Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government, IFAD grants K21 Million to 11 cooperatives


Government with support from the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) has disbursed a grant of 21, Million Kwacha to 11 farmer cooperatives from across the country.

The farmers were also trained under the Matching Grant Facility of the Enhanced Smallholder Agribusiness Promotion Programme (E-SAPP).

ZANIS reports that Minister of Agriculture, Michael Katambo, presented the cheques and certificates to the cooperatives during the handover ceremony in Lusaka today.

And Mr Katambo said the government is committed and focused on commercializing all levels of agriculture.

“The government’s desire is to commercialize farming activities through promoting farming as a business”, explained Minister Katambo.

Mr. Katambo further explained that the government is promoting agriculture commercialization through disseminating information on good farming practices, as this is the practical method of improving Agriculture production and Productivity.

Speaking at the same event IFAD Country Director, Brian Kapotwe, stated that the training and grants rendered to cooperatives are aimed at boosting and commercializing their farming activities.

Mr. Kapotwe explained that despite financial challenges across the world due to COVID 19, IFAD will continue to supplement government efforts in the agriculture sector.

In giving a vote of thanks, Francis Chibuye who represented the farmers praised the government and IFAD for the program.

“The knowledge and money will contribute to the change of lifestyle for the farmers as it will improve income generation and food security in their homes and the country at large.


  1. just got my second stimulus package $2800. Money that I don’t need because I have a good job and business(trucking company) that brings in $7000 after expenses per WEEK and Kaizar Zulu will come here ati “you lost your citizenship after you got your blue passport “? Lol how much has corrupt Lungu sent you in this COVID times? Lungu and Kaizar, show us your birth certificates before you can come up with that nonsense. When I want to come to Zambia I will come with my birth certificate that shows I was born there in Mungule, let me see who will tell me I’m not Zambian and on what ground. You people are messed up in your heads. Ati you are not Zambian? Who the heck are you to tell me that.

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