Saturday, July 27, 2024

Do not sell maize before harvest – Chief


Chief Lundu of the Senga speaking people in Chama district in Muchinga Province, has urged farmers in the area not to sell maize before it is harvested.

Chief Lundu says he is aware that some farmers in the district have already started selling their maize fields even before harvest to briefcase buyers who have invaded the chiefdom.

He has said that it is not wise for farmers to sell their maize to unscrupulous buyers and later cry to government for relief food.

Chief Lundu says farmers should first ensure that they secure enough food for their families and only sell the surplus.

He has advised farmers to focus on securing enough grain for their household consumption.

“I want to warn all those farmers selling maize which is still in the field that they will be dealt with accordingly,” said Chief Lundu.

Chief Lundu said Government is spending a lot of money is acquiring farming inputs for the small scale farmers and it is important that the produce is sold to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA).

And Chief Lundu says he is happy with the Governments agricultural policies that he said has resulted in crop bumper harvest for three years running now in the region.

Meanwhile, Chief Lundu has urged farmers to be innovative and engage in diversification.

Chief Lundu says innovative methods of farming are important for improved production.

The traditional leader added that there are a lot crops farmers can grow apart from maize such as soya beans, and cassava.

“Am encouraging our farmers to engage in crop diversification and increase crop production in order to boost household food security, “said Chief Lundu.

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