Wednesday, October 23, 2024

We will not be part of the Alliance Circuses going on


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

The issue of us joining alliances or pacts keeps on coming up. We have explained and explained our position on this issue but it keeps coming up ceaselessly.

For us, it is not about quick and easy political fixes just to enable us win elections. For us, there is no choice between being principled and unelectable; and electable and unprincipled. We should win because of what we believe in.

A complex era such as this requires principles more than ever. It requires a lot more awareness. Political deals, alliances or pacts are worthless if they are not inspired by noble, selfless sentiments. Likewise, noble sentiments are worthless if they are not based on correct and fair arrangements.

We have chosen to defend certain principles that are of tremendous value at a time of confusion and opportunism in our country, a time when many politicians are feathering their own nests. We will cooperate with other political players to address problems which affect all of us. But we will not be part of these alliance circuses going on.
Nobody should think that things are going to be easy. We must be prepared to meet difficulties. We have difficulties right now, and we will have even greater ones in the coming days, weeks and months, even if we do things the right way – and we should do them the right way, even if it calls for our greatest efforts. We have to cope with the objective problems of the situation prevailing in our country, the increasing number of restrictive and repressive measures this corrupt, intolerant, cruel and tyrannical regime takes against us.

Nothing great ever came easy; nothing good ever came easy. The struggles, challenges, and obstacles that it takes to succeed in life is what makes success more valuable. Nothing great comes easy, and nothing easy can ever equate to greatness.

Working hard on a goal is really the only way to reach it. The results won’t be overnight, nor would it be easy. Aside from being patient, investing a lot of time and effort is needed. It’s true that nothing great ever came that easy. Often times, it would take so much work and patience in order to succeed. Hard work and focus is the only way to reach a goal.
In most cases, results won’t come easy or happen overnight. It’s true that nothing great ever came that easy. Often times, it would take so much work, patience and dedication. And we shouldn’t give up. The path to victory is filled of obstacles and challenges. We just need to find solutions and keep on struggling.

Lots of hard work and time need to be invested – nothing great ever came that easy. A life of ignoble ease which springs merely from lack either of desire or of power to strive after great things, is as little worthy of a nation as of an individual. I admire a person who embodies victorious effort; who has those virile qualities necessary to win in the stern strife of actual life. It is hard to fail; but it is worse never be have tried to succeed. In this life we get nothing save by effort.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

The state our country is in calls for not for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavour. If we shrink from the hard contests where we must win at hazard of our lives and at the risk of all we hold dear, then the bolder and stronger will pass us by and will win for themselves the domination of our country.

Let us therefore boldly face the life of strife, resolute to do our duty well; resolute to uphold righteousness by word and by deed; resolute to be both honest and brave, to serve high ideals, yet to use practical methods. Above all, let us shrink from no strife, moral or physical, provided we are certain that the strife is justified; for it is only through strife, through hard and dangerous endeavour, that we shall ultimately win.


  1. Preaching Socialism in this day and Age is simply laughable after the Collapse of USSR and Eastern Europe. Even in China,Cuba etc Socialism is long dead. There is strength in numbers thats why Alliances make sense. Fred Meembe is over rating himself and his Socialist Party. What following does he have thru out the Country? Fred Meembe’s wife Mutants, has joined UPND Party which is the biggest Opposition Party in Zambia with many MPs in Parliament. That makes sense to join the bigger Tent. The Socialist Party is another Kantemba Party with no chance of winning seats in the next Parliament. Fred Meembe should join the UPND Alliance and fight for a common cause during the 2021 Elections. The writing is on the wall.

  2. Our democracy is really growing in Zambia. Even “dinosaurs “ are allowed to flourish in our democracy. Mmembe must continue to say things even if he doe not mean a single one of them so that he can be relevant to the current dispensation. But he must refrain from driving a narrative that does not exist in our country. If he defaults or evades tax sure we will collect it from him or his company. This guy is as weirded as his political movement. His socialist party is like a cult it is not the Russian or Chinese socialism it is something else, but he (Membe) calls it socialist party.

  3. Too much ideology , Fred.

    Put aside the ideology, zambia needs saving right now and can not wait for ideals to bear fruit and ripen,

    Now is the call to save zambia from this PF.

  4. Come to think of it, Fred is a self absorbed narcissist, he will never be president of Zambia like Bernie Sanders. Good rhetoric but nothing to show for it. A self proclaimed messiah. Fred stop wasting your and other people’s time. You should have joined UNIP instead.

  5. Fred M’membe is living on another planet. He is talking about Socialism in the 20th Century really? Socialism the World over is dead. Fred M’membe was running Businesses like Post Newspaper. Was that business not based Capitalists Principles? Fred M’membe is doomed with his Socialist Party. The Days of Karl Marx, Mao,Lenin etc are long gone. Fred M’membe needs to rediscover himself in the 20th Century. To be relevant to the current situation Fred M’membe should seek accommodation in the UPND Alliance. Going it alone will lead his Party into extinction. In genuine Unity there is strength.The writing is on the wall.

  6. Opposition knows itself that they are clowns so how can any normal person vote for them? When I tell you pf is winning by landslide, you insult me and yet even stevie wonder can see it coming

  7. Kikikikikikijukija

    Looks like the upndead are agitated by loser Mmembe’s statement. No alliances yaba! Just sell your unsellable manifesto. Be like the cobra. Okay 6th time loss is like huge for decades.

    For us it’s Progress 100%, ECL 100%, PF 100%, Zambia overdrive 100%, Peace 100%, Unity 100% and Elite Zambians 100%.

  8. I would like to take my cowboy hat for Mmembe for his worldly expected stance in a pure democratic functional Nation. Great piece Fred.
    KYC – Know Your Candidate
    Any leader who will woo other political parties and emphasize that he alone wants to lead the resultant alliant group is a pure fake. Any party especially in opposition that think they are bigger than the others, are in essence selfish and cannot be trusted. Know your candidates, they must stand for something and not fall for anything. You don’t need to be told, just open your eyes. Everything is actually in plain sight. Besides, numbers don’t lie.
    When you know, you know.

  9. There should be just 2 presidential candidates on ballot paper, HH and Edgar.
    Others will just confuse villagers who don’t know how HH look like.

  10. Fred Mmembe trying to sound relevant, who would need such a light weight to the alliance. There is no value that the socialist party would take to the alliance at all. Not sure why politicians in Zambia over rate themselves so much

  11. Usual jokes from opposition political parties in Zambia, there are only two viable political parties in Zambia, PF and UPND. No matter how much your egos cheat you that you can make it as President of Zambia just count yourselves as participants, come and ask me after August 12

  12. I would like to take my cowboy hat for Mmembe for his worldly expected stance in a pure democratic functional Nation. Great piece Fred.
    KYC – Know Your Candidate
    Any leader who will woo other political parties and emphasize that he alone wants to lead the resultant alliant group is a pure fake. Any party especially in opposition that think they are bigger than the others, are in essence selfish and cannot be trusted. Know your candidates, they must stand for something and not fall for anything. You don’t need to be told, just open your eyes. Everything is actually in plain sight. Besides, numbers don’t lie.
    When you know, you know.

  13. That’s OK since neither the ruling party nor any of the opposition is interested in any alliance with you.

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