Saturday, July 27, 2024

Heavy downpour floods roads in Chilanga


Heavy downpour experienced in the last few days in Chilanga district has caused a water spillage from nearby streams flooding roads and impairing accessibility of over four thousand people.

Vernon Sikanyika, a resident of new farms area told ZANIS in an interview that culverts on Chilongolo stream collapsed leading to an overflow of the water from the streams.

Mr Sikanyika appealed to government to build a bridge to enhance accessibility as a number of people have been affected by the overflow.

He called for government to intervene before lives are lost.

“This poses a danger especially to school going children who cross over culverts when going to school,” he said.

And Chilanga District Commissioner Richard Ndazye promised to engage the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) as the situation require urgent attention.

Mr. Ndazye added that a population of more than four thousand people have been affected by the overflowing stream.

He also noted the need to replace culverts to ease accessibility to new farms area.


  1. This problem of over flooding has affected the whole country and govt will have a huge task of doing repairs. In the meantime may the ZNS can be deployed to provide temporary solution.

  2. Can I ask if these areas are low lying and wetlands ?? as this problem seems to be in other towns as well
    where local councils are selling plots in areas that should be no go areas

  3. The PF are broke, I doubt they will repair that now, remember they are just dishing out money at campaigns now, completely no ideas now

  4. Zambia is training engineers daily unfortunately we still cant be practical as a country and sort our drainage challenges. This is not even a disaster but a failure on our part as Zambians.

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