Saturday, July 27, 2024

Covid-19 team urged to be tough on ‘stubborn’ bar owners


The District Commissioner’s office in Mambwe has urged the Covid-19 multisectoral team in the area to get tough on bar owners who are disregarding presidential directives aimed at curbing the spread of the pandemic.

Mambwe District Administrative Officer (DAO), Geoffrey Mumba, is concerned that bar owners have continued to disregard with impunity the presidential directives regarding the regulated time they are supposed to operate.

Mr. Mumba has observed that many bar owners, especially in Mfuwe area, are operating their businesses at any time disregarding the Covid-19 health guidelines.

He charged that action must now be taken on people who do not want to comply with the authorities.

“We have done a lot of talking but it seems people do not want to listen. It is now time to make an example out of some of these bars by suspending their licenses and closing to serve as a warning to other would be offenders,” Mr. Mumba said.

ZANIS reports that the DAO was speaking during a virtual Covid-19 district epidemic preparedness committee meeting.

He warned that Covid-19 is a very dangerous disease noting that if the district did not tackle it with the seriousness that it deserves, the population of Mambwe would be wiped out.

Mr. Mumba further lamented that making non-compliant bar owners to pay a penalty fee is not working as they can afford to do so and then continue operating their taverns at the wrong time.

And the DAO has called on the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education to work together to ensure that there is more surveillance in schools so that pupils are protected from contracting the Covid-19 disease.

Mr. Mumba said there is need to have safety officers in schools that will be coordinating with the health authorities with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, Mambwe District Health Director George Mshanga said from January 2021 to date, the area has recorded 175 cases of Covid-19, out of which 156 have recovered while one person died from Covid-19 related complications.

Dr. Mshanga said the health authorities are working hard to ensure that Covid-19 cases do not escalate in Mambwe district.

“We have continued carrying out contact tracing as well as sensitising people on the Covid-19 epidemic so that we can keep the cases recorded so far at bay,” he explained.


  1. I have been a proponent of the lusambo method of whlpping. I told you that in a country like Zambia where we have stubborn upnd supporters who don’t listen, the only solution is to whlp

  2. YOU ARE THE DEVIL INCARNATE KZ YOU two rogues passop SOON the state wont protect you
    plus the coming violence will be placed right at your doorstep !!!!!!!

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