Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu donates 9,000 bicycles to Eastern Province village heads


President Edgar Lungu has supplied 9,000 bicycles which he had promised to provide for headmen in Eastern province to ease and enhance their mobility.

The President made the pledge in November last year while on a tour of the province. He had promised to provide bicycles to assist the village headmen and women who complained of lacking means of easing their mobility.

ZANIS reports that Eastern Province Permanent Secretary Veronica Mwiche received the consignment of 9,000 bicycles and today flagged off the distribution of the bikes in Sinda district.

Ms. Mwiche commended the President for the gesture saying it will ease the mobility of village heads as they undertake developmental tasks in their communities.

She announced that each constituency has been allocated 500 bicycles saying the donation will help village heads to increase interaction with their subjects.

“During his working visit to the province in November last year, President Edgar Lungu committed to respond to the transport challenge headmen were facing, and today we are witnessing this noble gesture as His Excellency fulfills his pledge,” she said.

Ms. Mwiche added that, “village headmen are key and better placed to help government reach out to the people on the ground, as such, the donation will greatly contribute to the fulfilment of this purpose”.

The bicycle distribution exercise was witnessed by a number of Members of Parliament (MPs) in Eastern province.

And representing MPs who were present at the function, Kapoche Member of Parliament (MP) Charles Banda thanked the President for the donation.

Dr. Banda noted that village headmen play a big role in mobilising people in their communities to participate in matters of national development, adding that aiding their mobility will enhance service delivery.

“We are grateful to the President for responding to the plight of headmen. The gesture will go a long way in alleviating some of the problems our headmen are faced with,” he said.

He has meanwhile called on Zambians to support the President’s vision to develop the nation.

Meanwhile, headman Chiundu said he was unable to buy a bicycle on his own, a situation that affected his performance.

The headman explained that there were times when he failed to attend important meetings because of lack of transport.

“We are not the only ones who have benefited but the people we serve too because now we will be able to serve them better,” he said.

Other people that attended the event in Sinda district were State House Permanent Secretary Christa Kalulu, Kapoche MP Charles Banda, Sinda’s Masauso Tembo, Peter Daka of Msanzala and Vincent Mwale of Chipangali.


  1. The devil would be powerless if he couldn’t entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers.

  2. Our people must be taught to desist from accepting bribes. The ability to say NO, must become a core value of our nation

  3. 9,000 bicycles, yeah? Do we have this many headmen and women in the 14 districts of Eastern Province? Meaning 9,000 villages… the mind boggles…

  4. Openly bribing voters without fear during an election year and that too probably using taxpayers funds. Then you think the IMF are going to bail you out?

  5. Our government has worked hard in showing people that their core values is laziness, incompetence and corruption. They are willing to stick to that standard and are applying , in all the departments

  6. Vote buying tactics. All this money being pumped into bribing to vote for PF. All of a sudden lungu the thief has money to burn for elections.

    But there’s no funds in paying debt coupons. Economy is in free fall. Time and again we talk about the health sector which is on life support. Expired medicine in circulation

  7. why always be the last stand province for politicians
    1991= was last stand for unip
    2011= was last stand for mmd,

  8. Vote Rigging 101.
    Please you Headmen, DON’T kubeba. This is YOUR money. It is not from the kindness of the President. Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor, but Edigaa Hood steals from you and gives to you.

  9. Where is the value of traditional leaders in our country? How can they line up to receive a bike? They are custodians of the wealth of the people and are supposed to be looked after by the subjects and not by the state, worse still by the President. We are living in strange times where traditional leaders are dependent on govt hand outs. I curse the day when my people were made beggars again from been kings and queens!

  10. Vote buying in full swing….you will find the this moron has imported 9000 bikes from China at god knows what price. Then the same moron will be reading a speech next week about value addition.

    • Rest assured that the 9000 bicycles from China are a barter acquisition with what the Chinese need especially raw resources of some sort or the country’s natural resources are being sold for who’d want to trade with an ever eroding Kwacha? Tizakalila siku ma Chinese akabwela to claim what PF is promising in exchange!

  11. 9000 bicycles will cost not less than K6 million Kwacha, the president’s salary per year is far less than this amount. Is this government funded or personal money from the president? If this give out is government funded, then let it be called so. If it is funded by the president then it is him donating.

  12. When the economy fails that’s when your people’s lifeline becomes donations.This is Lungu’s govt admitting failure.

  13. A South African inquiry into corruption during former president Jacob Zuma’s time in office will ask the constitutional court to impose a jail term on Zuma, after he defied the court’s order to appear before the inquiry on Monday.
    Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, who leads the inquiry, said the inquiry would seek an order that Zuma was in contempt of court, adding that it would be up to the constitutional court to decide what actions it deemed appropriate.

