Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mob attacks, kills 82 year old lady on suspicion of being a witch


An 82-year-old woman of Mupitashi area in Chingola, has been murdered on suspicion of being a witch. Copperbelt Province Police Commissioner Elias Chushi confirmed the incident, which occurred around 02:00hours yesterday.

Mr Chushi explained that the police department received a report from Simon Musonda 66, of house number 34 Ngebe road Soweto compound in Chingola, who reported the death of his mother Salome Bwalya.

It is reported that the deceased was allegedly beaten to death by Mary Mwali 52, on suspicion that she was a witch.

The Copperbelt Province Police Commissioner revealed that the son to the deceased woman further explained that on the material date around 02:00 hours, the old lady’s house was invaded by red ants.

“She woke up and in a panic-stricken situation, she rushed outside and whilst stark naked, she went to her neighbour, Mary Mwali, to seek refuge before she was attacked on suspicion of practicing witchcraft.

“Eventually, her neighbour who allegedly was joined by others, attacked the old lady, on suspicion that she was a witch,” he said.

He added that after police received the report, they rushed to the same area and found Ms Bwalya laying in a pool of blood and gasping for breath.

He added that Bwalya sustained a deep cut on the left side of the head.

She was later rushed to Nchanga North General Hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Mr Chushi said Ms Mwali has been apprehended and detained to assist police with investigations.


  1. This is truly sad if the story really happened as narrated. Why rush to make such a wicked conclusion before checking the circumstances? She deserves to be charged with murder. Too much suspicion is detrimental to our social development as a people.

  2. Old lady stark naked at 02:00 hrs. I do not condemn mob justice but this is a weird story just like the UPND convention results taking four days to be announced.

  3. So 55-plus years after independence and we still have such useless people in our populations? I am sure they even believe in the Tooth Fairy. But for killing someone over such useless archaic notions is unforgivable. I have actually been shocked how even younger folk in their 20s and below have bought into these useless beliefs and exact abuse on mere suspicion.

  4. I’ve said it several times here that we must revisit the Witchcraft Act because even pastors are practicing it in the name of prophesies. Young civil servants posted to rural areas get terrorised everyday to the extent that some even abandon their positions. So people are highly suspicious. Families are divided because of witchcraft. No one has disputed Amos Chanda’s statement that there’s a lot of witchcraft at State House

  5. It’s not unusual for people in old age to come out naked in the middle of the night and sometimes lose their way back. Doctors will tell you that it’s common when the old mind starts failing. We are all likely to go through that so be careful. In Zambia we have adopted the equation:

    Naked + night = witchcraft

    How ignorant and primitive

  6. “82-year-old woman of Mupitashi area in Chingola, has been murdered on suspicion of being a witch”
    What do you expect from “Christians for Lungu” in the so called “PF stronghold”
    Their actions are far from being Christian.
    Typical of the in-born PF mentality of violence and death.
    How many more innocent people are going to die.

  7. She must be jailed with first degree murder and those who helped her too. They should have taken time to listen to what she was saying. They could have gone to check on the red aunts. This should be an example to anyone who accuses old people of being witches..

  8. Witchcraft Act 1914 CAP 90 Act 13 of 1994.
    Whoever- (a) names or indicates or accuses or threatens to accuse any person as being
    a wizard or witch; or (b) imputes to any person the use of non-natural means in causing any death, injury, damage or calamity; or (c) asserts that any person has, by committing adultery, caused in some non-natural way death, injury, damage or calamity; shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding one year or to both

  9. A very sad tale for Zambia. But it is something that all of us we’ll go through. Instead of celebrating long life – which most, if not all , normal people aspire for – Zambians it is the opposite. That ‘neighbour’ knew this old woman and very likely had suspected her all along for ANY misfortunes that befell her; being broke, kids not going to school, not being married etc .
    That is what it is in Zambia. Speaking for myself, I have seen myself gradually grow into a potential witch RIGHT BEFORE MY OWN EYES!! I can’t kid around, move around as I used to because the backward young can easily suspect that the “handshake” I want to give is packed with spirits.

  10. The curse of growing old in rural Zambia.
    Whilst our friends celebrate the old, provide them with free insurance, healthcare and other social needs, our grandparents in the village are faced with the possibility of death by stoning, simply for going above 70.

  11. Partly the politicians should also share the blame for cheating the young that it was time to push aside the old. The message about youth in leadership has been misunderstood by some to mean loathe for the old

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