Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former Health PS quizzed over the accumulation of K2.4 billion debt by the Ministry of Health for Covid-19 supplies


The Anti-Corruption Commission says it has recorded a warn and caution Statement from former Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Administration Akakulubelwa Mulalelo.

According to a statement issued to the media by ACC Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono, Ms Mulalelo appeared before the AAC for questioning today in Lusaka.

Mr Moono disclosed that the Commission has been conducting investigations into alleged irregularities in the awarding of a tender to Honeybee Pharmaceuticals by the Ministry of Health.

He further revealed that the investigations are progressing on well and have since reached an advanced stage.

“As you may be aware, The Anti-Corruption Commission has been conducting investigations into alleged irregularities in the awarding of a tender to Honeybee Pharmaceuticals by the Ministry of Health.

“I wish to inform you that the investigations are progressing well and have reached an advanced stage. In this regard, the Commission summoned former Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Administration Ms. Akakulubelwa Mulalelo to appear for questioning today,” He said.

“The Commission has recorded a Warn and Caution Statement from Ms. Mulalelo, and the Commission will in due course transmit the case file to the National Prosecutions Authority for further action”.

Mr Moono said a joint team comprising officers from the Anti-Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcement Commission and the Auditor-General’s Office has been constituted to look into the matter involving the accumulation of K2.4 billion debt by the Ministry of Health for Covid-19 supplies.

The investigations follows allegations of price inflations and mismanagement of the procurement process in acquiring the Covid-19 supplies.

“I also wish to inform you that a joint team comprising officers from the Anti-Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcement Commission and the Auditor-General’s Office has been constituted to look into the matter involving the accumulation of K2.4 billion debt by the Ministry of Health for Covid-19 supplies.

“This follows allegations of price inflations and mismanagement of the procurement process in acquiring the Covid-19 supplies,” he said.

The Commission has since assured the nation that it will pursue all cases of corruption diligently and to their logical conclusion.


  1. The level of mismanagement,corruption and theft under Lungu has been staggering.No wonder Lungu is now donating here and there.

  2. why you never investigated right at the time it was reported in the media? Did you have to wait for the then minister to be removed?
    A little pharmacy by the corner wins a tender worth millions and you just sit on your laurels until the whole country gets infected with std;s un knowillingly that is when you start to do your job?
    To whom do you report.hey?
    Problem you think we are so gullible-

  3. Stealing in this manner in Zambia is a reflection of our upbringing. One doesn’t become corrupt because they have ascended to a higher position. It is a reflection of who they are and the home they come from. Therefore when Police officer, Mp, PS, Manager, Director, Supervisor, an employee, maid, etc steal is reflection of who we are as a society. The rush to become rich quickly (poverty mentality) It doesn’t matter which party is ruling, for as long as there are people the vice will continue. Some steal in political office, some in Church, workplaces etc. We need to change.

  4. We warned this lady that when the day of reckoning comes these politicians and businessmen she thinks she is working with will never show their faces…they will just pull strings in the background just pray Lazy Lungu wins in August as you will send the rest of your time in courts. Did you not learn anything from that lady who took her life who used to Zambia Agriculture Union after she looted funds.

  5. Its laughable to think that a civil servant can have so much influence on a procurement of a $17 million Health contract whilst the minister is oblivious to what going on especially if his name is Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in a party of thieves.

  6. Iwe KZ you one ignorant monkey.

    Change is coming. You better run cause you will lingering in solitary confinement and getting raped day in day out

  7. Did they really write “The Commission has since assured the nation that it will pursue all cases of corruption diligently and to their logical conclusion.” ??

    What a joke, this party really had a fun with the country’s finances l

  8. The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “Don’t feed the trolls.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day.

  9. She was stealing with that useless minister and dull Lungu, don’t think she did it alone, anyway every body in p0rn front party is a thief even their children and unborn children all thevies

  10. All that money was shared by a few individuals leaving the masses to suffer. Unfortunately, there is no justice in country. Hoping for something fair to come out of this investigation is wishful thinking.

  11. PF party / government have some little sense of shame, you send an heavily armed troop of cops to HH ‘s inlaws. Chilufya, gassers and FIC people especially, Honeybee murderers moving around freely. We have reported all that to the Lord and God will judge you very soon

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