Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hakainde Hichilema is corrupt and wants to get power by all means so that he can mask his fraudulent dealings


Forum for Democracy and Development(FDD) President Edith Nawakwi has charged that United Party for National Development Party (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema is corrupt and wants to get power by all means so that he can mask his fraudulent dealings.

Speaking at a media briefing yesterday morning, Ms. Nawakwi, the former finance minister, has insisted that Mr. Hichilema’s land deals in places like Kalomo were mostly fraudulent as he does not deal with administrators, leaving many people deprived.

An administrator to the estate of Mr. Samson Siatembo, Ms. Pheluna Hatembo, sued Mr. Hichilema in the Lusaka High Court, pointing out a fraudulent manner in which Farm No 1924 of Kalomo was purchased. However, the High Court dismissed the case and the applicants appealed.

During the briefing on the matter, Ms. Nawakwi maintained that Mr. Hichilema is corrupt and told him that he should never speak to condemn corruption.

“Hakainde should zip his mouth on corruption. He is corrupt. He is depriving poor people. This is really sad and unacceptable. When leaders use power to benefit themselves, it’s corruption,” Ms Nawakwi said.

She has requested Mr Hichilema to hand over the Kalomo farm to the Siatembos on moral grounds since the High Court could not continue the case because of time-lapse.

Ms. Nawakwi, however, reminded Mr Hichilema that despite the fact that the High Court dismissed the case on grounds of limitation, it did not rule that there was no trespass or criminality on his part.

She said Mr. Hichilema should not celebrate the outcome of the High Court because he knows well enough that he trespassed and committed a criminal case.

Yesterday the UPND Media team reported that the complainants in the case of criminal trespass against UPND leader, Hakainde Hichilema have confessed they had no interest taking him (HH) to court.

Pheluna and Milton Hatembo have also fired their lawyer and are asking the Law Association of Zambia, (LAZ) to discipline him for acting on their behalf without their permission to appeal the recent High Court ruling.

In an interview, Friday morning, Pheluna disclosed that she initiated court processes to prove to her brothers that she had nothing to do with the sale of the property.
Asked whether she knew the farm was lawfully bought, Pheluna, who is the administrator of the property of the late Samson Siatembo, admits the farm was bought and adds that each family member sold their own portion even without her consent.

She has also categorically dismissed claims of being forced and threatened to withdraw the matter from court.

The Hatembo family recently lost the case in the High Court in which they accused Hichilema of trespassing on farm 1924 in Kalomo.

Meanwhile, Milton and his sister have denied challenging the ruling of Livingstone High Court Justice, C. Lombe Phiri that their case was statute barred in the Court of Appeal.

They have since withdrawn the appeal, while accusing their lawyer, L. Mumba of Messrs Fred Jere and Company of acting on their own interests.

Their letter addressed to the Law Association of Zambia, (LAZ) and also made available to the Media the Hatembo family wants Mumba disciplined for advancing his own interests or those of people unknown but using the Hatembos’ names.

“We would like to categorically state that we have not given Mr. Mumba instructions to appeal and we believe that the lawyer is advancing his own interests or those of people whom we do not know in lodging the appeal in our names, ” Pheluna and Milton’s letter stated.

Milton further says he does not want anything to do with the case and anyone wishing to advance it must leave the Hatembo family out of it.

Recently the Zambian courts ruled in favour of the UPND President Hakainde Hichilema that he is the rightful owner of farm 1924 in Kalomo.


    • Chewe Bwalya good morning Bro. Bill 10 in totality was a bad law and I have not heard anyone coming out regretting for not supporting it.

      The electoral law is an independent law on its own which can be repealed independently to sort out it’s shortcomings. So is the Public Order Act

      The problem with bill 10 it had some very bad clauses like coalition government, giving power to Cabinet to contract debt for the nation, removing the constitutional right to remain on payroll before gratuity and terminal benefits are paid and many other non progressive clauses. This is what made the whole bill 10 bad.

      I hope I have been helpful to you. Good day Bro

  1. There’s a lot riding on this for her; she’s so plainly scared about something in her past. She may have managed all along to keep it under fold but with the inevitable looming she won’t sit tight anymore; she’ll be throwing away these wildly accusations to destroy what she can’t but now expose herself as being unhinged

  2. Go and campaign against him in Kalomo to see how many will follow you.How far have you done with your empowerment for women,here you are just showing us your incompetence, your own appointed Liquidators didn’t work.

