Saturday, July 27, 2024

The just-ended UPND intra-party elections were Not doctored to favour a few select individuals


Newly appointed UPND Deputy Secretary-General for politics, Patrick Mucheleka says it is disheartening that enemies of doom could accuse the largest opposition political party in the country, the UPND of being ‘undemocratic’.

Speaking on Muvi TV’s Special Interview last evening, Mr Mucheleka stressed that the recently-held extraordinary elective General Assembly by the UPND was a reflection of the face of Zambia’s ethnic and cultural composition.

Mr Mucheleka also dispelled rumours that the just-ended intra-party elections were doctored to favour a few select individuals.

He stated that that the more than 30 percent of women representation of women in the numerous portfolios in the UPND were a reflection of the party’s adherence to numerous protocols that call for gender balance in key decision making organs of political parties in the country.

He says it was laughable that certain sections of Zambian society expected the UPND to conduct intra-party elections in an unhazardous manner when it was evident that Zambia had slid into a Police state.

And Mr Mucheleka says the UPND wasn’t in any alliance with questionable individuals such as Steve Nyirenda of the National Restoration Party (NAREP) and disposed of National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader, Chishimba Kambwili, but the people of Zambia!

He says Zambians were yearning for meaningful change to restore the country’s lost economic fortunes and heritage.

Mr Mucheleka has also described as a “detrimental scheme of disfranchising” Zambians through the manipulation of the voter register which has seen a reduction in the number of registered voters in the so-called opposition strongholds, saying the UPND was confident that the registered voters in PF strongholds would vote for the opposition this August.

He says the habitual flashing money like tree leaves and grass by known PF cadres would not aid the PF in holding onto power permanently.

He observes that recent sentiments by Vice President, Inonge Mutukwa Wina that those splashing huge stacks of money to the public was a sign the those in the ruling party had lost touch with reality and a slap on the face of innocent Zambians.


  1. How does a party continue to field the same losing f00l since decades ago as presidential candidate. Are you telling me that upnd members are so dull that they have no one else capable of leading them. They say its madness to continue to do the same thing and expect different results. So let them continue fielding hh and continue losing Haha. I am just having a king’s breakfast made by my beautiful regina

  2. The Zambians expressed their political choice in electing their leaders in UPND. The women representation reflects the SADIC agenda of 30 percent representation. Every part of Zambia participated despite restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic and the result is confirmation of One Zambia One Nation leadership of the biggest opposition party in Zambia.

  3. Oh! Yes the UPND intra-party elections were doctored to favour (Rigged for) kleptoh² and a many other hardcore kleptoh² sympathizers. Its clear to see.

    Question is, why are you laboring so hard to legitimize the clearly segregative and bias out come of the so called upndead intraparty election which is a showcase of selfish and divisive mantra?
    Our worry concerning the dead camp forming Government keeps being worsened over and over and over again.

  4. Mucheleka, no good, please keep away, too much noise.
    Yes Bo Inonge said something so prostitutional, but it is political risk for Mucheleka to put her on TV.
    PF balls are in Inonge hands, so be careful or Zambians will lose again.

  5. Ba Mucheleka, before the re wsa a list circulated and agreed by the top brass of uPND from Southern province signalling who to bring on board.
    It was a question of who is well positioned to JOIN the clan . So elections were just faked to endorse what the LEADER had decided.

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