himself and other domestic chores by his own mother who is an agent of the global matriarchal rule.

By getting the man to hate domestic works and having it enforced by culture which warns men against going into the kitchen, doing laundry etc., the mother trains his son for the woman who will captivate him and when the time comes she takes hold of the man’s stomach and by getting the man addicted to her body she holds him by the two, in bed and in the kitchen. With those two weapons she manipulates the man and turns him into her plaything.

In the “Myth of the Male Power”, Esther Villar’s ” A Man’s Right to the Other Woman”; “The Polygamous Sex”, the authors of those books challenge the narrative that men oppress women, and by detailed research across African,Western and Eastern both in ancient and modern societies, the authors unravel the hidden power of the ruthless matriarchal power that rules the world.

Presidents, Emperors and Kings are all puppets of the matriarchy forces that rule the World by pulling the strings from behind the curtains.

Author Unknown
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  1. ????there could be some very deeply rooted truth is that ….. obviously they wouldn’t want such facts to be talked about because they fear that power will eventually vanish from them

  2. I came across such women before I met my kind hearted wlfe regina. I remember I once dated a woman who was based in diaspora. This woman expected me to do everything for her. When she visited Zambia she wanted to be treated like she was God. I later found out that all that high class behaviour was just an act as she was living off benefits from the country she had moved to. It just so happened that she introduced me to her friend who was whlte. I ended up dating her whlte friend who was much well behaved and down to earth. Due to long distance the relationship naturally died away and also her family were not very open to her marrying a bIack man. I can relate to this article on so many levels. I am glad I met my regina who is very financially independent and makes me

  3. I came across such women before I met my kind hearted wlfe regina. I remember I once dated a woman who was based in diaspora. This woman expected me to do everything for her. When she visited Zambia she wanted to be treated like she was God. I later found out that all that high class behaviour was just an act as she was living off benefits from the country she had moved to. It just so happened that she introduced me to her friend who was whlte. I ended up dating her whlte friend who was much well behaved and down to earth. Due to long distance the relationship naturally died away and also her family were not very open to her marrying a bIack man.

  4. I came across such women before I met my kind hearted wlfe regina. I remember I once dated a woman who was based in diaspora. This woman expected me to do everything for her. When she visited Zambia she wanted to be treated like she was God. I later found out that all that high class was just an act as she was living off benefits from the country she had moved to. It just so happened that she introduced me to her friend who was whlte. I ended up dating her whlte friend who was much well behaved and down to earth. Due to long distance the relationship naturally died away and also her family were not very open to her marrying a bIack man.

  5. This is a debatable issue which cannot be reduced to a single viewpoint. My opinnion is that the relationship between a man and a woman is divine and balanced in it’s concept. It only begins to get destabilised by egoistic tendencies from either partner.
    In essence “Power play” is what destroys the relationship, i.e. when one partner feels/acts more superior to the other. This is why marriages last longer when they are subjected to the biblical principles of humility – the stronger is called to serve the weaker and not to exercise power over him. I doubt if Esther Villar considered this plethora before she penned “Der dressierte Mann”.

  6. Nine chale it seems certain words are being moderated by LT. It must be a malfunction of their system. They need to really pick up their socks otherwise we bloggers may decide to leave to their competitors

  7. During my younger years, these types of women led me to try dating outside of my race. I even tried Russians but I came to conclusion that it was not a race issue but rather a personality syndrome. I m now happily married with children. So I won in the end

    • Where was Kaizer, the lab tech, in Chelstone, dating Russian girls from..yes the imposter did in the UK and not our real KZ..?

  8. Nostra you eat sleep and drink ecl. Grow up. We can tell that you are still a virgin. You are very childish young boy

  9. @KZ, so many people left because each comment should have letters P, F. We are still here just to help them earn a living.

  10. Nostra I asked my wlfe and she said she used to baby sit you and bathe you. She says you had the smallest penls she had ever seen such that at first she thought you were a a baby girl.

  11. You KZ ,

    you like talking about other peoples wife’s , always on about others wife’s….

    I bet your wife thinks of he ex when ever she is with you….

  12. you like talking about other peoples wife’s , always on about others wife’s….

    I bet your wife thinks of her former boyfriend when ever she is with you….

  13. @skyler : the feminist ideas of the west have been tried and found detrimental to society and contrary to christian belief (and we are a christian country).
    The birthrates of the west are dropping like a rock – their culture disappearing rapidly.
    This book seems to give a partial explanation to the massively failed feminist experiment of the west… the so-called policy of “equality” that in actual fact is nothing of the sort. Its a drive towards supremacy, rupturing families and society while producing nothing good.
    Modern western style feminism is like a parasite .. it has to be continuously funded externally – as it produces no tangible net benefits whatsoever.
    In africa – we are fed up with empty political promises and would like to focus on creating wealth – on a societal…

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