  3. HH has not been in power he has been with his business with property you claim he has fraudulently acquired. My Advice is since you Edith Nawakwi have facts take HH to Court. Or stop making noise or risk loosing your Legana business should you be sued . It is clear you are very Bitter

  4. Madam you are mad. No one listens to you anymore. This is what politics do to innocent people it turns them into mad and degenerates people. Go home, your time is up.

    • She is not an interested party to the land in question, so, how do journalists ask questions? No wonder most of the questions to her were about the economy and Honeybee

  5. Whn a press briefing is a monologue, just know that it has been called to advance a pre-determined agenda. No one bothered to contact HH after the so-called press briefing. As Dokowe has put it already, no questions from members of the press present. This is worse than Donald Trump’s press briefings where the press people at least put some questions to Trump. If a press briefing is worse than those of Trump, it’s rubbish itself.

  6. HH is such a evil man we can’t trust him with this blessed country. imagine if he can steal from the less privileged people, what more been a president then that will be the end of zambia

  7. Edith Nawakwi is such a disgrace. Five months b4 the August 12, 2021 Elections Nawakwi calls a Press Conference to discuss HH and not what FDD is offering to the People. Edith has no Campaign message except to decampaign HH. It’s HH that HH this. HH must be a force to reckon with. All right thinking Zambians should vote for HH if they want a change in their lives. Why is HH hated so much by PF and most Opposition Parties. HH’s integrity is above board.Bally as our New President will fix it and makes us proud.

  8. I thought she was goin tell us what she will do for Zambia once in power. There was no need for to hold a press breefing, even in corridors she would have told us that.


  10. If indeed HH had anything to hide, he shouldnt have entered politics. Its only in zambia where opposition parties always attack fellow opposition parties. Edith is a finished broke leader and should learn when to quit.

  11. Ms. Nawakwi your new found hatred of this man will only consume you from the inside. Just concentrate on your businesses if politics is no longer your thing because this hatred will only cloud your judgement even the proper running of your businesses. Your recent rhetorical lamentations directed at this man only implies ONE thing – PHD syndrome.

  12. This is not a Miss Nawakwi smear campaign against HH, it is a PF scheme against Miss Nawakwi herself and HH. She doesn’t know yet. She has agreed to be used by PF at the expense of her own reputation in exchange for something that won’t last. These political mercenaries don’t learn from others, look at Mr Mwenya Musenge, after being used to cause trouble in NDC, he became politically finished. He went crawling back to PF. If these attacks were of her own volition, she would as much been standing with the people of Zambia against PF on her own party platform denouncing the PF misrule like other true opposition leaders.

    • Timothy Phiri Timothy Phiri Unless one is good at analysing Zambian politics, one can not understand how things play out. All these are PF schemes even MMD used the same play book against President Sata(MHSRIEP) but it failed. To those who didn’t know, they thought stand up for Zambia was just a brain child of one journalist who didn’t like Ba Sata, however some of us knew that it was orchestrated by MMD. They do that to divert the public attention and to make people think alot of people are against someone and yet it is the same people. They even sponsor one man NGOs like Mtewewe and Mwanza.

  13. Edith Nawakwi is vigorously pushing this unproven allegation because its clear that HH’s popularity is growing everyday .
    FDD which was Zambias biggest opposition party is now a surrogate of the PF like YALI.
    I really feel sorry for her.

  14. Another fishing expedition in a dry lake. How many times has HH attempted zambian Presidency….? Why now does Nawakwi making such drama when she knew all along about HH? It is pure Jealous and envy on her Part. Continue compaigning for HH God bles you. If anything it has now been confirmed that you are on PF payroll given the shenanigans you have dedicated yourself to PHD HH. Kindly and officially join PF so you can square off on real issues affecting zambia like Debt Mountain, govt corruption, supply of defective and expired medicines and falling economy. Apart from your drama Nawakwi how can a civil servant afford to acquire a highly mechanised ZADL farm that today you boast to a farmer? Callington maize scam and etc squarely rests under your belt. Compete on ideas not personalities. How you took advantage of the opportunity before you at the time is personal to both of you and now many years later situation is different and dragging us back to over 20 yes in follies. We are in the now and the problem we face need solutions now. If you can’t offer solution plse leave public life besides you are in relegation zones together with Tayali etc…..

  15. Nawakwi is an expired Politician without anything new to offer. Edith is damaged goods and extremely jealous of HH. ECL will make a mistake to appoint Edith Nawakwi as a Running Mate. She will make him even more unpopular. The Farm case has nothing to do with Nawakwi. The Courts have already Ruled and the so called Plaintiffs have withdrawn the Case from the Appeal Court and have reported the Lawyer to LAZ 4 wrongful representation. Edith is making HH even more popular. Bally will fix it. The writing is on the wall.

