Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chieftainess nabbed


Muchinga Province Police Commissioner, Joel Njase
Muchinga Province Police Commissioner, Joel Njase
Sub-Chieftainess Nguvu of Chavuma district has been arrested with four others for unlawful assembly.

Northwestern Province Commissioner of Police, Joel Njase has confirmed the incident which happened yesterday in Kakoma area in Chavuma district.

Mr Njase said police received a tip off from concerned members of the public to the effect that a group of people had assembled and were being addressed by the traditional leader.

“Police received information from concerned members of the public that there was a group of people who had unlawfully assembled in Kakoma area and were being addressed by Melody Chinyama who is Chieftainess Nguvu of West Bank. She claims to be Chief Luwezhi of Chavuma in the East bank,” Mr Njase said.

He said a follow up was made and the sub-Chieftainess was found at the meeting.

“She was arrested together with four others being Paul Kakanga, Rodgers Samundunga, Kennedy Sakavuyi, and Stephen Katoka for the subject offence.

Mr Njase said the five are detained in custody awaiting court appearance.


  1. Look at how paranoid lungu is……..

    Wait until that cyber bill becomes law , you will be arrested for having a group chat of more than 2 people…….

  2. iyee!!! wafya!!! You guys are failing to bring to book the gassers who gassed our people and you have the bolls to nab a weak woman for lawful assembly?

  3. I don’t understand the illegality of the assembly under the leadership of the traditional leaders, speaking to their subjects.

    Chiefs are like parents, and they are not like elected office bearers whose leadership is that of servant and steward.

    Unless there was criminality at this meeting, the government must apologise to the chief and her subjects.

  4. Is it too late to ask God to bring back Magafuli, and in his place, we have someone in mind that has not added value to his country.

    Vote wisely.

  5. Bowman has been having unlawful assemblies for two months and no arrests at all.
    God please deliver us from these people

  6. Very sad. Diamond TV has for weeks now shown crowds of villagers being addressed by PF in Petauke & Chipangali without any arrests……

  7. The royal establishment has been deconstructed under PF rule thus you see it’s divided into pro Lungu faction endorsing his continued stay in power and the anti Lungu continued government leadership! Methodically the PF has eroded the power and esteem of chiefs among their subjects in that the PF through monetary handouts has turned them into party cadres! It’s now like they need permits too to meet with their council and subjects!

  8. So soon meeting for lunch, dinner or even a beer or coffee with 4 or 5 people will be illegal will it, sounds like it in Zambia. A very scared and paranoid gov’t. this gov’t must go.


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