Saturday, July 27, 2024

There will be no By Election in Kaputa Constituency following the Death of the Member of Parliament


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) says there will be no by_election in Kaputa Constituency following the death of Member of Parliament Hon Maxas Ng’onga.

The electoral body says this is because Article 57(2) provides that a by election shall not be held within 180 days of the general election.

The commission Corporate Affairs Manager Patricia Luhanga says the 2021 general election is scheduled to be held on August 12, 2021, so the last date for holding by elections was Saturday February 2021 which is an excluded day because it was not a working day, therefore, the last date was February 15, 2021.

She said any vacancy arising after that date cannot be subject of a by election.

Ms Luhanga says the Kaputa Constituency by-election is outside the prescribed period for holding of a by-election.
“So this time around there will be no by elections which will be held. It is only the general elections which the commission will hold as prescribed by the law,” says Ms Luhanga.

She also says the holding of by-elections is governed by Article 57(1) of the Constitution and the law requires that by elections for Parliamentary and local government seats are held within 90 days of the vacancy and the provision is drawn in mandatory terms.

Ms Luhanga says it must be noted that in terms of Article 57(3), the power to set the date for a by election is reposed in the commission subject to Article 57(1). The Commission is at liberty to set any period within 90

She however says Article 57(2) provides that a by election shall not be held within 180 days of the general election

There will be no By Election in Kaputa Constituency following the Death of the Member of Parliament
There will be no By Election in Kaputa Constituency following the Death of the Member of Parliament


  1. Condolences again for the loss, he was a good MP. My worry though with the current crop of MPs is that they don’t ask relevant questions, for example right now the masks are not only shielding us from covid 19 but also other air borne diseases, have we seen a drop in other airborne diseases in the country and has this reduced the cost of running hospitals in the country, no MP in the current crop will ask such relevant questions because they are all stuck in out doing in each in politics.

  2. Somebody asks a question in parliament of who paid for the PF ministers who illegally stayed in office in 2016, the vice president says it is an irrelevant question. No madam, it is not in your powers to deduce which is a relevant question or not. We pay you to answer such questions which are coming from the constituents to their MPs.

  3. Very good. So there is sanity in our constitution after all. Now we need to rid it of all by-election provisions and use some other mechanism.

  4. @Voice of Reason. I have personally seen a reduction in colds and coughs on my part due to wearing masks. I used to get sick of these illness at least once a month. Kudos to masks


  6. I feel for Zambian voters; elections are in 4 months and both the UPND and PF don’t have manifestos yet. The PF doesn’t even have a website! When Chiluba and Sata ran for elections, everyone knew what their agendas were, even children, but in the case of HH and Lungu, its still a guessing game. This leads to tribal voting and its dangerous for the nation.

  7. Patricia sending big kisses to you. Long time dear. Continue doing a good job there. Bye election or not pf is still keeping that seat. Amen

  8. NSIMBI…Why are you guys scared of EDGAR.From the beginning since the by-election you seem to fear this man.
    The eligibility issue is for PF to deal with bwana not you the opposition. IN FACT IF I WERE YOU I COULD JUST BE ZEEE KNOWING WELL
    THAT HE WILL BE DISQUALIFIED,NOW LOOKING AT YOU ITS LIKE MWALILUSA KALE.As PF they have decided that he is their candidate.

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