  16. It’s very unfortunate that we have people who can listen to this woman and believe what she says.expired drugs and condoms plus the cost of living,48 miracle flats just to mention but a supporting this madness you are encouraging her and definitely she is even laughing at you.

  17. Among all those who want to be presidential candidates for their parties this year we only know of one that was accused of swindling an individual and was found guilty even in court. One wonders why Miss Nawakwi doesn’t say tell us that such a one is a danger to our country and resources. She however, picks on someone who has never been found guilty in court.

  18. Edith Nawakwi is a PF hired gun to decampaign HH during the 2021 Elections. Edith hopes to be rewarded by PF by being appointed ECL’s Running Mate in the upcoming Elections. ECL will make a grave error if he appoints her as his a Running Mate. That will make ECL even more unpopular. Time will tell.

  19. What wrong did HH do to Edith which makes her so bitter?Each time Edith Nawakwi opens her mouth she is spewing: HH this HH that. Can’t Edith talk about somebody else?It’s ludicrous 4 Edith Nawakwi to hate HH so much. How can ECL choose such a finished Commodity as a Presidential Running Mate? She will be liability to him. Just wait and see!

  20. You were minister of finance in the corrupt MMD government also a signatory to Zamtroop account where money was corruptly transferred mama. Ever since you where sucked we have not seen an economic Developmental mindset how to drive Zambia forward, instead you feed and survive by attacking other political opponents.

  21. You notice this was the modus operandus of the Trump campaign. They had lots to say outside of court. Whenever they went to court they either kept quiet or admitted to not having evidence. Nawakwi must take these matters to court so they can be tested there. Very important. My dear friends, let’s stop this habit of talking too much and not being able to do much else when crunch time comes.

  22. In life there are what are called “unintended consequences”. Edith Nawakwi and her Sponsors think they are decampaigning and tainting HH’s image. This disparaging of HH is making him even more popular. People are curious about HH. They are asking who is this man who is so despised? What wrong has he done? His Sin is only to seek office of President of Zambia. So why not give him a chance after all he is already rich? Hence 2021 is HH’s Moment. With God’s Guidance and Blessings Bally will prevail and fix it.

  23. No media house follows her, the only time the media will swarm her is if her agenda is HH, she has discovered that the HH brand flies off the shelf so fast.

  24. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    With all due respect Nawakwi please shut the funk down and go away. To stay silent on the unprecedented corruption scandals of this Lungu and his PF and charged with the responsibility of being custodians of the national treasury, and instead focusing on a private person who has the entire government machinery directed at him to find excuse to lock him away is scandalous and a betrayal to say the least. Only PF and your financiers who are using you will believe your relentless propaganda campaign against this Hakainde man. Give it a rest already because you are losing any shred of integrity you had left in you. What an embarrassment to the women folks this Nawakwi is!

  25. But ba Chagwa is known to have ‘stolen from a widow” so madam how come that doesnt bother you if you truely doing this for the truth’s sake? plse explain as i am st a loss madam!! i rest my case.

  26. Nawakwi decimated kleptoh² at the ecominic debate at Muvi Station in 2016.
    Nawakwi is smarter than kleptoh².
    Nawakwi has kleptoh² under her petticoat.
    Nawakwi should have been badly crossed by kleptoh².
    I can attest to the fact that all the facts laid down by Nawakwi are true, nothing but the truth so help her God.
    As we draw near to the election date, Kleptoh² should be exposed more.
    Like I said earlier, it is so so embarrassing for a rich kid to be grabbing land from the widows and orphans. God will use people to punish such a low class rich and wretched man.

  27. Edith worked very closely with Hichilema. She knows him very well. More than some of the blogging individuals here.
    Rather than dis-ing her through and through, as a woman, I give respect to Edith. Hichilema can’t have it both ways.
    The suggestions that Hichilema stole and still steals from the poor is horrendous.
    I will not vote for HH.

  28. Ba Hikainde Hachilema nabo, why continue picking fights with the vulnerable people sure.
    Couldn’t it have been better to empower your people than claiming by corrupt means what belongs to them.
    Kwena iyi nisebana wikute ba Hikainde.
    I am so embarrassed.

  29. What you see is what you get.
    “Icikwanka bacimwena kumampalanya”

    A leopard never changes its spots.

    Yangu, uyu pompwe munshibila nsala.

