Wednesday, October 23, 2024

HH urges party members to respect Charles Kakoma’s decision to join PF


All the best my dear friend Charles Kakoma

We have been notified of the departure of our former party spokesperson Hon. Charles Kakoma who has today exercised his democratic right to join the PF.
For me, Hon. Kakoma was not only a senior UPND party official, but remains a good friend of mine dating back to our days as classmates at the University of Zambia.
I hold him in high esteem as a professional colleague and later as a politician whom I would like to sincerely thank for his immense contribution towards the growth of our party.
I particularly urge our party members and citizens in general to fully respect his decision to join the PF. His decision arises from his democratic right to choose who he should associate with at any given time.

We have repeatedly said opposition politics in Zambia now is like being a leper and a criminal. One has to pay the heavy price of being ostracized and shunned upon by those that do not want to encroach on the hospitality of the powers that be.

Being in opposition now means enduring brutality, suppression and basically an outcast in our own country.We are reminded of the tribulations and torment that the children of Israel went through during their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. It is not everyone who managed to cross over.

We consider the current situation to that of the biblical times for the children of Israel. We are on a turbulent journey with the suffering Zambian masses. We can see the promised land and request all our citizens to remain strong. It’s darkest before dawn.

‘Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.’ Ephesians 6:11
Let’s continue moving forward.

HH aka Bally
Facebook Post


  1. Real leadership. He knows he will be back like a prodigal son. Sembe nibenangu, there were going to be serious insults

  2. Well said. Unlike some primates who will ridicule and make ignorant comments.

    The only reason this kakoma has joined Planet F00ls is for monetary gain and nothing more.

  3. Dear Bwana HH, basa well said and really timely , you have my Vote and just give us good people for MP in Mandevu and Kabanana shall give
    all my three Votes and all those i shall influence and all reading now . lets keep this wisdom as we move forward

  4. Well spoken my upcoming leader and its true you are in control even if others feel unpleasant just to hear your voice of wisdom it chokes them. God be with you and see you through and through.

  5. Who give a fvck about Kakoma? Even GBM and other Vice president left before, and they are nothing in PF.
    I will only moved if HH dumped UPND before elections like Kambwili did to that copperbelt party.

  6. I think the rift between Charles Kakoma and Hakainde Hichilema started way back. No wonder his post was given to Mweetwa Cornelius.
    Can the UPND cadres please stop saying “it is good riddance”, because there is no smoke without the smouldering fire. The man was sidelined!

  7. There is no need to urge members to respect Kakomas decision. This should come natural in a normal party. Kakoma has already mentioned why he left so do not lie to us that you are friends. This just the beginning because of your hand picked NMC more of your members will leave. So many years without elections.

  8. Charles Kakoma is only human. He was given an offer he couldn’t refuse. Sometime ago Kakoma was reported saying ECL had offered him K3 million, Car,a House, Fuel,a good job etc should he accept defecting from UPND to PF. Initially he resisted the offer. When the offer was revised and improved Charles Kakoma couldn’t resist the offer anymore. Sooner or later details will emrge and reveal how much Kakoma was paid to defect to PF. Kakoma was given plenty of Money and will represent PF in his Home Constituency. Not many people can refuse such an offer after all Principles are not edible.Mr Charles Kakoma welcome to: “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya Mwibala “. Now Charles Kakoma can now “live well”.

  9. Nostradamus, you say GBM was nothing? Well he was actually at the press conference together with kamba, kampyongo and antonyo mwanza putting PF chitenges on kakoma. Am sure he played a role in prizing kakoma from upnd. He did promise that he would crush upnd and his was work has just begun.

  10. Why a senior member to move at
    The eleventh hour? Was he handsomely paid? Or was it politics of the Belly?Or has he seen no chance for HH to pull through?

  11. @ luapula premier

    What evidence do you or your surrogates have that HH’s wealth is through corruption/bribery/stealing. Unlike your drunkard president is a well known convict and has accumulated wealth through corruption and stealing.

    What the hell was he doing with a well known international arms dealer (Zingman). Buying toy guns???

  12. HH though betrayed by his friend he respects Charles Kakoma’ s right to associate with whoever he wants and to join a Party of his choice. HH regrets his friend’s choice but appreciates that in any struggle there are People who fall by the wayside. It takes courage and resiliance to belong to an Opposition Party in Africa which is Ruled by Repressive Regimes.

  13. At first glance on this address by HH on the departure of his friend Charles Kakoma you would be tempted to think that HH has indeed changed his Modus operandi. But when you read on , then you realise that even though HH has had the ability and opportunity to transform himself and his political trajectory he has largely refused to change. And that ingredient has to a larger extent disadvantaged him in the political arena. HH has lost far too many opportunities to redeem himself. Am afraid HH will be remembered for championing a very bad political line of hate in Zambia ??. Sadly HH may or may not be aware of this. The line of politics he has chosen has been overtaken by events but he still digs dipper in the yesteryear politics of hate and perpetual condemnation of the ruling party. Bill…

  14. Sadly HH may or may not be aware of this. The line of politics he has chosen has been overtaken by events but he still digs dipper in the yesteryear politics of hate and perpetual condemnation of the ruling party. Bill 10 was like a trap to catch the impala and HH played right into it and when it flopped he danced to his own demise. We are hoping the new UPND after 12 August will be different and more embracing to all.

  15. Bally is a bitter man.
    I wonder what’s cooking in that inert camp. So Cornelius Mweetwa has taken over Kakoma’s job.
    In PF, it is certain that Kakoma will find colleagues and good people.
    This part of the inert is fond of frustrating good people.

  16. There is only ONE democratic right a person has, and that is to believe the truth or a lie. Mr Kakoma must tell the nation what the truth he believes is. Has he been lying to us all along when he pointed out the alleged misdeeds of the ruling party? Is he telling us that the PF has now changed for the better while UPND is now telling lies? No, bwana, you are either on the right or on the left. Let us scrap this idea that people have a democratic right to join the party of their choice. That right only belongs to people with no party. Those who are already married must give reasons for divorce. They must tell what is wrong with the spouse they have been bragging about all these years and they must tell what is right about the neighbour’s spouse whom they have been despising all along.

  17. Damage control Haha Haha but the damage is already done. By August this f00l will be alone in the party. He has lost over 5 elections and yet continues to impose himself on people. Give others a chance kolokombwa iwe.

  18. When the ground level is ripe for change, others can not see a sinking boat? TAITANIC boat has cracked to an extent that the walls of it can no longer protect water entering inside.
    Pressure has rocked the holes and thousands of people have seen that they are not going anywhere are now sending signores of resque on the heavy waved sea for help. The resqueres are in red and taking all they wise, l have seen Bauleni, Masumba and a lot now jumping into red even MPs are about to.

  19. Kaizar, I agree with you. HH imposed his hand-picked bootlickers and the obvious is happening. Who would like to be insulted and for that Charles Kakoma, with journalism experience nobody as on date has. He was Chief editor of Daily Mail, remain steadfast woh UPND for over 15 years and to be 8bsultedby HH manipulation!
    UPND loses North Wester Province. It loses media support. It loses morality
    No camouflaged words will stop the bleeding.
    All said, I vote for Socialist Party.


  21. Good advice not to disparage anyone because they have decided to take a different route but pray that their new path will be smooth. Kakoma gave his reasons weighing on the decision he made but I am uncomfortable that there is an element of agitating tribal conflict and perpetrating the age old ethnic conflict between tribes of Northwestern Province for to justify his desire for inclusiveness he picks a tribe as not represented! This is a dangerous way of addressing issues to any leadership and should not be politicized by anybody!

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