Saturday, July 27, 2024

Allegations of rigging the 2021 General elections are baseless and mere propaganda-CSOs


A consortium of Civil Society Organizations says allegations of rigging the 2021 General elections are baseless and mere propaganda.

Addressing journalists in Lusaka today, Coalition spokeperson Andrew Ntewewe said they have noted with dismay and utter disappointment a paid-for statement in the guardian and mail newspaper attributed to a Zambian, Shishuwa Shishuwa.

Mr. Ntewewe said the Coalition is gravely disappointed that a Zambian can choose to scandalise his own country by claiming that the 2021 elections will be rigged when in fact it is mere propaganda.

“As the international community may be aware, Zambia has held peaceful elections which have been credible, free and fair. Zambia has very strong democratic institutions that have ensured peace and stability over the years,” Mr.Ntewewe said.

“Over the years, Zambia’s elections have been held under the full glare of both local and international observers. Our Electoral system as a country is extremely transparent and allows for political party agents to monitor and observe the counting of ballots at the polling station,” he said.

Mr. Ntewewe adds that this process ensures that all participants in an election are able to participate in the electoral process from the grassroots upto the national totalling centre.

“The allegations are therefore unfounded and baseless. We warn Shishuwa, his co-conspirators and sponsors to stop the rot,” Mr.Ntewewe said.

“Such kind of wild and unfounded allegations have the potential to cause anarchy in our country,” he said.


  1. Bakapyanga ema Zambia’s news makers. And you expect a country to move forward? Why do you people in Zambia even think Zambia can develop? With these numbskulls in the forefront? People whose brains are eaten by the smell from the pit latrines? Keep wasting your time. There will be no Zambia if PF wins in August. All these Malawians cannot change your country. Look at Malawi. Madonna might have to adopt the all country. Those are the people leading Zambia. Mtewewe? From where?

  2. This guy clearly is in the pocket of PF. How much money did GBM or KZ give you? You will eat your words on August 13 for sure, naive man, what fantasy do you live in?

  3. NONSENSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It’s a fact the New Voters Roll is compromised and has disenfranchised many People. U can’t have a Credible Election without a Credible Voters Roll. U can’t have a Credible Election if u are breaching the Republican Constitution. U can’t have a Credible Election if the level playing is uneven. U can’t have a free and fair Election if ECL imposes himself on Zambians thru an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term. Period.

  5. Sishuwa, here is another candidate to sue. By time you reach court there will a lot of Zambian calling you article sh!t and you should sue them

  6. Shishuwa Shishuwa : showing great love and support for He’s country.

    “But the educated citizen knows how much more there is to know. He knows that “knowledge is power,” more so today than ever before. He knows that only an educated and informed people will be a free people, that the ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all, and that if we can, as Jefferson put it, “enlighten the people generally … tyranny and the oppressions of mind and body will vanish, like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” And, therefore, the educated citizen has a special obligation to encourage the pursuit of learning, to promote exploration of the unknown, to preserve the freedom of inquiry, to support the advancement of research, and to assist at every level of government the…

  7. improvement of education for all Americans, from grade school to graduate school.” JFK

    PF time out.

  8. Losers are always quick to allege rigging even before an election has taken place. Your hh is unelectable. Even a mad man can tell you that it is f00lish to nominate the same baboon who has been losing elections. And yet your tribal stubbornness won’t allow you to listen.

  9. There is a difference between listening and seeing. Some just see and listen. Some UPND Cadres don’t see but only listen, we have spoken but they don’t listen. Once they lose the coming election they starting looking to 2026 to win. Try to change your way of doing things and thinking.

  10. So in your thinking government should stop working until after elections. Sorry, people have all along received handouts but still Vote for a candidate of their choice. For we do not see the alternative to the PF. UPND has a lot to improve if they are to win elections OK be day. Just see his many if their PMs fi not want to stand and how many gave applied to stand on PF ticket. Unless you are blind, you will be dreaming of rigging. But gjkdr with eyes are seeing and know the PF will still win.

  11. Obviously, all allegations are made-up because we never saw so much accusations on PF earlier, this is only happing during the period of elections.

  12. UPND leader Hichilema has made a media team especially to create and spread false information targeting the ruling party. That is why HH was strongly opposing the Cybersecurity and Cybercrime law.

  13. Sishuwa is being vindicated. The Compromised Voters Roll will not produce Credible Elections. On ECL’s Eligibility Concourt is likely to disappoint just as it did on the 2016 Presidential Petition. These Constitutional breaches will lead to disputed and Rigged Elections in 2021. Sishuwa is Right on the Money as his fears and prophecies are being confirmed. The prospect for a violent, rigged and disputed 2021 Elections are very high.

  14. I am not shocked by this news…whatever chaos happing across the country is simply baseless and holds no truth.

  15. The new cybercrime law will end this problem, there is no doubt about it. But, the government official should also need to be active on a social media platform and react to the false allegations. So that people will get clarity.

  16. UPND’s political campaign is based on spreading fake news. As we all know, HH has zero work to show, he needs something based on which he can ask for sympathy votes.

  17. Some fools can never understand how dirty game HH plays to get the political benefit. He killed two men through the fake police at Lusaka police headquarters. He is cruel and evil!

  18. Hichilema is a dictator, he imposes his thoughts on others. Even his party members are fed up with his behavior.

  19. HH and his team have forgotten one thing, by spreading lies they are directly and indirectly promoting PF. We are just hearing news of PF and only PF.????? I think even some people must be getting dreams about PF?

  20. Mr. Ntewewe said it right, the country has very strong democratic institutions that have ensured peace and stability over the years. And I don’t think Hichilema can ever break it.

  21. @Kaiza Zulu when you call HH a baboon because is Tonga you are insulting all Tongas including myself.This is what caused a Genocide in Rwanda be mindful of what you say because we shall not tolerate anymore.Zambia is our country all of su.

  22. He keeps learning more and more about less and less now he knows everything about nothing
    He may talk like a f00l and act like a f00l, but don’t get the wrong idea about him — he is a f00l

  23. Ntewewe should just shut up. It’s not a Secret that ECL cannot win a Popular Vote in Zambia. The only way to retain Power is to rig the 2021 Election massively. Already the New Voters Roll has been manipulated in favour of ECL and PF. U can’t have a Credible Election without a Credible Voters Roll. ECL is also stealing a Third Term. Article 106 (3) of the Republican Constitution says A Person who has held Office twice cannot contest Elections for a Third Time. This Constitutional Provision prohibits ECL from standing for a Third Term.

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