  30. Nawakwi and pf are like those green flies following HH to the toilet hoping to look through his for anything to stop him from contesting upcoming elections……

  31. It’s better to be informed. What a bombshell.

    “They say detailed news doesn’t matter. Since we can’t change the stup1d, greedy, vicious things that powerful people do, they think we should try to ignore them. No matter how many times we’re forced to admit we can’t really hide, some of us still find ways to try. Well, we can’t hide. So it’s best to pay attention to what goes on. The more we know, the better able we’ll be to survive.”
    Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents

  32. Zambia Tines reporting is so unprofessional. This has not been proven so is not a fact. Your use of words is so immature. This is an allegation. You need to go back to school. Have you contacted HH to hear his side of the story??

  33. Hamose Hamwale today she is busy deceiving herself.kikikiki we are made stronger in voting for HH by their hate for him.
    Bally is the man.tried and tested come 2021 ni forward ??????

  34. Mwaitaya mama… Remember the loading shedding we are going through was brought up by you when you signed an agreement with the south African company to be supplied with power at all costs.. during your time as a minister of energy

  35. Madam Nawakwi, thank you for that reminder. We all know Mr HH and its very unfortunate that he still enjoys support from one Province in Zambia. But the good thing is that we know his hateful agenda. His focus is on ECL but we don’t care because Lungu may not even stand for presidency as he may loose primary elections. If UPND had a clean vibrant like Hamududu as their candidate, they were going to be the winners of 2021 election but with HH, forget. You can’t be a president of one province out of ten.

  36. Upnd, let people voice out there opion. Does it only make sense when a upnd talk? Grow up. Learn how to debate issues wisely without exposing your foolishness plz

  37. Edith nawakwi has nothing to gain from the prosecution of hh. She is already wealthy and is doing well. This is evidence of the fact that she has no ulterior motive other than to show hh for who he is. No one other than her knows hh dealings. This is why hh is scared of her. I wouldn’t be surprised if he attempted to get her killed. We need to protect her

  38. In most cases its the opposite! Its my first time to see a face similar to the heart! Could it be that surely her heart is as bad as the face we are seeing! Very stupid woman! There are serious issues affecting the nation not this rubish! Just yaping on daily basis. You should thank HH because he is making you and your sarogates have food on the table through hand outs from your pay masters.

  39. Kaizar Zulu

    Hehehehe , ati
    ” have her killed ”
    Who would waiste time on her ????

    Why don’t your PF police arrest HH if he is so corrupt ???
    Or are you just hopless ?

  40. Ba Nawakwi, Zambians have not forgotten Carrington Maize Gate scandal where you and Mbala mafia 5 benefited corruptly denying Zambians much needed undelivered maize. After lying low came up with Lagena Sausage meat processing company. You equally used your position as government minister to secure a loan at DBZ to disguise finance for all your businesses. Karma is natural justice- who can recognise you as first female Zambia minister of finance. Your words and conduct don’t back any way close. – finished and rest.


  42. It’s all plain.
    A dramatic gruesome gluttonous pompwe.
    First he steals from Zambia then he starts bupompwe of land grabbing.
    A typical pompweous behavior;
    widows and orphans targeted.
    If he can grab land while he is just a mere citizen, what if you accidentally make him president?
    Fellow Zambians, think twice. Timely warning.
    Ala, “Icikwanka bacimwena kumampalanya”

  43. This Thorn in the Flesh 
    February 7, 2021 At 4:28 pm

    “…..A typical pompweous behavior;
    widows and orphans targeted…….”

    Who was convicted for stealing from a widow ????…….not lungu ???


  44. Nawakwi says “she won’t rest until HH is arrested b4 August 2021”. Now we know Nawakwi is on a Mission to have HH arrested so that his name doesn’t appear on the 2021 Ballot Paper. If Nawakwi achieves this feat ECL will reward by appointing her his Running Mate in the August 12, 2021 Elections. It’s not about defending the Poor.Its all about Jezebel Nawakwi. All right thinking Zambians will defend HH,make sure he is on the Ballot Paper and wins the 2021 Elections. ECL should be very careful. In the event that HH is harmed ECL’s hands will be soiled with his blood. There will be a Civil War in Zambia. The writing is on the wall.

  45. Let’s wait and see, it’s like the PF and Edgar Lungu are campaigning through this foolish, finished and stinky lady. Time will tell, this is 2021 and time is ticking. All thieves in the PF party and government are utterly scared to the bone no wonder to them right now, Time is flying very swiftly such that August, 2021 it’s today at 14:00hrs. They are not sleeping, ala impupu ishi shilefilwa ukulala, shenda ishasakamana.

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