Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF Copperbelt ready to face any opponent in August polls-Lusambo


PF Copperbelt Province Mobilisation Chairman Bowman Lusambo has declared that the ruling party is ready to face any opponent in the August 12th general election.

Mr Lusambo who is also Kabushi Member of
Parliament said the party on the Copperbelt confident that it will deliver all he 22 parliamentary seats to President Edgar Lungu.

He said the Copperbelt is 100% protected and that no opponent will be allowed to win any seat in the elections.

He was speaking in Ndola on Saturday when he donated various items used to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Mr Lusambo said the party is drawing its confidence from the many successes it has recorded under the leadership of President Lungu.

He said it is a notorious fact that President Lungu is working and that the party in the Province is very proud of his leadership.

Mr Lusambo has since urged PF supporters to walk with their heads high and freely tell the public what the party has done for the people as August elections approaches.

“For me I believe that leaders that are doing well should be praised. His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu has performed exceptionally well. We need to drop this habit of praising people when they are gone like it was with late President Mwanawasa,” Mr Lusambo said.

Meanwhile, Mr Lusambo has bemoaned the low levels of compliance to Covid-19 prevention measures around the Copperbelt.

He said it is worrying that people generally on the Copperbelt are not adhering to Covid-19 prevention measures.

“There are generally low compliance levels on the Copperbelt. What I can tell you is that health is a personal matter. The government is doing everything possible to fight Covid but prevention is better than cure. Let’s work as a team and let’s obey the simple five golden rules to fighting Covid-19.”

Mr Lusambo donated fumigation chemicals, hygiene products, face masks and hand saniters and bags of mealie meal and including cooking oil to 18 public schools, 17 private schools, 4 clinics and to ZNBC Kitwe studios 82.

He also handed over 25,000 Kwacha cheques each to the Ndola District Health Management team and the District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) which was donated by Guarouck Group of Companies to assist in the Covid-19 response in Kabushi Constituency.

Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo hands over Covid-19 materials to schools and clinics in Kabushi
Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo hands over Covid-19 materials to schools and clinics in Kabushi


  1. Pf is not ready to face anyone. If they were, they would allow for level, free and fair playing field. Pf is so scared right now as demonstrated by their desire not to allow others to freely mobilise.

  2. Honourable, we appreciate your hardwork and your ability to mobilise the masses on the copperbelt. Please will you consider meeting former employees of Zccm at Ndola Copper Refinery (Precious Metal Plant) who have been chasing for their Zccm accrued terminal benefits since 2001. Please help.

  3. my brother lusambo is doing an exceptional jobs for our party. We thank you for your support and hard work. Can all party structures emulate this great man

    I would like to take this opportunity to ask you all to participate in this voting pattern surveY:


  4. mwaka, bowman and PF should now by now that Roan constituency, are never intimidated by people like Lusambos noise. They know they can not win Roan. They re feeling the heat

  5. Just wen you entering Ndola the first town on the copper belt, the road it’self which transport our copper our own minerals ?branching off to ndeke, the roads in town it’self have been over pothold over time u can’t tell which was the original tarmac, You where copper belt minister at one time, not even a bus shelter was Erected not even doing something people hide in Airtel booths to hide from the rain apart from 50 by 50 meter bus shelter which Kaunda left in 1991 and yet your office was less than 100meters away, a station which you have yo roots from the times of MMD, awe abantu ba votela pa corruption nga tabakwata amenso because Development has to deliver on all your social needs, from health to roads, and must include the benefits in our homes too such as a good salary, cheap food basket if it’s not cheap then it must be affordable through the money we make, but if we make less to afford it then theirs something wrong hence people vote paka sacka ka’bunga and a K100 and they forget their social problems

  6. Where are you getting all that money when some civil servants have not been paid for months. Tells us which account or source, in case you didn’t know that is money laundering ask ECZ. Don’t say you were not cautioned.

  7. Muvi Tv has been on free to air for a year now,this must be a deliberate sponsored move just to promote division in the country with their morning and lunch time shows specifically directed at attacking the government,I feel this is not good for the country…..

  8. Lusambo umubili wafunguluka pali ici icifulo Chablis minister. When you were dealing with graves tefyo wali. Let others also take that position nabo umubili umoneke being!

  9. The copperbelt people that you gassed? The copperbelt marketeers whose markets & their katundu that you burnt down & lied to them that you will rebuild & give them cash? 4 years now they are still waiting for the money or markets, nothing. And you expect votes from unemployed youths? All this hunger & they should still vote pf?

  10. This goes without saying. The opposition have delivered the elections to you on a silver plate. What kind of opposition can chishimba Kambwili a convicted criminal offer to the ruling party? Nothing. The other one that should have been sailing high is a UPND regional political party headed by HH a man who only wants to be president not because he is Zambian but because he is a Tonga and has done very little to tell the people of Zambia his economic manifesto. These are all self defeating political parties that we would have been counting on to give PF a run for their money. The rest of the opposition political parties are one man tuntembas even though some of them have leaders who are very good and articulate. So all in all Bwana Lussmbo, you have been ready to deliver PF votes a long…

  11. The more they donate, the more it hangers hungry ordinary Zambian citizens. They know now you are compaigning using their monies, tax payer kkkkk… Its too much agony mweee…

  12. Lusambo finish the incomplete maternity clinic in Kabushi left by your fellow cadre Stardy Mwale due to theft of money already paid out by GRZ.

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