  14. When Greece was in dire economic straits they were very ashamed to be dependent on EU aid.But its sad in Zambia we take pride in donations or voter bribes of chitenges.


  16. Meanwhile the last time hh gave back to the community was when he donated tu cheap ebu soap during last year’s lockdown

  17. ECL recently said he believes in Constitutional Democracy and Rule of Law. In terms of the Electoral Act and National Constitution Candidates contesting the 2021 Elections shouldn’t use State Resources to Campaign. ECL is bribing these Village Headmen 4 votes. Buying Votes as an Election Strategy doesn’t work becoz Voters are aware of this trick.People will take the Bribes from the Corrupt ECL and PF Govt and still vote 4 the Opposition. The writing is on the wall.

  18. This sums up the poverty level. You are dead if you are a headman and can not buy a bike.
    Is the Chipata bike manufacturing factory still there?

  19. That is why he hardly takes questions from the press (and I mean independent press) because the questions here would include; is this personal money, taxpayers or what? Is he going to do the same in the rest of the provinces?
    Anyway, the fact of the matter is this is all looted or laundered money aimed at shamelessly ‘purchasing the vote’. The rigging is going on in broad daylight – including the distribution of bags of mealie meal and large amounts of cash from state house. No one questions the source or how selectively this is dished out. Is it sustainable? No, and I wish the people receiving such things would realize this and still vote wisely.

  20. Are you vuvuzelas here for real? Please be objective and serious for once! These pathetic piecemeal unsustainable vote buying maneuvers are what it takes to ‘impress’ you? How low can you sink? The only benefit of doubt to your limited faculties is that it’s perhaps because you have your greedy snouts in the same trough as all the looters

  21. A great leader will NOT give his people fish. He will teach his people how to fish. Chipata had a bicycle plant before. Just like Mulungushi textiles, why not revive industries so that people get jobs and can produce the finished goods themselves?

  22. From dishing money to another Big handout in form of Bicycles
    At the end of it all the one who profit much is the one who is voted Paka mupando in govt.

  23. If the President has promised something then he will definitely fulfill it! President Lungu is known for his promises.

  24. Village people who walk miles due to lack of transport facilities will understand the true value of bicycles. Thank you, President Lungu.

  25. Bicycles are the best gift for the villagers because it doesn’t require petrol or any other fuel and it is easily manageable by the people.

  26. Appeal to my people of Eastern province, get those cheap bicycles which will never solve your farming, school or food problems. BUT come and vote wisely not to be cheated every time by PF regime.

  27. Thank you President Lungu only you care about each and every community’s people of this country. Together we will make Zambia a better place to live!

  28. Thousands of youths from the rural areas have been benefited from the youth empowerment programs. Initiated by President Lungu. My Zambia is developing…

  29. Even many provinces got health clinics, access to clean drinking water, and basic social amenities. President Lungu is our leader beyond 2021, he knows what the people of this country want.

  30. Zambians, we can now verify the information on the online ECZ platform. So, make sure all the details are correct to utilize our right to vote in the August elections. Choose your vote wisely. ECL beyond 2021!!!

  31. Everything is perfect in Zambia except for one thing… why the criminal Hichilema is roaming freely in this country. He captured farmer’s lands, he is involved in corruption and privatization scandal, he is spreading hate speech and provoking votes. Why no action is been taken against him??? HH is not eligible for the Presidential elections.

  32. 9,000 bicycles mean 9, 000 people from the eastern province will get the bicycles from President Lungu!!! No more walking, people!

  33. President Lungu distributing bicycles, initiating projects, emphasizing ‘Buy local products’ to promote local businesses. Meanwhile, HH busy criticizing President Lungu over false allegations.

  34. Zebron

    To you the headmen would rather continue suffering because it’s an election year. Everyone should stop assisting the needy during this period. Wow.

  35. @ANYOKO
    What you have said is exactly why there is a problem in Zambia. The Traditional Leaders fall under the ministry of chiefs. When they complain to the President, it is the ministry that should answer to their problems. The President must direct the Minister of Finance to give the money. He does not dig into his blooming corrupt pockets and give away money. The president says that he doesn’t handle money. So how does this money come through him?

  36. This is nothing but pure corruption. My advice to the good people of Eastern Province. Accept the bicycles, but vote against this crook, Lungu. He is trying to bribe you, so you can give him votes. Once he wins the election, that it. He will not need you. You’ll not hear from him after the election. He’ll forget about you. Don’t let him fool you. Accept the bikes, but vote against him. He’s nothing but a cheap crook.

  37. And our investigative wings are asleep, mu Zambia chabe.
    These affairs must be determined to clear the President, or indeed to find him with a case to answer.

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